Search Results by Affiliation: School of Business Administration
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-9-0 of about 52
ABE Takuya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ研究
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AMAN Hiroyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 金融論
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FUJINO Naoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国文学
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FUJISAWA Takeshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際マーケティング論
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Keywords - 国際人的資源管理, 国際経営, グローバル人材
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HAMAMURA JUMPEI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - サプライチェーン・マネジメント, 原価計算, 寡占競争, 役員報酬, 応用経済学, 振替価格, performance evaluation, 流通チャネル, 相対的業績評価, 管理会計, 経営者報酬, 非対称なコスト・ビヘイビア, 非財務指標
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HAYASHI Takatoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 監査論, 財務会計論
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HIROSE Kenzou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際経済学
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IGATA MASAHIKO [ Professor ]
INOUE Tatsuo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 企業価値評価, 会計学, 国際会計, 財務会計
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ISHIBUCHI Junya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - マーケティング
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ITO Hidekazu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - サプライチェーン, ロジスティクス, 交通, 物流
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ITO Masanori [ Professor ]
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Keywords - イギリス小説, モダニズム, ヴィクトリア朝
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IWAMATSU Masahiro [ Professor ]
JIMICHI Masayuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Data Visualization, Regression Analysis, Exploratory Data Analysis, Statistical Modeling, Statistical Learning, Statistical Science, 統計科学
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Keywords - Galician language, Linguistic Policy, minority languages, 多言語化現象, 多言語社会, 少数言語, 言語政策, 言語文化, 言語権, Language Policy, Sociolinguistics, Spanish language education, スペイン語教育, 社会言語学, 言語政策
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KAWABATA Motoo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アジア市場, 国際マーケティング, 国際流通, 流通システム
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KIHARA KEIJI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - キリスト教倫理, 新約聖書学, 聖書解釈学
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KIJIMA KOHEI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 経営学史
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KIYAMA Minoru [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 経営史
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KOSEKI RYO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 財務諸表分析, 内部統制, 経営計画
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KUROSAWA SHUNSUKE [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 財務会計, 理論分析, 会計エンフォースメント
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MATSUBARA YU [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Brand, Brand Community, マーケティング, 消費者行動
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MATSUMOTO KEIICHI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 管理会計,中期経営計画と予算管理,経営計画と経営意思決定
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MATSUMOTO Yuichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 人的資源管理論, 経営組織論
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MATSUSHITA HIROAKI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 組織行動, 援助要請, 心理的安全性, リーダーシップ, 資源
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MIZUNO Keizo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Public Economics, Industrial Organization, Industrial Organization, Public Economics, 産業組織論,公共経済学
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MORITANI SYUUICHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ミドルマネジメント, 経営戦略論, 職能別戦略
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NAGATA Shuichi [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Econometrics, Statistics, 統計学, 計量経済学
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NISHIJIMA TATSUHITO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 概念フレームワーク, 簿記教育, 財務会計
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NISHIMOTO Akihiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Marketing Strategy, Marketing Science, Consumer Behavior, Market Creation, Brand Management, Interaction Experience with AI-enabled Smart Objects, Megamarketing, Digital Consumption, Consumer Well-being
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OKADA Taishi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 保険論
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OKAMURA Hideo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Corporate Finance, コーポレートガバナンス論, 企業金融論, 証券論, 金融論
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OKAMURA Koichiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - R&D strategy, Science, social network analysis, technology and innovation policy, 研究開発戦略, 社会ネットワーク分析, 科学技術・イノベーション政策
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OMASA GO [ Assistant Professor ]
SAITA YUMI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - マクロ経済学 不動産経済学
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SAKA Chika [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 会計学
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SHIMANUKI Kayoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ文学・文化、リージョナリズム、人種とエスニシティ
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Keywords - 中小企業会計, 会計, 会計教育, 簿記
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TAKAHASHI MARIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - CLIL, World Englishes, Corpus Linguistics, English Communication Activities, 英語学, 英語教育
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TAKAMORI MOMOTARO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Design Thinking, Global Business Communication, Language Strategy, Negotiation, デザイン思考, ビジネス交渉, 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション, 言語戦略
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TANAKA Hiroyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - theoretical linguistics, generative grammar, syntax
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TAN Peng [ Associate Professor ]
My specialization is accounting. I am currently focusing on three main research topics. Firstly, I study the analysis of financial statements and accounting of intangible assets. Secondly, I am exploring how Ja ...
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Keywords - Financial Statement Analysis, Accounting for Intangible Assets, International Accounting, Integrated Reporting
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TERACHI Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際金融論, 金融史
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TSUKIOKA Yasutomo [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 投資論, 経営財務論
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URANO MITSUHIRO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 経営組織論, 経営管理論, 組織社会学
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Keywords - Financial Statement Comparability, Non-Gaap利益, IFRS, Fair Value, Comprehensive income
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WATANABE TAKAHIRO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 公共経済学, 財政学
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Watanabe Takuto [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語史 英語学
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YAMAGUCHI Takayuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 商学
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Keywords - コスト・マネジメント, Cost Management, Management Control, Risk Management, SME, Business turnaround, 企業再生と管理会計, Management Accounting, 経営計画と経営意思, 臨床会計学, Clinical Accounting, 管理会計
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ZENNO Miho [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ラテンアメリカ地域研究、とくにメキシコ, 文化人類学
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