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111-120 of about 796
KALOVICS DALMA [ Assistant Professor ]
KÁLOVICS Dalma received her Ph.D. degree in manga studies from Kyoto Seika University in 2019. Her thesis ...
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Keywords - Manga Studies, Media Studies, Japanese Pop Culture
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SAWADA YUKIKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ケア労働, ジェンダー, 高齢者福祉, ケア労働, ジェンダー, 高齢者福祉
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FUJIWARA MIWAKO [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - 細胞生物学 細胞間接着
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SUGAWARA Nobuyasu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 学習障害, 知的障害, 重複障害
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Keywords - International Political Theory / Global Ethics / Nationalism / Comparative Political Philosophy / Philosophical Practice
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NISHIJIMA TATSUHITO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 概念フレームワーク, 簿記教育, 財務会計
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SATOU Hidetoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 分光医療工学
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KUNIHAMA TSUYOSHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ベイズ統計学,社会調査分析,ノンパラメトリック法
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OUCHI Akiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 人的資源管理, 経営学
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OGAWA Hirokazu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Cognitive psychology, Perceptual psychology, Vision science, 知覚心理学, 視覚科学, 認知心理学
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