Search Results by Affiliation: School of Economics
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AKIYOSHI Fumio [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 金融論
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DAIDO Kohei [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 契約理論, 組織の経済学, 行動経済学
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DEN Ka [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国語, 比較社会文化学
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DUBIN BRIAN D. [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
I am interested in computer-assisted language learning, as well as mobile-assisted language learning and have been conducting research using a free online social learning platform called Flipgrid. How technolog ...
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Keywords - Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning, Task-based Language Teaching, Learner Development
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FUJII Eiji [ Professor ]
My research interests lie mainly in the fields of international finance. While we live in an era of so-called globalizing economy, there are various puzzles and anomalies regarding how markets are organized and ...
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Keywords - debt, international finance and economics, 国際経済・金融, 負債
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FUJIWARA Kenji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 理論経済学
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FUNAKI Jou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - キリスト教学, 宗教哲学
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HARADA Tetsushi [ Professor ]
My research interest is in the history of socio-economic thought,especifically on the development of the ...
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Keywords - History of Economic Thought, History of Social Thought, especially of German-speaking countries, とりわけドイツ語圏諸国のそれ, 文化と社会の経済学, 社会思想史, 経済思想史
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HASEGAWA Noriko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本語学, 日本語教育学
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HIGASHIDA Keisaku [ Professor ]
1. The first main research topic is "Trade and the Environment." In particular, I have been focusing on ( ...
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Keywords - 国際経済学, 環境経済学, 資源経済学
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Hiroaki Ino [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 応用ミクロ経済学, 環境経済学, 産業組織論
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HONGO Ryo [ Professor ]
History of Economics, History of Economic Thought
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Keywords - America, Japan, Pigou, econometrics, economics, history, welfare, アメリカ, ピグー, 厚生, 日本, 歴史, 経済学, 計量
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HORI Keiichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Macroeconomics, Industrial Organization, Financial Economics, Financial Economics, Industrial Organization, Macroeconomics, マクロ経済学, 産業組織, 金融経済学
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IM RYONGHUN [ Associate Professor ]
My research interests are theoretical research in asset bubbles and macroeconomics. Recently, I examine the role of aggregate demand in a macroeconomic model of rational bubbles.
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Keywords - Asset price bubble, Macro economics, マクロ経済, 資産価格バブル
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KAJII Atsushi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Economic Theory, Game Theory, General Equilibrium, Information, ミクロ経済学, 情報の経済学 一般均衡理論 金融市場理論 ゲーム理論, Economic Theory, 経済理論
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KOBAYASHI Nobuo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中小企業論, 地域産業論, 産業構造論
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KOMURA MIZUKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 公共経済学, 労働経済学, 家族の経済学
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KOZUMI Hideo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Bayesian statistics, Econometrics, Markov chain Monte Carlo, ベイズ統計学, マルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ法, 計量経済学
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KUBO Shin [ Professor ]
My research interests are in the history of economics in general and in the development of the science in Britain from the 18th to the 19th century, in particular. It was in this period that economics as a scie ...
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Keywords - History of Economics, 経済学史
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KUNIEDA Takuma [ Professor ]
Dr. Takuma Kunieda received a Bachelor's degree (in agriculture) and a Master's degree (in economics) from Kyoto University. He received a Ph.D. in economics from Brown University. Before joining Kwansei Gakuin ...
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Keywords - マクロ経済学・経済成長, 内生的景気循環, 政治経済, 金融市場
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KUNIHAMA TSUYOSHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ベイズ統計学,社会調査分析,ノンパラメトリック法
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KURITA Kyousuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 環境経済学, 開発経済学
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KUROKAWA HIROFUMI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics
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MARUTANI KYOHEI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ミクロ経済学、制度設計論、マッチング理論
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Masatoshi Kato [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Economics of Entrepreneurship, Economics of Innovation, アントレプレナーシップの経済学,イノベーションの経済学,
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MASUNAGA Toshikazu [ Professor ]
Toshikazu Masunaga focuses on 19th century American literature and culture in his research, particularl ...
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Keywords - 19th Century American Novels and Culture, American Literature and Culture, 19世紀アメリカ小説, 19世紀アメリカ文化, アメリカ文学・文化, Tourism in 19th Century America, American Literature and Culture, アメリカ文学・文化
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MATSUEDA Norimichi [ Professor ]
I am currently working on several projects related to the interactions between voluntary environmental actions taken by private corporations and public environmental policies, from both positive and normative p ...
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Keywords - Applied Microeconomics, Political Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Political Economics, 環境・資源経済学,応用ミクロ経済学,政治経済学
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Keywords - 韓国語教育学、外国語教科書、多文化社会、キャリア形成支援
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MCDONOUGH BEN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
The main focus of my approach is to create a space where learners feel at ease to communicate with their ...
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Keywords - Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Task-Based Learning, L2 Learner Identity
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MIYAWAKI Koji [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Bayesian econometrics, Markov chain Monte Carlo method, ベイズ統計学, マルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ法, 計量経済学
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MORITA Yuriko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - イギリス小説・文化, ライフ・ライティング
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MOSKOWITZ NICOLE [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
Computer Assisted Language Learning, Speaking and Listening Fluency, Complexity Accuracy and Fluency, Foreign Language Anxiety
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Keywords - ESL, Anxiety, Fluency
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MURAKAMI KAYO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Social labeling, Energy, Public Policy, Consumer behavior, Environmental Economics
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NAKAGAWA Shinji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ語教育, 授業分析, 海外の日本人コミュニティ, 異文化間コミュニケーション, 談話分析
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NIMURA JUNKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス語圏, 比較文化、美学芸術史、美術史、東アジアの近代化、表象、文化研究, 藝術学
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NISHIMURA Tomo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 労働経済学, 家計行動の経済学
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OGAWA Yoshitomo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 公共経済学, 家族の経済学, 財政
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OHDOI RYOJI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - マクロ経済学,経済成長理論
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OKADA Toshihiro [ Professor ]
Research Field: Macroeconomics (Business cycles, Economic Growth)
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Keywords - Macroeconomics
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SHIRAI Koji [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ミクロ経済学 (Microeconomics), 単調比較静学理論 (Monotone comparative statics), 顕示選好理論 (Revealed preference)
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STONES, Thomas Patrick [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
I have a range of research interests relating to language teaching that reflects the broad nature of skills effective language teachers need to best meet the learners' needs. Primarily though, I am interested i ...
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Keywords - Interactional Competence, Learner Autonomy, Listening Skills Development, Rasch Measurement
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Sumiyoshi Makoto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語語法文法 / 辞書学 / フレイジオロジー, フレイジオロジー, 英語語法文法, 辞書学
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TABATA Ken [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 公共経済学, 経済成長論
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TAKASHIMA Masanori [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 経済史,経済成長,比較経済発展
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TAMURA Shohei [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Institution Design, Mechanism Design, Social Choice Theory, メカニズムデザイン, 制度設計, 社会的選択理論
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TANAKA Atsushi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中央銀行の信認, 金融政策, 金融論
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TOSHIMITSU Tsuyoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際経済学
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TOYOHARA Norihiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - データベース作成, 経済データ分析, 計量経済学
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UEMURA Toshiyuki [ Professor ]
Taxation, Public Management, Local Public Finance
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Keywords - Public Economics, Local Public Finance, 財政学, Public Finance
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YAMADA Hitoshi [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Literature in English, イギリス文学
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YAMAGA Hisaki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 地域経済学, 都市経済学
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YASUOKA Masaya [ Professor ]
I examine about analyses of Tax System and Social Security in Aging Society with Fewer Children.
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Keywords - Macroeconomics, Public Finance, Social Security, マクロ経済学, 社会保障, 財政学
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Transportation Economics, Policy Impact Evaluation
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Keywords - Transportation Economics, Policy Impact Evaluation
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ZHAO YI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 上海フランス租界の文化と歴史, 日中比較文学, 東西文化の交流と衝突
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ZUSAI DAI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Equilibrium stability, Evolutionary game theory, adaptive dynamics
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