Search Results by Affiliation: School of International Studies
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AKHTER TASLIMA [ Assistant Professor ]
Taslima AKHTER joined the School of International Studies (SIS) of Kwansei Gakuin University in April 2021. She received her Ph.D. in Advance Management from the Institute of Business & Accounting, Kwansei Gaku ...
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Keywords - Integrated Reporting, Management, Sustainability Management, Integrated Reporting, Management, Sustainability Management
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ANDREWS ROBERT [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
My background is in Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language. In particular, my teaching and researc ...
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Keywords - Academic Writing, Pragmatics, Computer Assisted Language Learning
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Keywords - General Trading Company (sogo-shosha), Globalization and Japan, Innovation, イノベーション, グローバル化と日本, 総合商社
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BRENES IVAN MARTIN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
With a background in international relations, I came to my research focus on language endangerment over t ...
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Keywords - language endangerment, orthography of sociolinguistics, linguistic landscape
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CAO ZHI [ Instructor of Chinese as a Foreign Language ]
My research mainly focuses on two fields. Firstly, I’m researching Chinese as a second language for forei ...
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Keywords - 中国語教授法, 日中両国漢字の比較研究, 日中両言語の語彙の比較研究, International Chinese Language Education; Comparative Study of Kanji between China and Japan; Usage of Chinese Idiom; Comparative Study of Synonyms between Chinese Language and Japanese Language
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DICKERSON LUCAS ALAN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - English as a Foreign Language
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FRANCOIS DE SOETE [ Associate Professor ]
Dr. Francois de Soete is a political philosopher who focuses on political philosophy and international relations. He received his Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia, where his doctoral work focused p ...
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Keywords - Political Philosophy,International Relations Theory,Environmental Ethics, Environmental Ethics, International Relations Theory, Political Philosophy
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HASHIMOTO CHIKAKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス革命, 社交, gastronomie, フランスの食, 社交, 美食, 食の制度化, 食卓の思想, 食文化
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HOUGHTON SCOTT DEAN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
Initially, my research focused on the secondary and cumulative effects of Processing Instruction, demonstrating that learners could transfer their training to process and produce another morphological form on w ...
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Keywords - Cognitive Psychology, Genre Writing, Grammar Instruction, Input Processing, Learner Autonomy, Learning Strategies,, Cognitive Psychology, Genre Writing, Grammar Instruction, Input Processing, Learner Autonomy, Learning Strategies,
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INADA Eiichi [ Instructor of Japanese as a Foreign Language ]
I have taught Japanese to non-native speakers both in Japan and abroad. Through my deep involvement with international students, who are studying Japanese in order to work in Japan or to pursue university or gr ...
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Keywords - Japanese Language Education, Japanese Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
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JANETTE McINTOSH [ Professor ]
The health and well-being of a population is intrinsically connected to the health of its environment and our planet. With this understanding and my background in environmental science, health promotion, and ec ...
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Keywords - Climate Justice, Intercultural Relations, Reconciliation, Faith & Advocacy
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KALOVICS DALMA [ Assistant Professor ]
KÁLOVICS Dalma received her Ph.D. degree in manga studies from Kyoto Seika University in 2019. Her thesis ...
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Keywords - Manga Studies, Media Studies, Japanese Pop Culture
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KARAVASILEV YANI [ Associate Professor ]
My research is focused on the international activities of Japanese companies, including hiring workers from other countries and investing overseas. The purpose of my research is to identify best practices and f ...
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Keywords - Economic growth, International Economics, International Human Resource Management
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KOBAYASHI, Toshio [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Coporate Organization and Strategy, Innovation, Technology Management, 経営組織・戦略 技術経営 イノベーション
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MATSUOKA MAYUKO [ Assistant Professor ]
My specialty is English education and educational psychology, and my final degree is a Master of Arts (Human and Environmental Studies). I am conducting research on two themes to help learners of English as a f ...
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Keywords - リーディング,物語理解,スピーキング(グループディスカッション),自己調整学習,物語説得,動機づけ,学習方略
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NAMBA AYAKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 異文化語用論, 社会言語学, 談話分析
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OGITA TOMOKO [ Instructor of Japanese as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - アカデミックジャパニーズ, オランダ, ライティング評価, 外国にルーツを持つ子ども, 文章構成, 日本語教育
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SOK HYUNGOENG [ Instructor of Korean as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - 対照言語学, 韓国語教育, 韓国語文法
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Takamura Mineo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ文学, モダニズム, 比較文学
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TOMOSHIGE YUUKI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - レトリック, 米国大統領スピーチ, 認知言語学
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TSUCHIE AYA [ Assistant Professor ]
My research interest lies in the areas closely related to classroom teaching for English as a foreign/second language. This is because of my desire to apply the findings from the research to improve my teaching ...
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Keywords - Pedagogy for Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language , Foreign/Second Language Acquisition , English Education
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YODER HEATHER [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
I teach English by creating classroom communities. I am interested in learning about how mindful practice increases student participation in class. I am also interested in how reading and writing for fun and cr ...
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Keywords - creative writing, extensive reading, mindfulness
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Yui Miharu [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 南アジア地域研究, 安全保障研究, 現代インド政治
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HASE Naoya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語教授法
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HIRABAYASHI Takahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - キリスト教学, 北欧(デンマーク)の宗教と文化, 宗教学
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Keywords - 中国経済論, 農業経済学, 開発経済学
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Holger Robert Bungsche [ Professor ]
Social-economic model; industrial relations; globalization; automobile industry; motorization and automobile culture, regional industry studies, EU studies
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Keywords - Economic history, Economic sociology, Industrial sociology, Labour sociology, 労働社会学, 産業社会学, 経営史, 経済史, 経済社会学
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IGUCHI Haruo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - American History, International Security Studies, U.S. Foreign Relataions and Politics, U.S.-Japan Relations, アメリカ史, アメリカ政治・外交, 安全保障, 日米関係
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KIMOTO Keiichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 会計学
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KOJIMA Koji [ Professor ]
My research interests are primary in the fields of: Financial accounting, corporate finance, real estate industry including REIT, financial institutions, and family-firms in Japan.
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Keywords - Corporate governance, entrepreneur, Accounting, Corporate governance, Finance, Financial institutions, ファイナンス, 会計学, 金融機関
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Keywords - Development Economics, International Finance, Macroeconomics, マクロ経済学, 国際金融論, 開発経済学
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MARUKUSU Kyouichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 公共政策, 政治学, 社会学
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MIYAKE Yasuyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国政治研究, 国際政治学, 比較政治学
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MIYATA Yukio [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ経済論, 産業組織論
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NAGATOMO Jun [ Professor ]
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Keywords - オーストラリア社会, グローバリゼーション論, 文化人類学, 日本社会, 社会学, 移住・移民研究
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OISHI Taro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Human Geography, 人文地理学
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SAKURADA Daizo [ Professor ]
I specialize in international relations, esp. postwar Canadian foreign policy and Canada-US relations. The recent publications include, Canada and Its American Alliance: NORAD in Focus (Japanese from Keiso Shob ...
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Keywords - Canadian diplomacy, Canadian-American relaions, comparative foreign policy, international history, international relations, カナダ地域研究), スタディスキルとライティングスキルの研究, 国際関係史(特に戦後の加米関係史), 国際関係論(比較政治・外交, 大学と社会
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SEKIYA Takeshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 教育社会学
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SHIGEMASA Kimikazu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際政治学, ASEAN研究
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SHIHO Kei [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 労働経済, 国際的な人の移動研究, 国際移民論, 外国人政策, 移民政策
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Timothy Yun Hui Tsu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Culture, History, Religion
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WANG Yu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - International Accounting, 国際会計
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YOSHIMURA Sachiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際機構論, 国際法
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YOUN Sunghee [ Professor ]
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Keywords - コミュニケーション, 対照言語学, 省略と情報伝達
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YU Kang [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本語と中国語の対照研究, 日本語学, 誤用研究と第二言語習得, 日本語と中国語の対照研究, 日本語学, 誤用研究と第二言語習得
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