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1-48 of about 48
BUSSINGUER-KHAVARI Vivian [ Associate Professor ]
My research filed is Second Language Acquisition (SLA), within the broader field of Applied Linguistics. Specifically, my research topics include Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Heritag ...
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Keywords - マイノリティー児童, 第二言語習得, 継承語学習
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FUKUCHI Naoko [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - カウンセリング心理学, 英語教育方法論
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Hans Peter Liederbach [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ語教育, 哲学
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LEE Kenji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 朝鮮文学朝鮮文化, 比較文学比較文化
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Keywords - アダプテーション研究, イギリス文学・文化研究, モダニズム研究
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NISHIMURA Masao [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国メディア文化史, 中国近現代文学
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TERASAWA TAKUNORI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 教育社会学, 英語教育政策, 言語社会学
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UCHIDA Mitsumi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 言語学,英語学
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Ishikawa Keiichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 応用言語学・第二言語獲得・音声学
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KAWAMURA Katsutoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 哲学, 思想史, 哲学, 思想史
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MORIMOTO Ikuyo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 会話分析, 日本語教育学, 会話分析, 日本語教育学
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NOGAMI Yoko [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - English as a lingua franca (ELF), Cross-cultural pragmatics, L2 Speaker's identity, Cross-cultural pragmatics, English as a lingua franca (ELF), L2 Speaker's identity, 共通語としての英語, 異文化間語用論, 第二言語話者のアイデンティティ
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OGASAWARA AI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Modernism and Body, writing and the visual, Ernest Hemingway, Paris in the 1920s
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OHIGASHI Kazushige [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国近現代文学, 台湾文学, 日中比較文学, 日本近現代文学, 比較文化論
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OSTHEIDER Teja [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 社会言語学, 言語政策論, 言語文化教育学
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TSUKADA Yukihiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - American Studies, Film Studies, Studies of Culture and Representation, アメリカ研究, 映画学, 表象文化論
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UEDA Kazuhiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス文学・思想
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DEN Ka [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国語, 比較社会文化学
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HASEGAWA Noriko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本語学, 日本語教育学
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MASUNAGA Toshikazu [ Professor ]
Toshikazu Masunaga focuses on 19th century American literature and culture in his research, particularl ...
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Keywords - 19th Century American Novels and Culture, American Literature and Culture, 19世紀アメリカ小説, 19世紀アメリカ文化, アメリカ文学・文化, Tourism in 19th Century America, American Literature and Culture, アメリカ文学・文化
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MORITA Yuriko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - イギリス小説・文化, ライフ・ライティング
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NAKAGAWA Shinji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ語教育, 授業分析, 海外の日本人コミュニティ, 異文化間コミュニケーション, 談話分析
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Sumiyoshi Makoto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語語法文法 / 辞書学 / フレイジオロジー, フレイジオロジー, 英語語法文法, 辞書学
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ZHAO YI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 上海フランス租界の文化と歴史, 日中比較文学, 東西文化の交流と衝突
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ABE Takuya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ研究
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FUJINO Naoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国文学
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ITO Masanori [ Professor ]
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Keywords - イギリス小説, モダニズム, ヴィクトリア朝
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IWAMATSU Masahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Galician language, Linguistic Policy, minority languages, 多言語化現象, 多言語社会, 少数言語, 言語政策, 言語文化, 言語権, Language Policy, Sociolinguistics, Spanish language education, スペイン語教育, 社会言語学, 言語政策
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SHIMANUKI Kayoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ文学・文化、リージョナリズム、人種とエスニシティ
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TANAKA Hiroyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - theoretical linguistics, generative grammar, syntax
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Watanabe Takuto [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語史 英語学
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ZENNO Miho [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ラテンアメリカ地域研究、とくにメキシコ, 文化人類学
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MURAKAMI Yoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - スペイン語学, 外国語教育学, 社会言語学
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NAKANO Youko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - psycholinguistics, second language acquisition, sentence processing, 心理言語学, 文処理,第二言語習得
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Seishirou IBARAKI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 史的統語論, 理論言語学, 史的統語論, 理論言語学
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KRAMER BRANDON LEE [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Corpus Linguistics, Language Testing, Vocabulary Learning
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MIYAHARA Kazunari [ Professor ]
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Keywords - narratology, narrative tenses, 現代英国・英連邦小説
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TANI AKINOBU [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中英語, 英語史, 語彙論
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YONEZAKI MICHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 比較英語教育, 英語授業論, 英語教育学
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HASE Naoya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語教授法
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YU Kang [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本語と中国語の対照研究, 日本語学, 誤用研究と第二言語習得, 日本語と中国語の対照研究, 日本語学, 誤用研究と第二言語習得
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KUDO Tae [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語教育
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YAMADA Kazumi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 言語学
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SHIKI Osato [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語教育
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SUMI Sei [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 外国語教育学,教育工学
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TANIGUCHI MAKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 言語コミュニケーション文化学, 言語コミュニケーション文化学
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MIKAMI Akihiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - English Language Pedagogy, 英語教育学, アクション・リサーチ, 教師教育, 英語多読
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