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451-500 of about 796
NISHIMURA Tomo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 労働経済学, 家計行動の経済学
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Keywords - AI 人工知能 医療
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NISHITANI R. Shigeto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 計算材料学
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NISHITATENO Shuhei [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 環境経済学, 国際経済学, 応用ミクロ計量経済学
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NISHIWAKI Kiyoji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 分子生物学, 発生生物学, 遺伝学
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NISHIYAMA Keiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ文学
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NIWA Noboru [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ICT活用, 医療的ケア, 特別支援教育, 病弱教育, 重度・重複障害
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NODA Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 行政法, 行政法
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NODA Teruhisa [ Professor ]
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Keywords - コーポレートガバナンス, 会社法, 結合企業法
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NODA YASUO [ Laboratory Technician ]
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Keywords - Folding Problem, タンパク質, 物理学, 物理実験, 講義実験 生物物理学
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NOGAMI Yoko [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - English as a lingua franca (ELF), Cross-cultural pragmatics, L2 Speaker's identity, Cross-cultural pragmatics, English as a lingua franca (ELF), L2 Speaker's identity, 共通語としての英語, 異文化間語用論, 第二言語話者のアイデンティティ
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NOMURA Jun [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - first language acquisition, construction, context, second language acquisition, phonetics, phonology, lexicon
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NOMURA KATSUYA [ Assistant Professor ]
Research on EMC design techniques for power conversion circuits
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Keywords - Circuit Simulation, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Electromagnetic Simulation, Power Electronics, パワーエレクトロニクス, 回路シミュレーション, 環境電磁工学, 電磁界シミュレーション
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NONAMI Hiroshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ゲーミング, 合意形成, 環境社会学, 社会心理学, 迷惑施設
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NORLIA AHMAD [ Professor ]
My current research interests revolve around technological influences on consumer behavior. The key argument is that companies should not consider their customers as merely target markets and fail to recognize ...
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Keywords - Consumer Behavior, Digitalization, Sustainability, マーケティング
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NOSE Masaharu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 経営雇用関係政策論
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Oana Cusen [ Special Instructor of Language ]
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Keywords - Multilingual First language Acquisition, Project-based Learning and Teaching, プロジェクト言語教育, 第一言語習得
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OBANA Yasuko [ Professor ]
politeness, anaphora, role-identity theory
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Keywords - pragmatics, sociolinguistics, 社会言語学, 言語学, 語用論
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ODA Ryou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス語学, 言語学
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OGASAWARA AI [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Modernism and Body, writing and the visual, Ernest Hemingway, Paris in the 1920s
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OGASAWARA Kazuyoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 無機・分析化学
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OGATA Isamu [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, 原価計算, 管理会計
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OGAWA Hirokazu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Cognitive psychology, Perceptual psychology, Vision science, 知覚心理学, 視覚科学, 認知心理学
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OGAWA SHIHO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - DNA replication, DNA複製タイミング, Telomere, 分子生物学, 遺伝学
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OGAWA SUSUMU [ Professor ]
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Keywords - innovation, marketing, distribution system, 経営戦略, クラウドソーシング, ビジネスモデル, マーケティング, ユーザーイノベーション, リードユーザー法, 戦略論, 製品開発
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OGAWA YAMATO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 公共政策、地方自治, 協働, 農業・農村経営
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OGAWA Yoshitomo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 公共経済学, 家族の経済学, 財政
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OGINO Masahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 社会学, 社会学
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OGITA TOMOKO [ Instructor of Japanese as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - アカデミックジャパニーズ, オランダ, ライティング評価, 外国にルーツを持つ子ども, 文章構成, 日本語教育
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OGITA YOSHIHISA [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 学校精神保健, 学校臨床心理学, 教育心理学
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OGURA Teppei [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Catalysis, Computational Chemisrty, Fuel Cell, Physical Chemisrty, 燃料電池, 物理化学, 触媒反応, 計算化学
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OHAMA TOHRU [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 循環器内科、動脈硬化、脂質代謝
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OHDOI RYOJI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - マクロ経済学,経済成長理論
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OHIGASHI Kazushige [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国近現代文学, 台湾文学, 日中比較文学, 日本近現代文学, 比較文化論
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OHSAKI Hiroyuki [ Professor ]
Hiroyuki Ohsaki received the M. E. degree in the Information and Computer Sciences from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, in 1995. He also received the Ph. D. degree from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, in 1997. ...
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Keywords - Information Networking, Large-Scale Networks, Network Architecture, ネットワークアーキテクチャ, 大規模ネットワーク, 情報ネットワーク
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OHSUGI Hidefumi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - グレブナー基底, トーリックイデアル, 凸多面体,組合せ論
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OHTANI Noboru [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 半導体材料, 欠陥物理, 結晶成長
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OHWA Mie [ Professor ]
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Keywords - NPO, gerontological social work, group work, human resources for care, グループワーク, 介護人材, 福祉NPO, 高齢者福祉
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OHYA MASAYOSHI [ Associate Professor ]
With the future hydrogen society in mind, we are working on the development of superconducting devices that utilize the cold heat of liquid hydrogen to save energy. By linking superconducting system networks, s ...
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Keywords - High Magnetic Field, High Temperature Superconductor, Liquid Hydrogen, Power Transmission, 強磁場応用, 液体水素, 電力輸送, 高温超電導
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OISHI Taro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Human Geography, 人文地理学
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OKADA HIROSHI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 自治体法務, 行政法
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OKADA Katsuhiko [ Professor ]
I engage in research on asset pricing theory and the construction of its associated models. My work primarily focuses on the stock market, where I analyze diverse datasets to investigate the determinants of sto ...
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Keywords - Asset Pricing Models, Behavioral Finance, Information Efficiency in the Stock Market, Machine Learning, 機械学習、資産評価モデル、株式市場の情報効率性, 行動ファイナンス
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OKADA Taishi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 保険論
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OKADA Toshihiro [ Professor ]
Research Field: Macroeconomics (Business cycles, Economic Growth)
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Keywords - Macroeconomics
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OKADOME Takeshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - コンテンツ創生デザイン, センシング, 環境メディア
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OKAMOTO Chieko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 会社法, 商法, 会社法, 商法
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OKAMOTO CHIKA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - セツルメント, 地域福祉, 子ども家庭福祉, 社会福祉史
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OKAMOTO Tetsuo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Paedagogische Anthropologie, Philosopy of Education, Theory of mutual Human-formation ,clinical pedagogy, 人間形成論, 教育人間学, 教育哲学, 臨床教育学
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OKAMURA AKIO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際協力, 開発途上国の開発, 地域開発
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OKAMURA Hideo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Corporate Finance, コーポレートガバナンス論, 企業金融論, 証券論, 金融論
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