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601-650 of about 796
SONG XINYA [ Instructor of Chinese as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - 中国語教育史, 中国近現代文学, 創造社, 旧制高校, 郁達夫
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SONODA Akiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際機構論, 国際法
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STONES, Thomas Patrick [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
I have a range of research interests relating to language teaching that reflects the broad nature of skills effective language teachers need to best meet the learners' needs. Primarily though, I am interested i ...
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Keywords - Interactional Competence, Learner Autonomy, Listening Skills Development, Rasch Measurement
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STRINGER THOMAS JAMES [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
Thomas Stringer has been involved with English language teaching in Japan for 16 years. He is a doctoral student in TESOL at the University of St Andrews, UK, a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, and a ...
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Keywords - Language learner autonomy, Language learner development, Professional development for language teachers, Self-Access Language Learning, TESOL
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Stuart Cunningham [ Special Instructor of Language ]
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Keywords - Textual cohesion, Corpus studies, Written discourse
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Keywords - 中小企業会計, 会計, 会計教育, 簿記
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SUGAWARA Nobuyasu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 学習障害, 知的障害, 重複障害
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Keywords - システム制御, 熱解析, 電力ネットワーク
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SUGIMOTO Tokuei [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 会計学, 国際会計, 簿記原理, 財務会計, 財務戦略
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SUGISAKI Koji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 母語獲得, 生成文法理論, 言語心理学
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Suguru N. Kudoh [ Professor ]
Suguru N. Kudoh's main research interests include elucidation of the relationships between dynamics of neuronal network and inputted outer phenomenon. He has developed Bio-robot hybrid system, in which a livin ...
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Keywords - neurorobot, bioimaging, patch clamp technique, fuzzy reasoning, brain-machine interface, cultured neuronal network, acute slice preparation, machine intelligence, Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), deep learning, Neuronal Intelligence Engineering (NIE), Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Self-organization map, Neuronal Intelligence Engineering, cognitive science, intelligence engineering, neuroengineering, neurophysiology, soft computing, ソフトコンピューティング,認知科学, 神経工学、神経生理学、知能工学, 神経知能工学
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SUMI Sei [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 外国語教育学,教育工学
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SUMIYA Kazutoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - クロスメディア設計, 情報デザイン, 社会情報基盤
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Sumiyoshi Makoto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語語法文法 / 辞書学 / フレイジオロジー, フレイジオロジー, 英語語法文法, 辞書学
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SUN SHUANG [ Instructor of Chinese as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - 言語学, 音声学, 外国語教育
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SUZUKI Kensuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Sociology, Sociology, 社会学
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Keywords - スピントロニクス, 放射光分析, 磁性材料
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SUZUKI Osamu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 経営戦略
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SUZUKI Shinichiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - anthropology, cultural studies, popular music studies, カルチュラル・スタディーズ, ポピュラー音楽研究, 文化人類学
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SYOJI HIROTO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数値計算, 数理モデリング, 生体パターン計測
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TABATA Ken [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 公共経済学, 経済成長論
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TACHIBANA NAOKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 福祉・保育専門職教育, 福祉交流, 福祉防災活動・災害支援, 障害児・者支援
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TADA SAORI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語教育 児童英語 第二言語習得
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TAKAGAKI Yumi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - French education, French linguistics, text linguistics, テクスト言語学, フランス語学, フランス語教育
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TAKAHARA Motoaki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 社会学・東アジア・グローバリゼーション
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TAKAHASHI ATSUSHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 中世哲学, 自然哲学
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TAKAHASHI Isao [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Diffraction Physics, Surface Physics, 回析物理学, 表面物理学
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TAKAHASHI Kazuko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - computer science, knowledge representation, modal logic, reasoning, 推論, 様相論理, 知識表現, 計算機科学
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TAKAHASHI MARIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - CLIL, World Englishes, Corpus Linguistics, English Communication Activities, 英語学, 英語教育
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TAKAI Yukiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ソーシャルワーク, 社会福祉
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TAKAMORI MOMOTARO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Design Thinking, Global Business Communication, Language Strategy, Negotiation, デザイン思考, ビジネス交渉, 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション, 言語戦略
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Takamura Mineo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ文学, モダニズム, 比較文学
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TAKAOKA Hiroyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本近現代史
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TAKASHIMA Chiyo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本政治史
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TAKASHIMA Masanori [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 経済史,経済成長,比較経済発展
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TAKAYAMA IWAO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 刑事弁護実務, 法廷弁護技術, 責任能力
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TAKEDA Joe [ Professor ]
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Keywords - CBPR, Social Work, Participatory Action Research, Social Inclusion, Human Diversity and Human Rights, CBPR, Human Diversity and Human Rights, Participatory Action Research, Social Inclusion, Social Work, CBPR, ソーシャルワーク, 参加型アクションリサーチ, 多文化共生, 多様性の尊重
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TAKEDA NAOYA [ Professor ]
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Keywords - カルシウムイメージング, 根粒共生, 植物微生物間相互作用, 菌根共生, 共生, 植物生理学
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TAKEDA SHINGO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 美術教育(Art Education), 造形活動における発達と学習, 教育実践研究, 教材開発, ゲームと学習, 地域と教育
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TAKEDA TOSHIYUKI [ Laboratory Technician ]
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Keywords - プライバシー保護技術, ラーニング・アナリティクス, ワークショップ, 情報デザイン, 自然言語処理
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TAKEMORI MIHO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ソーシャルワーカーの継続学習, ソーシャルワーク, Modified Grounded Theory Approuch(M-GTA)
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TAKEUCHI KYOKO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - X-jendā, Oral history, categorization, gender, sexuality, transgender, nonbinary, fieldwork
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Keywords - 教育心理学, 発達心理学
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TAKEYAMA Tomoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 初期近代イギリス詩, 女性作家, Early Modern English poetry, Female writing, Interpretation of the Bible, 聖書解釈
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TAKI HISANORI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 不当利得, 契約, 民法
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TAMADA Schumpeter [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Managing Innovation, Science and Technology Policy, イノベーション, 先端産業創出戦略, 科学技術政策
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TAMAI Naoto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 光物理化学
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TAMURA Shohei [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Institution Design, Mechanism Design, Social Choice Theory, メカニズムデザイン, 制度設計, 社会的選択理論
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TANAKA Atsushi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中央銀行の信認, 金融政策, 金融論
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TANAKA Daisuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Coordination Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, 錯体化学
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