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551-600 of about 798
SASAGAWA Toshihiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - EU会社法, フランス会社法, 会社法, 組織再編
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SASAKI AKIRA [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 労働紛争, 民事法, 法教育
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SATO Akihiko [ Professor ]
Sociology, Sociology of Health and Illness, Sociology of Crime, Discourse Analysis
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Keywords - ディスコース分析, 医療, 社会問題
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SATO HIROSHI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, 臨床児童青年心理学, 臨床心理学, 認知行動療法
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SATO KOHEI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Organic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, biochemistry
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SATO Nobuya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - empathy, 学習, spatial cognition, 空間認知,記憶, memory, 空間認知,記憶
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Satoshi Ikeno [ Professor ]
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Keywords - traumatoloty, mindfulness, therapeutic relationship, clinical social work
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SATO Shin [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 教育学
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SATOU Hidetoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 分光医療工学
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SATOU Hironobu [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 武道学
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SATOU Tatsurou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 東洋史
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SAWADA YUKIKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ケア労働, ジェンダー, 高齢者福祉, ケア労働, ジェンダー, 高齢者福祉
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SAYAMA Hiroshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国立公園等自然公園(特に日本を含むアジアとイタリア), 30 by 30, OECM, エコツーリズム, キャンパスツーリズム, パークマネジメント, マイクロツーリズム, マイクロフィールドワーク, ランドスケープ, 人と自然の関わり, 庭園, 持続可能な地域, 時間差の自然体験, 瀬戸内海, 環境思想, 環境政策, 花風景
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SEGAWA Hazuki [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Critical Discourse Analysis, Learner Centredness, Theory of Second Language Education, ナショナリズム, 学習者中心主義, 教育言説, 文化, 日本語教育史, ナショナリズム, 日本語教育, 言語表現教育
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Seishirou IBARAKI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 史的統語論, 理論言語学, 史的統語論, 理論言語学
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SEKIYA Takeshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 教育社会学
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SEKI Yoshihiro [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - まちづくり, ボランティア, 災害復興, 社会学
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SEKI Yoshiyuki [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - エピジェネティクス, 幹細胞生物学, 生殖細胞生物学, エピジェネティクス, 幹細胞生物学, 生殖細胞生物学
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SETA Masumichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 電波天文
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SHIBATA MANABU [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Community Work, Social Welfare, Social and Solidarity Economy, コミュニティワーク, 社会的連帯経済, 社会福祉学
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SHIBATA Yukimasa [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Developmental Biology, 発生生物学 エピジェネティクス 遺伝子発現調節
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- Research Field・
Keywords - 数学的教具・学習具,数学教育における観察・実験,マス・フェア, 幼児教育の数量や図形にかかわる活動,エデュテインメントのためのアナログ学習具開発,すごろく, シニア世代のケアストレス ,数学教室
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Disaster prevention and reconstruction policy, Urban planning and urban policy, Diplomatic and international trade policy, Policy analysis and policy evaluation
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Keywords - 復興・防災, 都市政策・都市計画・まちづくり, 外交・通商政策
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SHIGEMASA Kimikazu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際政治学, ASEAN研究
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SHIGETO Shinsuke [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Biophysical chemistry, Molecular spectroscopy, Structural chemistry, 分子分光学, 構造化学, 生物物理化学
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SHIHO Kei [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 労働経済, 国際的な人の移動研究, 国際移民論, 外国人政策, 移民政策
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SHIKATA Masato [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 格差・貧困, 生活時間, 社会保障
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SHIKI Osato [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語教育
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SHIMA ASAMI [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - 社会環境形成, シェア居住, 住居計画, 家族
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SHIMAMURA Takanori [ Professor ]
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Keywords - folkloristics, vernacular studies, ヴァナキュラー文化研究, 世界民俗学史と民俗学理論, 現代民俗学
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SHIMANUKI Kayoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ文学・文化、リージョナリズム、人種とエスニシティ
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SHIMAZAKI TOMOHISA [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - IT, システム監査, ERP
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SHIMAZAKI Tsuneo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 実験心理学
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SHIMENO Nobukazu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数学
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SHIMIZU Hiroshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 社会心理学,親密な対人関係,道徳,社会規範
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SHIMIZU YASUKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際公共政策, 国際協力, 難民
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SHIMIZU Yoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 住環境, 土地利用, 地域, 地域コミュニティ, 町内会, 地域計画, 都市計画
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SHIMIZU YUKITO [ Professor ]
SHIMOHARA MIHO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - やまと絵, 住吉派, 在外日本美術コレクション, 江戸絵画
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Keywords - 民事手続法, 民事保全法 権利実現, 民事執行法, 民事訴訟法
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SHIMOOKA KAZUYA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - petrology og granite, gabbro, petrography, continental growth, ジルコンU-Pb年代, 同位体, petrogenesis, Gabbro, granite, 野外岩石学
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SHIMOTANI NATSUKO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Japanese Sign Language, Prosody, Second language acquisition, Sign linguistics, プロソディ, 日本手話, 第二言語習得, 言語学
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SHIMURA Hiroshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本近世史
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Keywords - フィールドワーク, ホームレス, 地域再生, 多文化共生, 社会的包摂, 社会的排除, 貧困, 質的調査, 都市再生, フィールドワーク, 地域再生, 社会的包摂, 社会的排除, 貧困, 質的調査, 都市再生
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SHIRAI Koji [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ミクロ経済学 (Microeconomics), 単調比較静学理論 (Monotone comparative statics), 顕示選好理論 (Revealed preference)
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SHIRAKAWA Eiji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 有機合成化学,有機金属化学,触媒反応
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Keywords - International Political Theory / Global Ethics / Nationalism / Comparative Political Philosophy / Philosophical Practice
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SHIRAKURA TOMOKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 幼児教育・保育, 音楽表現
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SHIROKANE Natsuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 教育哲学, 教育思想, 道徳教育, 教育哲学, 教育思想, 道徳教育
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SOK HYUNGOENG [ Instructor of Korean as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - 対照言語学, 韓国語教育, 韓国語文法
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