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151-160 of about 796
TAKAHASHI MARIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - CLIL, World Englishes, Corpus Linguistics, English Communication Activities, 英語学, 英語教育
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Keywords - 中小企業会計, 会計, 会計教育, 簿記
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SCOTT DANIEL DAVID [ Associate Lecturer of English ]
TOYOHARA Norihiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - データベース作成, 経済データ分析, 計量経済学
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Holger Robert Bungsche [ Professor ]
Social-economic model; industrial relations; globalization; automobile industry; motorization and automobile culture, regional industry studies, EU studies
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Keywords - Economic history, Economic sociology, Industrial sociology, Labour sociology, 労働社会学, 産業社会学, 経営史, 経済史, 経済社会学
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MARUTANI KYOHEI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ミクロ経済学、制度設計論、マッチング理論
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NAGAMINE Junichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - public choice, public economics, public finance, 公共経済学, 公共選択論, 財政学
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Keywords - 交通経済学, 都市・地域経済学
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SAGA Norihiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ロボット工学, 人間支援工学, 運動と機構, アクチュエータ工学, スポーツ工学
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KAKUSHO Koh [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Image Processing, Machine Vision, マシンビジョン,画像処理
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