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51-100 of about 796
Daniel Warchulski [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - Autonomous Learning, Motivational Strategies, Multiculturalism
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DELVE MICHAEL [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
My main research interest is vocabulary acquisition and in particular whether English-based loanwords can be used as an effective learning aid. I have also developed materials and syllabi for a wide-range of co ...
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Keywords - Vocabulary acquisition, materials development, psycholinguistics., Vocabulary acquisition, materials development, psycholinguistics.
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DEN Ka [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国語, 比較社会文化学
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de Veas Katherine [ Associate Lecturer of English ]
In my 9 years of experience teaching English to speakers of other languages at the university level, I have become interested in the intersection of successful learning outcomes, learner motivation, and global ...
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Keywords - Second Language Acquisition , CLIL (Content & Language Integrated Learning,), Environmental Policy & Education
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DICKERSON LUCAS ALAN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - English as a Foreign Language
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DOI Kenji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Christian Bioethics, Historical Theology, History of Religions, キリスト教思想史 宗教学 生命倫理学
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DOI MASAYUKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 初期近代イギリス演劇・詩・文化/シェイクスピア
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DOJIMA Daichi [ Assistant Professor ]
Heteroepitaxial growth of high quality aluminum nitride (AlN) using innovative silicon carbide (SiC) processing and nano-surface control technologies.
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Keywords - AlN, Crystal growth, Graphene, Semiconductor materials, SiC, Thermal etching, 熱エッチング、半導体材料、SiC、AlN、グラフェン, 結晶成長
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Duarte Armando [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
As a graduate student at the University of Southern California, my primary research focus was on creating more efficient speaking assessments and exploring learner motivation. As a university teacher, my resear ...
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Keywords - CALL, learner motivation, speaking assessment
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DUBIN BRIAN D. [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
I am interested in computer-assisted language learning, as well as mobile-assisted language learning and have been conducting research using a free online social learning platform called Flipgrid. How technolog ...
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Keywords - Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning, Task-based Language Teaching, Learner Development
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EDWARDS CONNOR RUTLEDGE [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
My primary research interests include using technology to facilitate student communication and exploring ways of improving students' pronunciation ability. Specifically, I am interested in the acquisition of th ...
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Keywords - Computer-assisted language learning, Phonology, Pronunciation pedagogy, Computer-assisted language learning, Phonology, Pronunciation pedagogy
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EGUCHI DAICHI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 有機合成化学, 有機-無機複合ナノ材料, 超高速レーザー分光
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EHARA AKIHIRO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 場としての学校, スポーツマネジメント, リアルな場とバーチャルな場, 人材育成, 個別最適?な学習, 教育の質保証, 課外活動, 部活動の内部化
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ELLIOTT LIDIJA [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - Language and culture, Communication and culture, At Risks-Students/Motivation, Applied Linguistics
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ENDO Miyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 教育方法( 概念型カリキュラムと指導方法), 国際バカロレア(IB), 生涯学習
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FRANCOIS DE SOETE [ Associate Professor ]
Dr. Francois de Soete is a political philosopher who focuses on political philosophy and international relations. He received his Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia, where his doctoral work focused p ...
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Keywords - Political Philosophy,International Relations Theory,Environmental Ethics, Environmental Ethics, International Relations Theory, Political Philosophy
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FUJII Eiji [ Professor ]
My research interests lie mainly in the fields of international finance. While we live in an era of so-called globalizing economy, there are various puzzles and anomalies regarding how markets are organized and ...
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Keywords - debt, international finance and economics, 国際経済・金融, 負債
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FUJII HIROSHI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 地域福祉, 地域福祉実践, 地域福祉計画
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FUJII Kyoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 生涯発達心理学
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FUJII Miwa [ Professor ]
Thanatology does not focus solely on death, but emphasizes the part of life, or how to live, that is reve ...
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Keywords - Thanatology, Death Education, Spirituality, Quality of Life
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FUJIKI Taizo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - コーチ学, スポーツ方法学
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FUJINO Naoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国文学
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FUJISAWA Takeshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際マーケティング論
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FUJITA Masafumi [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際政治経済 / 国際制度 / 開放的国際経済体制
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FUJIWARA Akihiko [ Professor ]
High-performance energy-related materials are vital for reduction of energy consumption. We aim to develop new materials for this purpose. Current research topics are development of materials for high-capacity ...
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Keywords - Energy-Related Materials, Synchrotron Radiation Analysis, Materials Science, Energy-Related Materials, Materials Science, Synchrotron Radiation Analysis, エネルギー関連材料科学, 放射光分析, 物質科学
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FUJIWARA Kenji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 理論経済学
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FUJIWARA MIWAKO [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - 細胞生物学 細胞間接着
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FUJIWARA Shinsuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Polyamine microbiology archaea hyperthermophiles, 特殊環境微生物学, 生物工学, Polyamine microbiology archaea hyperthermophiles , 微生物生化学, 特殊環境微生物学, 生物工学
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FUJIWARA Tsukasa [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 確率論
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FUKUCHI Naoko [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - カウンセリング心理学, 英語教育方法論
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Keywords - 日本文学
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FUKUYAMA YUKI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アカデミック・ライティング, Active Learning, キャリア教育, ゲーミフィケーション, Serious Games, ライティング教育, 高等教育, ゲーム学習, 教育工学
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FUNAKI Jou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - キリスト教学, 宗教哲学
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FURUKAWA Yasuhiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Management, オフィス環境, テレワーク, ホワイトカラー, 人的資源論, 企業評価論, 生産性, 経営学, 経営戦略論, 計量経営学, 人的資源論,ホワイトカラー,テレワーク,生産性,オフィス環境, 企業評価論, 経営戦略論, 計量経営学
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Keywords - 国際人的資源管理, 国際経営, グローバル人材
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GALINDO JR JOHN JOSEPH [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
GAMBLE CRAIG WALLIS [ Special Instructor of Language ]
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Keywords - Assessment, Learner autonomy, Learner perceptions, Educational technology
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GERMINARIO RENATO BRUNO [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - English Linguistics , 英語学
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GOTO Yukako [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 前近代イラン史, 西アジア・イスラーム史
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GRIFFITHS MICHAEL JOSHUA [ Associate Lecturer of English ]
Content and Language Integrated Learning, Second Language Acquisition
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Keywords - Content and Language Integrated Learning, Second Language Acquisition
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HAGIHARA NANAMI [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - 建築計画, 建築設計
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HAIKALIS GEORGE [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
My focus is on gamification. This does not mean playing games in the classroom but using game-theory and game-based ideas to motivate and stimulate learning.
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Keywords - game-based learning, gamification, interactive lessons, game-based learning, gamification, interactive lessons
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Hamada Takuji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 文化地理学,地域・民俗文化,工芸
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HAMAMOTO NOBUHIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 教育社会学 学校臨床学 学校の教育改善 インクルーシブ教育 人権教育
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HAMAMURA JUMPEI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - サプライチェーン・マネジメント, 原価計算, 寡占競争, 役員報酬, 応用経済学, 振替価格, performance evaluation, 流通チャネル, 相対的業績評価, 管理会計, 経営者報酬, 非対称なコスト・ビヘイビア, 非財務指標
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HAMILTON MELISSA ANN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
I run a student-centered classroom that focuses on student independence and creativity. Language is about ...
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Keywords - experiences, intercultural, student-centered
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HAMURA Toshiyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 有機化学
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HANAKI HIRONAO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - グローバリゼーション, 村落地理学, 近代, グローバリゼーション, 村落地理学, 近代
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Hans Peter Liederbach [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ語教育, 哲学
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HARADA Daisuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - インクルーシブ教育, 国語科教育, 授業研究
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