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101-150 of about 800
HARADA Daisuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - インクルーシブ教育, 国語科教育, 授業研究
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Harada Masaki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス科学認識論, 数学と物理学の哲学, 自然哲学
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HARADA Tetsushi [ Professor ]
My research interest is in the history of socio-economic thought,especifically on the development of the ...
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Keywords - History of Economic Thought, History of Social Thought, especially of German-speaking countries, とりわけドイツ語圏諸国のそれ, 文化と社会の経済学, 社会思想史, 経済思想史
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HARA TETSUYA [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Urbanscape Design, 建築の多様性, 建築デザイン, 建築設計
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HARDY JACQUES WILBURN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
My research focuses on English learners’ use of language to manage goals, norms, and roles within discuss ...
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Keywords - English as a Foreign Language, group work, Computer Mediated Discourse
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HARI Yousuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 土地所有権論, 民法
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Harlan Kellem [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
I have investigated the internationalization of higher education at Japanese universities from the perspective of intercultural communication and professional development. Both the foundation of modern universi ...
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Keywords - intercultural communication, internationalization, materials development, phenomenology, stories
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HASEGAWA Keiji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数理社会学
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HASEGAWA Noriko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本語学, 日本語教育学
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HASE Naoya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語教授法
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HASHIBA NORIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ジェンダー法学, 司法アクセス, 法社会学
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HASHIMOTO CHIKAKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス革命, 社交, gastronomie, フランスの食, 社交, 美食, 食の制度化, 食卓の思想, 食文化
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HASHIMOTO Hideki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Carotenoid, Artificial Photosynthesis, Photosynthesis, Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy, Nonlinear Spectroscopy, Artificial Photosynthesis, Photosynthesis, Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy, 光合成,人工光合成,超高速レーザー分光
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HASHIMOTO Maki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 保育学, 子ども家庭福祉学
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HASHIMOTO NAOKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - スピリチュアリティ, ソーシャルワーク, 精神保健福祉
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HASHIMOTO Nobuya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - バルト地域研究, ロシア史, 教育史, 西洋史
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HASHIMOTO SHIN [ Professor ]
HASHIMOTO Yasunaka [ Professor ]
Yasunaka Hashimoto specializes in 19th-century American literature, including Herman Melville and Nathaniel Hawthorne. He reads novels carefully and tranquilly, examining the themes of faith and family in the m ...
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Keywords - American literature, アメリカ文学
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HASHIMOTO YUKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 宣教学の展開とD・ボンヘッファーの実践と思想, 宣教学と社会調査, 日本におけるキリスト教の実践的課題
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HASHIMOTO Yuko [ Professor ]
The development of moral and logico-mathematical thinking of young children. The constructivist approach to early childhood education. Current on-going research focuses on the development children's views on fa ...
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Keywords - Developmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education, 幼児教育, 発達心理学
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HATANO EIJI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 子どもの権利擁護, 児童家庭福祉, 社会的養護
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HAYAKAWA Yuki [ Associate Professor ]
I have worked on researching the political institutional factors governing the introduction and review of risk regulation and risk management in the environmental and food safety fields. In recent years, I have ...
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Keywords - Public Policy, Public Administration, 政治学, 行政学
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Keywords - 日本中世史 足利尊氏 足利義満 足利義政 織田信長 明智光秀
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HAYASHI MAHO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 患者の権利擁護支援, ソーシャルワーク, 保健医療福祉
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HAYASHI Naoya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - スポーツマネジメント, スポーツ経営学
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HAYASHI Takatoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 監査論, 財務会計論
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HAYASHI TOMOHIRO [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - 空間認知, 認知神経科学
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HENNINGS MATTHIAS [ Associate Professor ]
My research interest lies in HR Management, Employment and Education, especially in the Japanese labor market, internationalization of Japanese universities and the promotion of global human capital in higher e ...
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Keywords - Business, Management, Education, Japan
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HERBACH JAMES [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
Recent research projects include a focus on student speaking assessments.The work has been classroom-based in an endeavour to support students' confidence and improvement in their speaking skills and abilities. ...
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Keywords - Speaking, Speaking
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HE YUNYAN [ Instructor of Chinese as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - 中国茶文化, 朱熹思想, 日中文化比較
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HIBINO Hiroki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Two-dimensional materials, crystal growth, surface microscopy, surface physics, 二次元物質, 結晶成長, 表面物性, 表面顕微鏡
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HIDA KANNA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本語教育, 日本語学, 誤用研究
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HIGASHIDA Keisaku [ Professor ]
1. The first main research topic is "Trade and the Environment." In particular, I have been focusing on ( ...
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Keywords - 国際経済学, 環境経済学, 資源経済学
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30 years' experience as a Market Researcher in the research functions in the multinational FMCG companies and research agencies. Key roles were to design/conduct/analyze researches, partnering with research age ...
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Keywords - Marketing Research Insight
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Higgins Robert Michael [ Special Instructor of Language ]
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Keywords - Critical pedagogy, Cultures of learning, EAP
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HIKITA KYOKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 財務会計 監査 内部統制監査
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Himawari Fumiaki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 公会計改革, 公共経営, 行政経営システム
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HIRABAYASHI Takahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - キリスト教学, 北欧(デンマーク)の宗教と文化, 宗教学
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HIRAGA Junko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 素粒子・原子核・宇宙線・宇宙物理
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HIRAGI SHUSUKE [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Healthcare Informatics, Healthcare Management, Health Economics
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HIRAI Yohei [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Regenerative Medicine, 再生医療, 発生生物学, 細胞生物学
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Keywords - 交通経済学, 都市・地域経済学
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HIRATA KAORU [ Laboratory Technician ]
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Keywords - 効力感, 大学効果, 学習方略, 生涯発達, 自己調整学習
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Keywords - 不作為犯, 共犯, 刑事政策, 刑法, 経済刑法
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Hiroaki Ino [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 応用ミクロ経済学, 環境経済学, 産業組織論
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HIROSE Kenzou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際経済学
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HITOKOTO HIDEFUMI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ウェル・ビーイング, 価値観, 幸福感, 感情, Culture, Cross-culture, 自己, 負債感, 文化心理学, 比較文化心理学, 社会心理学
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HOJO Masaru [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 化学生態学
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Keywords - 中国経済論, 農業経済学, 開発経済学
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Holger Robert Bungsche [ Professor ]
Social-economic model; industrial relations; globalization; automobile industry; motorization and automobile culture, regional industry studies, EU studies
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Keywords - Economic history, Economic sociology, Industrial sociology, Labour sociology, 労働社会学, 産業社会学, 経営史, 経済史, 経済社会学
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