Search Results by Affiliation: School of Science
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-9-0 of about 45
AKIYOSHI RYOHEI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ソフトマテリアル, 固体物性, 金属錯体
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EGUCHI DAICHI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 有機合成化学, 有機-無機複合ナノ材料, 超高速レーザー分光
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HAIKALIS GEORGE [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
My focus is on gamification. This does not mean playing games in the classroom but using game-theory and game-based ideas to motivate and stimulate learning.
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Keywords - game-based learning, gamification, interactive lessons, game-based learning, gamification, interactive lessons
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ICHIDA YU [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 力学系理論と微分方程式, 現象の数理解析, (広い意味での)防災数学, 偏微分方程式, 常微分方程式
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ITOH HIROTAKE [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Terahertz, optical physics, solid state spectroscopy, ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy, strongly correlated systems, photoinduced phase transition, strongly correlated electron systems, ultrafast phenomena
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JULIES CANDACE SHIRLEEN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
My Master’s degree thesis delved into why East Asians rely so heavily on deductive grammar teaching, and ...
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Keywords - Inductive teaching, Deductive Teaching, cultural impact
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KANNO NANAKO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 光合成細菌 , 応用微生物学, 顕微ラマン分光
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KONO Yoshio [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Glass, Liquid, High pressure physics
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MAEKAWA Yutaka [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Gospels, New Testament Studies, Textual Criticism, 新約聖書学, 本文批評, 福音書研究
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NAKAZAWA HIROMITSU [ Laboratory Technician ]
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Keywords - 化粧品, 皮膚角層, 経皮吸収
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NODA YASUO [ Laboratory Technician ]
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Keywords - Folding Problem, タンパク質, 物理学, 物理実験, 講義実験 生物物理学
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OBANA Yasuko [ Professor ]
politeness, anaphora, role-identity theory
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Keywords - pragmatics, sociolinguistics, 社会言語学, 言語学, 語用論
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SYOJI HIROTO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数値計算, 数理モデリング, 生体パターン計測
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TANAKA YUYA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 微分方程式, 解の爆発, 走化性方程式
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TSUTSUMI YASUMASA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - スピントロニクス, 物性理論, 超伝導
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WICKSTRUM JASON RYAN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - Language learning and retention, Project-based learning
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CHIYONOBU Taizou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数学, 確率論
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FUJIWARA Tsukasa [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 確率論
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KITAHARA Kazuaki [ Professor ]
It is well known that approximating spaces consisting of polynomial functions, trigonometric functions, spline functions are extremely useful when considering approximations to functions. This is because these ...
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Keywords - mathematics, approximation theory, interpolation and best approximation
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KUROSE Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Differential Geometry, 微分幾何
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MASUDA Kayo [ Professor ]
I am studying the structure of affine algebraic varieties using algebraic group actions.
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Keywords - Affine algebraic geometry, 代数幾何学,変換群論,可換環論
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MORIMOTO Takayuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ボラティリティー, 機械学習, 統計科学, 金融市場のミクロ構造
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OHSUGI Hidefumi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - グレブナー基底, トーリックイデアル, 凸多面体,組合せ論
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OSAKI Koichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数学, 解析学, 非線形現象
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SHIMENO Nobukazu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数学
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YAMANE Hideshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数学, 数学
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HIRAGA Junko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 素粒子・原子核・宇宙線・宇宙物理
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KURITA Atusi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 物理
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KUSUNOSE Masaaki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 宇宙物理学
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MATSUURA Shuji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - terahertz technology, astronomical satellite, cosmic background radiation, planetary exploration, interplanetary space telescope, sounding rocket experiment, infrared astronomy, infrared galaxy, galaxy evolution, zodiacal light, ロケット実験, 観測的宇宙論, 赤外線天文学
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OKAMURA Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - gravitation, cosmology, cosmology, gravitation, open quatum system, open quatum system
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SETA Masumichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 電波天文
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TAKAHASHI Isao [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Diffraction Physics, Surface Physics, 回析物理学, 表面物理学
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TANIGUCHI Tooru [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Chaotic dynamics, Mesoscopic physics, Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, カオス力学, 量子輸送現象, 非平衡統計熱力学
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We are working on developing organic synthetic reactions based on new ideas and challenging the discovery of new phenomena. We also work on understanding and interpreting the new phenomena we discover.
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Keywords - Organic chemistry, 有機反応化学, 有機合成化学, 有機材料化学
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MURAKAMI KEI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 反応開発, 有機合成, 生物活性分子
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OGASAWARA Kazuyoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 無機・分析化学
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Omachi Junko [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 光物性
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SAKAKIBARA YOTA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - アンモニウム塩, ラジカル反応, 光触媒
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SATO KOHEI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Organic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, biochemistry
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SHIGETO Shinsuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Biophysical chemistry, Molecular spectroscopy, Structural chemistry, 分子分光学, 構造化学, 生物物理化学
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TAMAI Naoto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 光物理化学
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TANAKA Daisuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Coordination Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, 錯体化学
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YAGASAKI Atsushi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Synthetic inorganic chemistry, solution chemistry, 合成無機化学, 溶液化学
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YAMAGUCHI Hiroshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 構造生物学, 蛋白質結晶学
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