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-99-0 of about 76
ARIMITSU Kohki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - compassion, self-compassion, mindfulness, shame, emotion, loving-kindness meditation, guilt, cognitive behavior therapy, Clinical Affective Science, パーソナリティ心理学,臨床感情科学
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CHIN HYANGSUN [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - イルカ, ヒトと動物の関係学, 動物トレーニング, 比較認知科学, 水族館, 環境エンリッチメント, 自己認知, 行動分析学, 鯨類, ヒトと動物の関係学, 比較認知科学, 行動分析学
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DOI MASAYUKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 初期近代イギリス演劇・詩・文化/シェイクスピア
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Keywords - 日本文学
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Hamada Takuji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 文化地理学,地域・民俗文化,工芸
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HANAKI HIRONAO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - グローバリゼーション, 村落地理学, 近代, グローバリゼーション, 村落地理学, 近代
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Harada Masaki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス科学認識論, 数学と物理学の哲学, 自然哲学
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Keywords - 日本中世史 足利尊氏 足利義満 足利義政 織田信長 明智光秀
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HAYASHI TOMOHIRO [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - 空間認知, 認知神経科学
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HITOKOTO HIDEFUMI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ウェル・ビーイング, 価値観, 幸福感, 感情, Culture, Cross-culture, 自己, 負債感, 文化心理学, 比較文化心理学, 社会心理学
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ITO YUICHI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 認知心理学,記憶,思考
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Kageyama Yohei [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 現象学 解釈学 実存思想 近現代ドイツ哲学 近代日本哲学
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KIMURA HARUKA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 18世紀, Hurdy-gurdy, Leier, Drehleier, Radleier, ヴィエル, vielle, vielle à roue, 器楽, 楽器学, 演奏会, Musicology
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Keywords - 日本近代文学, 夏目漱石, 日系移民, ジェンダー, メディア, 文体, 移民, 結核, 読者
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KOBAYASHI HONAMI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 探索, 注意
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KOGAWA MASAHIRO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 西洋美術史 美学 表象文化論
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KOISHI KATSURA [ Professor ]
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Keywords - musicology, 音楽学
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MATSUURA NAMIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 19世紀後半のフランス詩, ステファヌ・マラルメ
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MITSUMA YASUYUKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Late Babylonian Astronomical Diaries, Seleucid Empire, アッカド語, 楔形文字, アルシャク朝, セレウコス朝, バビロン, 天文日誌, 楔形文字, 西洋古代史
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MIZUMORI AKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ文学
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Morikawa Hiroki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国近現代史・政治思想史
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PUYO BAPTISTE [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本語学, フランス語学, 対照言語学, 意味論
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SAKAMOTO Yuichiro [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - イギリス史, 西洋史, イギリス史, 経済史, 西洋史
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SAKANE Takahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ文学
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SATO HIROSHI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, 臨床児童青年心理学, 臨床心理学, 認知行動療法
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SHIMOHARA MIHO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - やまと絵, 住吉派, 在外日本美術コレクション, 江戸絵画
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SUGISAKI Koji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 母語獲得, 生成文法理論, 言語心理学
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TAKAGAKI Yumi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - French education, French linguistics, text linguistics, テクスト言語学, フランス語学, フランス語教育
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TAKAHASHI ATSUSHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 中世哲学, 自然哲学
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TSUJIMOTO OSUKE [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 中古語, 古代語, 引用表現, 複合辞, 中古語, 古代語, 引用表現, 複合辞
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UWAGAWA YU [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ文学, 思想史, 文化史
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YAGI MIDORI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 倫理学, 啓蒙思想, 近現代ドイツ哲学
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YAMAKAWA AKI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 染織史, 工芸史, 美術史
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ARAYAMA Masahiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 地理学, 旅行の文化史, 風景論の系譜
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GOTO Yukako [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 前近代イラン史, 西アジア・イスラーム史
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HASHIMOTO Nobuya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - バルト地域研究, ロシア史, 教育史, 西洋史
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KOMEMUSHI Masami [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Philosophie, 哲学
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KUME Akira [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 哲学
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KUWABARA Yoshihiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 演劇・映像・アニメーション・現代の諸芸術, 演劇・映像・アニメーション・現代の諸芸術
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MIZUKOSHI Tomo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Chinese history, Chinese history, 中国史
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NAKANISHI Yasuhiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本史(古代)
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NAKATANI Koji [ Professor ]
History of Byzantine Empire
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Keywords - European and American History, 西洋史学
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NARITA Shizuka [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国学
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SATOU Tatsurou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 東洋史
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SHIMURA Hiroshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本近世史
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TAKAOKA Hiroyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本近現代史
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YAMAGUCHI Satoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 社会地理学
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KATAYAMA Junichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Cognitive neuroscience, Cognitive psychophysiology, Psychoengineering, 心理工学, 認知心理生理学, 認知神経科学
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KATSURADA Emiko [ Professor ]
Child Development, Attachment, Parent-child Relationship, Gender, Touch
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Keywords - Developmental Psychology, 発達心理学
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NAKAJIMA Sadahiko [ Professor ]
My major interest lies in psychological processes of learning and memory. I am doing experimental researc ...
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Keywords - animal cognition, experimental behavior analysis, human-animal relationships, psychology of learning, 動物心理学, 学習心理学, 行動分析学
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NARITA Kenichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - パーソナリティ心理学, 感情心理学, 生涯発達心理学
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OGAWA Hirokazu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Cognitive psychology, Perceptual psychology, Vision science, 知覚心理学, 視覚科学, 認知心理学
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ONO Hisae [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 精神医学
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OTAKE Keiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 健康心理学
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SATO Nobuya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - empathy, 学習, spatial cognition, 空間認知,記憶, memory, 空間認知,記憶
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SHIMAZAKI Tsuneo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 実験心理学
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YONEYAMA Naoki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 臨床心理学
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Andreas Rusterholz [ Professor ]
New Testament, Parables, Hermeneutics
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Keywords - Hermeneutics, New Testament, 新約聖書学, 解釈学
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Daniel Gallimore [ Professor ]
I obtained my doctorate at the University of Oxford in 2001 with a thesis on the poetics of Japanese tran ...
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Keywords - Shakespeare translation and reception in Japan; English literature, イギリス文学, 日本におけるシェイクスピア翻訳 (坪内逍遥等)
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HASHIMOTO Yasunaka [ Professor ]
Yasunaka Hashimoto specializes in 19th-century American literature, including Herman Melville and Nathaniel Hawthorne. He reads novels carefully and tranquilly, examining the themes of faith and family in the m ...
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Keywords - American literature, アメリカ文学
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HOSHIYAMA Ken [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中古文学 物語
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KITAMURA Masayuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Japanese medieval literature, Narrative of history, War chronicle, 日本中世文学, 歴史叙述, 軍記物語
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KUBO Akihiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス20世紀文学, モダニズムと前衛, 文学理論
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KUSUMOTO Kiyomi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 言語学
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MIYASHITA Hiroyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ語学, 言語類型論, 認知言語学
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MORITA Masaya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 上方文学, 伝統芸能, 俳諧, 文芸学, 日本近世文学, 海洋文化, 西鶴, 上方文学, 伝統芸能, 俳諧, 文芸学, 日本近世文学, 海洋文化, 西鶴
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MURAKAMI Ken [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本語学
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MURAYAMA Isamitsu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - German literature, ドイツ文学
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NIIZEKI Yoshitaka [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ医学史, アメリカ文学
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NISHIYAMA Keiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ文学
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ODA Ryou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス語学, 言語学
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TAKEYAMA Tomoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 初期近代イギリス詩, 女性作家, Early Modern English poetry, Female writing, Interpretation of the Bible, 聖書解釈
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TOURA Hiroki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Art dramatique, フランス語フランス文学
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URA Hiroyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数理言語学, 理論言語学・英語学
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YAMAMOTO Keiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語学
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YOKOUCHI Kazuo [ Professor ]
English fiction
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Keywords - English Literature, イギリス文学
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