Search Results by Affiliation: School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
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11-20 of about 50
MAIN GEORGIA ALICE [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
I research English Applied Linguistics and find interest in researching the native and non-native speakers of English with reference to education, bilingualism and multilingualism the classroom, second language ...
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Keywords - Multi/Bilingualism, Social inequality , English as a Lingua Franca
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MUNEKAGE Yuri [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 光合成, 植物生理, 進化
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NAWA YASUNORI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - バイオイメージング, 光計測, 顕微鏡
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OGAWA SHIHO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - DNA replication, DNA複製タイミング, Telomere, 分子生物学, 遺伝学
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SHIBATA Yukimasa [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Developmental Biology, 発生生物学 エピジェネティクス 遺伝子発現調節
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SHIKI Osato [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語教育
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SHIMOOKA KAZUYA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - petrology og granite, gabbro, petrography, continental growth, ジルコンU-Pb年代, 同位体, petrogenesis, Gabbro, granite, 野外岩石学
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SUMI Sei [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 外国語教育学,教育工学
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TAKEDA NAOYA [ Professor ]
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Keywords - カルシウムイメージング, 根粒共生, 植物微生物間相互作用, 菌根共生, 共生, 植物生理学
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TANAKA Masako [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - インタラクトーム, タンパク質恒常性, 分子シャペロン, 抗がん剤耐性
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