Search Results by Affiliation: School of Law and Politics
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-9-0 of about 55
ABE Shota [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Criminal Policy, Criminal Procedure Law, Korean Criminal law, 刑事政策, 刑事訴訟法, 韓国刑事法
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Christian Morimoto Hermansen [ Professor ]
The History of Danish Christian Mission to Japan, The Beggars' Guild in Edo-Period Osaka, Religions and Community in Japan, The retelling of Genesis' Story about Joseph in music and movies.
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Keywords - Beggars' Guild in Osaka, Genesis' Tale of Joseph, Kannon Faith, Lutheran Mission History in Japan, 創世記のヨセフ物語, 大坂の四ヶ所の歴史, 宣教の歴史, 観音信仰
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FUJITA Masafumi [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際政治経済 / 国際制度 / 開放的国際経済体制
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HASHIBA NORIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ジェンダー法学, 司法アクセス, 法社会学
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HAYAKAWA Yuki [ Associate Professor ]
I have worked on researching the political institutional factors governing the introduction and review of risk regulation and risk management in the environmental and food safety fields. In recent years, I have ...
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Keywords - Public Policy, Public Administration, 政治学, 行政学
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Keywords - 不作為犯, 共犯, 刑事政策, 刑法, 経済刑法
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INOUE TAKESHI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 憲法, 憲法裁判, 結社の自由
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Ishikawa Keiichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 応用言語学・第二言語獲得・音声学
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KAMIMURA Tsuyoshi [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 西洋政治思想史、アメリカ革命、権力分立
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KAWAMURA Katsutoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 哲学, 思想史, 哲学, 思想史
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LEE SOONYOUN [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 多文化社会, 異文化間コミュニケーション, 韓国語教育
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MATSUDA MASAHARU [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 保険法, 商取引法
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MATSUMOTO KAZUHIRO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - イングランド法学, 西洋法史
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MORIMOTO Ikuyo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 会話分析, 日本語教育学, 会話分析, 日本語教育学
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MUTO SHO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - スペイン・ポルトガル政治史, ヨーロッパ政治史, 権威主義体制
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NOGAMI Yoko [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - English as a lingua franca (ELF), Cross-cultural pragmatics, L2 Speaker's identity, Cross-cultural pragmatics, English as a lingua franca (ELF), L2 Speaker's identity, 共通語としての英語, 異文化間語用論, 第二言語話者のアイデンティティ
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NOMURA Jun [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - first language acquisition, construction, context, second language acquisition, phonetics, phonology, lexicon
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OGASAWARA AI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Modernism and Body, writing and the visual, Ernest Hemingway, Paris in the 1920s
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OGAWA YAMATO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 公共政策、地方自治, 協働, 農業・農村経営
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OHIGASHI Kazushige [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国近現代文学, 台湾文学, 日中比較文学, 日本近現代文学, 比較文化論
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OKADA HIROSHI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 自治体法務, 行政法
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Keywords - Liberation Theology, New Testament studies, Theology, キリスト教学, 新約聖書学, 解放の神学
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OSTHEIDER Teja [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 社会言語学, 言語政策論, 言語文化教育学
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Saito Tamitomo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ソフトロー, 国際人権, 国際法の法源, international norm, 法と文化, ソフトロー論, 国際人権法, 国際法(方法論・基礎理論)
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SASAGAWA Toshihiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - EU会社法, フランス会社法, 会社法, 組織再編
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TAKI HISANORI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 不当利得, 契約, 民法
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TANAKA YUKI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 刑法、犯罪、法益主体(被害者)の同意、罪数
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TANIKAWA Kazuyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Copyright Law, Intellectual Property Law, 知的財産法, 著作権法
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TSUKADA Yukihiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - American Studies, Film Studies, Studies of Culture and Representation, アメリカ研究, 映画学, 表象文化論
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UEDA Kazuhiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス文学・思想
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Keywords - Private International Law, 国際民事手続法
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YAMAGUCHI Ryoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 家族法, 民法
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Keywords - 契約, 性質決定, 民法
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YOSHIDA Motoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - EU, 民事手続法
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KITAYAMA Toshiya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 公共政策学, 行政学
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MOCHIZUKI Yasue [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際協力論, 国際機構論, 国際法
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TAKASHIMA Chiyo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本政治史
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TOMIDA Kouji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本政治思想史
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YAMADA Masahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 政治学
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ZENKYO Masahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 政治意識論, 政治行動論
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ICHITAKA Ryoji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際租税法, 租税会計, 租税法
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ISEDA Michihito [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 会社法, 商法, 金融商品取引法
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ISHIDA Masayoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 会社法, 商法, 金融商品取引法
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KAWAMURA Yasushi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国法史学
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KIMURA Hitoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Anglo-American Law, Law of Contracts, Law ot Trusts, 信託法, 英米契約法, 英米法
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MAEDA Masako [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 生活保護, 地方自治法, 社会保障法, 行政法
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MORIYA Hiromitsu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本法史
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NODA Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 行政法, 行政法
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ONISHI Kunihiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 民法
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UCHIYAMA Eiji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 民事訴訟法
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UEKI Kazumoto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 法理学(法哲学)
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WATANABE Tsutomu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 民法(財産法)
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YAMADA Naoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Criminal procedure law, 刑事訴訟法
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YANAGIYA Takayasu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ労働法, 企業内福利厚生, 労働法, 労働者概念, 就業規則, 従業員代表制, 職業紹介制度
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YANAI Kenichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 憲法学
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