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751-796 of about 796
YAMAMOTO Kenji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 学校カウンセリング, 学校臨床心理学, 発達障害
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YAMAMOTO MARI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 会話分析, 日本語教育
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YAMAMOTO Michiya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ヒューマンインタフェース
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YAMAMOTO Shoji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - marketing,consumer behavior,distribution system,service marketing, service marketing, marketing, distribution system, consumer behavior, marketing,consumer behavior,distribution system,service marketing, サービス・マーケティング, マーケティング, 流通システム, 消費者行動
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YAMANE Hideshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数学, 数学
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YAMANE HIROO [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - ネットワーク工学, 通信工学, 電子デバイス, 電子機器
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YAMANE Shu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アジア住居論, アジア都市論, 地域生活空間計画, 建築計画
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Keywords - 契約, 性質決定, 民法
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YAMAUCHI NOBUKO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 幼児教育・保育, 音楽表現
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YAMA Yoshiyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM), 地域防災, 持続可能な地域づくり, 減災まちづくり, 災害復興, 災害文化, 高齢者の社会参加
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YAMAZAKI RYO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Community Design, コミュニティデザイン
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YANAGISAWA Tami [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 倫理学, 哲学, 表象文化論
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YANAGIYA Takayasu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ労働法, 企業内福利厚生, 労働法, 労働者概念, 就業規則, 従業員代表制, 職業紹介制度
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YANAI Kenichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 憲法学
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YAO IKUKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - SCRAPPER, imaging, シナプス, プロテオーム, 包括脳ネットワーク, 神経可塑性, 神経科学, 統合脳・分子脳科学, 老化, 蛋白質, 蛋白質分解, mass spectrometry, イメージング, 生化学, 老化, 脳神経科学
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YASUDA Miyoko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 社会福祉施設経の組織開発, 組織レベルのソーシャルワーク, 質的調査法
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YASUOKA Masaya [ Professor ]
I examine about analyses of Tax System and Social Security in Aging Society with Fewer Children.
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Keywords - Macroeconomics, Public Finance, Social Security, マクロ経済学, 社会保障, 財政学
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YAZU NORIE [ Professor ]
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Keywords - カナダの公用語政策, ケベック州のフランス語化政策, カナダ研究, カナダ英語, ケベック・フランス語, 世界の英語, 社会言語学, 言語政策
- Research Field・
YODER HEATHER [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
I teach English by creating classroom communities. I am interested in learning about how mindful practice increases student participation in class. I am also interested in how reading and writing for fun and cr ...
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Keywords - creative writing, extensive reading, mindfulness
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YOKOTA NOBUKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - East Asia, Gender, Indusrial Relations, Labor Sociology, Social Policy, South Korea, ジェンダー, 労使関係, 労働社会学, 東アジア, 社会政策, 韓国
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YOKOUCHI Kazuo [ Professor ]
English fiction
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Keywords - English Literature, イギリス文学
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YONEDA AKIRA [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 建築空間, 建築設計, 建築設計理論
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YONEKURA KYOHEI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 有機合成化学,反応開発,光化学,電気化学
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YONEYAMA Naoki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 臨床心理学
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YONEZAKI MICHI [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 比較英語教育, 英語授業論, 英語教育学
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YORIMASA RYOTA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 災害ボランティア, 災害復興, NPO/NGO, グループ・ダイナミックス
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YOSHIDA HIROYUKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - liquid crystals, holographic optical elements, applied optics, information display
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YOSHIDA Motoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - EU, 民事手続法
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YOSHIDA Toshio [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 心理学研究法, 教育心理学, 社会心理学
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Transportation Economics, Policy Impact Evaluation
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Keywords - Transportation Economics, Policy Impact Evaluation
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YOSHIKAWA Hirofumi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 無機化学, 物理化学, 電気化学
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- Research Field・
Keywords - コスト・マネジメント, Cost Management, Management Control, Risk Management, SME, Business turnaround, 企業再生と管理会計, Management Accounting, 経営計画と経営意思, 臨床会計学, Clinical Accounting, 管理会計
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- Research Field・
Keywords - Compliance, コーポレート・ガバナンス, Spin-Out, German Companies, Family Businesses, Mittelstand, Corporate Governance, Co-determination in German Companies, 経営学, Strategy, 経営管理, 企業倫理, 組織管理, 経営学
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YOSHIMURA Sachiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際機構論, 国際法
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YOSHINO Kohzoh [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 生体医工学,データサイエンス,睡眠解析,自律神経,生体信号解析,心理,神経疾患
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YOSHINO Taro [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 情報通信技術(ICT)と社会, 計算機物理学
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YOSHITSUGU TOYOMI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - スウェーデンの保育, 保育, 子どもの主体性形成, 幼児教育学
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YOUN Sunghee [ Professor ]
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Keywords - コミュニケーション, 対照言語学, 省略と情報伝達
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Yui Miharu [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 南アジア地域研究, 安全保障研究, 現代インド政治
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YU Kang [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本語と中国語の対照研究, 日本語学, 誤用研究と第二言語習得, 日本語と中国語の対照研究, 日本語学, 誤用研究と第二言語習得
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Yuri Adrian Tijerino [ Professor ]
Dr. Tijerino obtained a Ph.D. in computer science from Osaka University where he pioneered work in the field ontology engineering. Ontology engineering continues to break new ground in the area of artificial i ...
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Keywords - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning, Ontology Engineering, Virtual Reality, オントロジー工学, ビッグデータ, 人工現実, 人工知能, 機械学習
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ZENKYO Masahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 政治意識論, 政治行動論
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ZENNO Miho [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ラテンアメリカ地域研究、とくにメキシコ, 文化人類学
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ZHANG FAN [ Assistant Professor ]
ZHAO YI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 上海フランス租界の文化と歴史, 日中比較文学, 東西文化の交流と衝突
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ZUSAI DAI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Equilibrium stability, Evolutionary game theory, adaptive dynamics
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