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151-200 of about 796
HORIKAWA YUSUKE [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 情報行動論, 社会心理学, メディア社会学
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HORI Keiichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Macroeconomics, Industrial Organization, Financial Economics, Financial Economics, Industrial Organization, Macroeconomics, マクロ経済学, 産業組織, 金融経済学
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HOSHI Kuniko [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ラーニング, 戦略的意思決定のプロセス, 認知科学
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HOSHIYAMA Ken [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中古文学 物語
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HOSOI Takuji [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Electron Device, Interface, Semiconductor Engineering, 半導体工学, 界面物性, 電子デバイス
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HOSOMI Kazushi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 哲学
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HOUGHTON SCOTT DEAN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
Initially, my research focused on the secondary and cumulative effects of Processing Instruction, demonstrating that learners could transfer their training to process and produce another morphological form on w ...
- Research Field・
Keywords - Cognitive Psychology, Genre Writing, Grammar Instruction, Input Processing, Learner Autonomy, Learning Strategies,, Cognitive Psychology, Genre Writing, Grammar Instruction, Input Processing, Learner Autonomy, Learning Strategies,
- Research Field・
ICHIDA YU [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 力学系理論と微分方程式, 現象の数理解析, (広い意味での)防災数学, 偏微分方程式, 常微分方程式
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ICHINOSE Akiko [ Associate Professor ]
Spiritual care for older persons, persons with dementia End of life care Social work for suicide preventi ...
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Keywords - social work, 社会福祉学
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ICHISAKINO MAKI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - がん遺伝子治療
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ICHITAKA Ryoji [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 国際租税法, 租税会計, 租税法
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IGATA MASAHIKO [ Professor ]
IGUCHI Haruo [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - American History, International Security Studies, U.S. Foreign Relataions and Politics, U.S.-Japan Relations, アメリカ史, アメリカ政治・外交, 安全保障, 日米関係
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IIDA TADASU [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 建築人間工学, 建築計画, 空間デザイン
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IKEDA Naoki [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - シミュレーション教育, 環境リスク論
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IKEDA Shinsuke [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - macroeconomic dynamics, behavioral finance, Behavioral economics, asset pricing, Behavioral economics, asset pricing, behavioral finance, macroeconomic dynamics, マクロ経済動学, 行動ファイナンス, 行動経済学, 証券投資
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- Research Field・
Keywords - 映像デザイン,コンテンツデザイン,デザインリサーチ,メディア論
- Research Field・
IMAI Konomi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Historical Development of Social Work, Science of Social Welfare, Social Welfare for the Woman Social Welfare for the family, Social Welfare for the children, ケア(労働), ジェンダー, ジェンダーと福祉, 児童福祉, 国際比較, 女性福祉, 家族福祉, 社会事業史, 社会福祉史, 社会福祉学, 福祉国家, ケア(労働), ジェンダーと福祉, 女性福祉, 社会福祉史, 福祉国家
- Research Field・
IMAI Nobuo [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 文化社会学
- Research Field・
IMANISHI Yusuke [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Field Linguistics (Mayan and Ryukyuan languages), Field Linguistics (Mayan and Ryukyuan languages), Linguistics, Morphology, Syntax, フィールド言語学(マヤ諸語, 形態論, 琉球諸語), 統語論, 言語学
- Research Field・
IMAOKA Susumu [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 環境応答制御学, 環境生命化学, 生化学, 蛋白質化学
- Research Field・
IMAZUYA Naoko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 人間環境科学専攻
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IM RYONGHUN [ Associate Professor ]
My research interests are theoretical research in asset bubbles and macroeconomics. Recently, I examine the role of aggregate demand in a macroeconomic model of rational bubbles.
- Research Field・
Keywords - Asset price bubble, Macro economics, マクロ経済, 資産価格バブル
- Research Field・
IMURA Masataka [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - バーチャルリアリティ,ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション,生体医工学
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INADA Eiichi [ Instructor of Japanese as a Foreign Language ]
I have taught Japanese to non-native speakers both in Japan and abroad. Through my deep involvement with international students, who are studying Japanese in order to work in Japan or to pursue university or gr ...
- Research Field・
Keywords - Japanese Language Education, Japanese Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Research Field・
INAZAWA Katsuhiro [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 会計専門職専攻
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INOKUCHI Akihiro [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 情報科学
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INOUE Ichirou [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 中国政治外交研究, 国際関係論
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Inoue Satoshi [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ヘブライ語聖書神学/子ども
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INOUE TAKESHI [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 憲法, 憲法裁判, 結社の自由
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INOUE Tatsuo [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 企業価値評価, 会計学, 国際会計, 財務会計
- Research Field・
ISABEL GALA CARLOS [ Instructor of Spanish as a Foreign Language ]
My research interests are focused on the history of education and educational policy in the territories o ...
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Keywords - Colonial Studies, History of Education , Philippine History
- Research Field・
ISADA Yuriko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ファイナンス, 多目的最適化、多目的意思決定、メディアプランニング
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ISAKA Motohiko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 情報理論, 符号化
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ISEDA Michihito [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 会社法, 商法, 金融商品取引法
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ISHIBUCHI Junya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - マーケティング
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Ishida Atsushi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Mathematical Sociology, Mathematical Sociology, 数理社会学
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ISHIDA Masayoshi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 会社法, 商法, 金融商品取引法
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ISHIDA YU [ Professor ]
I am researching how public services can be provided to enrich people's lives in society through quantita ...
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Keywords - NPOマネジメント, 寄付・ボランティア行動, 社会起業家, 政策起業家, 公共経営, 公共政策, Community, Giving and Volunteering, Local Disaster Management, Nonprofit Organizations, Philanthropy, Policy Studies, Public Economics, Social Capital, NPO, ソーシャル・キャピタル, 公共政策, 公共選択, 地域社会, 地域防災, 応用経済学, 経済事情
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ISHIGURE Masakazu [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 建築史, 都市史
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ISHIHARA Toshihiko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - PublUniversity Management,ic Management, Public Sector Accounting, 会計学, 公共経営論, 大学経営, 自治体ガバナンス, 自治体会計
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ISHII YURI [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - 生命科学入門実験, 応用微生物学, 酢酸菌
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Ishikawa Keiichi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 応用言語学・第二言語獲得・音声学
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ISHIURA Nagisa [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Compilers, Computer Science, Computer-Aided Design of VLSIs, VLSIの計算機援用設計, コンパイラ, 計算機科学
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ITOH HIROTAKE [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Terahertz, optical physics, solid state spectroscopy, ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy, strongly correlated systems, photoinduced phase transition, strongly correlated electron systems, ultrafast phenomena
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ITO Hidekazu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - サプライチェーン, ロジスティクス, 交通, 物流
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ITO Masanori [ Professor ]
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Keywords - イギリス小説, モダニズム, ヴィクトリア朝
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ITO MAYUMI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際バカロレア(IB), 教育改革, 教育方法
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ITO YUICHI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 認知心理学,記憶,思考
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IWAMATSU Masahiro [ Professor ]