Search Results by Affiliation: School of Economics
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21-30 of about 55
KUNIHAMA TSUYOSHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ベイズ統計学,社会調査分析,ノンパラメトリック法
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KURITA Kyousuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 環境経済学, 開発経済学
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KUROKAWA HIROFUMI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics
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MARUTANI KYOHEI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ミクロ経済学、制度設計論、マッチング理論
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Masatoshi Kato [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Economics of Entrepreneurship, Economics of Innovation, アントレプレナーシップの経済学,イノベーションの経済学,
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MASUNAGA Toshikazu [ Professor ]
Toshikazu Masunaga focuses on 19th century American literature and culture in his research, particularl ...
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Keywords - 19th Century American Novels and Culture, American Literature and Culture, 19世紀アメリカ小説, 19世紀アメリカ文化, アメリカ文学・文化, Tourism in 19th Century America, American Literature and Culture, アメリカ文学・文化
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MATSUEDA Norimichi [ Professor ]
I am currently working on several projects related to the interactions between voluntary environmental actions taken by private corporations and public environmental policies, from both positive and normative p ...
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Keywords - Applied Microeconomics, Political Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Political Economics, 環境・資源経済学,応用ミクロ経済学,政治経済学
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Keywords - 韓国語教育学、外国語教科書、多文化社会、キャリア形成支援
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MCDONOUGH BEN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
The main focus of my approach is to create a space where learners feel at ease to communicate with their ...
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Keywords - Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Task-Based Learning, L2 Learner Identity
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MIYAWAKI Koji [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Bayesian econometrics, Markov chain Monte Carlo method, ベイズ統計学, マルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ法, 計量経済学
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