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1-27 of about 27
ARIMITSU Kohki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - compassion, self-compassion, mindfulness, shame, emotion, loving-kindness meditation, guilt, cognitive behavior therapy, Clinical Affective Science, パーソナリティ心理学,臨床感情科学
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ASAZU Yoshiyuki [ Special Instructor of Language ]
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Keywords - 日本語教育, 実践研究, 協働学習, PBL, 教師の役割
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FUJII HIROSHI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 地域福祉, 地域福祉実践, 地域福祉計画
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HAMAMOTO NOBUHIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 教育社会学 学校臨床学 学校の教育改善 インクルーシブ教育 人権教育
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HARADA Daisuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - インクルーシブ教育, 国語科教育, 授業研究
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Harada Masaki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス科学認識論, 数学と物理学の哲学, 自然哲学
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HARADA Tetsushi [ Professor ]
My research interest is in the history of socio-economic thought,especifically on the development of the ...
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Keywords - History of Economic Thought, History of Social Thought, especially of German-speaking countries, とりわけドイツ語圏諸国のそれ, 文化と社会の経済学, 社会思想史, 経済思想史
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HOSOI Takuji [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Electron Device, Interface, Semiconductor Engineering, 半導体工学, 界面物性, 電子デバイス
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IMAI Nobuo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 文化社会学
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IMURA Masataka [ Professor ]
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Keywords - バーチャルリアリティ,ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション,生体医工学
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KANBE Hidehiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 民法, 環境法
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Keywords - 航空宇宙工学, 先進軽量構造システム, Bio-inspired構造システム
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KOGAWA MASAHIRO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 西洋美術史 美学 表象文化論
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KUBO Shin [ Professor ]
My research interests are in the history of economics in general and in the development of the science in Britain from the 18th to the 19th century, in particular. It was in this period that economics as a scie ...
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Keywords - History of Economics, 経済学史
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KUBOTA MAKOTO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - いじめ, 万引き, 教育社会学
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Keywords - 公法学
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MATSUDA Yuusuke [ Professor ]
Marine diatom is an extremely important primary producing organism which is responsible for up to 20% the annual global carbon fixation. Our research aim is to elucidate molecular mechanisms of fundamental func ...
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Keywords - Plant Molecular Physiology, Marine Bio-technology, Marine Bio-technology, Plant Molecular Physiology, 植物分子生理学, 海洋生物工学
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Keywords - アジア都市計画・デザイン, 海外都市開発協力, 都市・交通政策
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MORITA Masaya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 上方文学, 伝統芸能, 俳諧, 文芸学, 日本近世文学, 海洋文化, 西鶴, 上方文学, 伝統芸能, 俳諧, 文芸学, 日本近世文学, 海洋文化, 西鶴
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NAGATA Noriko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - fMRIを用いた共感覚・色聴の脳活動計測, イメージスケール, ピアノ演奏CGアニメーション, ピアノ演奏スキルの解析, マルチスペクトルイメージング, 布の異方性透過散乱特性のモデリングとレンダリング, 感性価値創出技術, 映像・音楽などディジタルメディアが持つ感性情報の理解・表現および評価に関する研究, 音楽情報処理, 顔画像を用いた主観年齢の研究
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NAGATOMO Jun [ Professor ]
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Keywords - オーストラリア社会, グローバリゼーション論, 文化人類学, 日本社会, 社会学, 移住・移民研究
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NODA Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 行政法, 行政法
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OUCHI Akiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 人的資源管理, 経営学
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Satoshi Ikeno [ Professor ]
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Keywords - traumatoloty, mindfulness, therapeutic relationship, clinical social work
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SHIBATA MANABU [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Community Work, Social Welfare, Social and Solidarity Economy, コミュニティワーク, 社会的連帯経済, 社会福祉学
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TAKAHASHI Isao [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Diffraction Physics, Surface Physics, 回析物理学, 表面物理学
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Keywords - Compliance, コーポレート・ガバナンス, Spin-Out, German Companies, Family Businesses, Mittelstand, Corporate Governance, Co-determination in German Companies, 経営学, Strategy, 経営管理, 企業倫理, 組織管理, 経営学
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