Search Results by Affiliation: School of Policy Studies
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41-50 of about 56
SAYAMA Hiroshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国立公園等自然公園(特に日本を含むアジアとイタリア), 30 by 30, OECM, エコツーリズム, キャンパスツーリズム, パークマネジメント, マイクロツーリズム, マイクロフィールドワーク, ランドスケープ, 人と自然の関わり, 庭園, 持続可能な地域, 時間差の自然体験, 瀬戸内海, 環境思想, 環境政策, 花風景
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SEGAWA Hazuki [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Critical Discourse Analysis, Learner Centredness, Theory of Second Language Education, ナショナリズム, 学習者中心主義, 教育言説, 文化, 日本語教育史, ナショナリズム, 日本語教育, 言語表現教育
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SHIKATA Masato [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 格差・貧困, 生活時間, 社会保障
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ISADA Yuriko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ファイナンス, 多目的最適化、多目的意思決定、メディアプランニング
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KUBOTA Makoto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 情報学, 教育工学
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SUMIYA Kazutoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - クロスメディア設計, 情報デザイン, 社会情報基盤
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YAMADA Takako [ Professor ]
Operations Research, Stochastic Model Analysis and Simulation
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Keywords - Information Science, Operations Research, オペレーションズ・リサーチ, 情報科学
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YOSHINO Taro [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 情報通信技術(ICT)と社会, 計算機物理学
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Yuri Adrian Tijerino [ Professor ]
Dr. Tijerino obtained a Ph.D. in computer science from Osaka University where he pioneered work in the field ontology engineering. Ontology engineering continues to break new ground in the area of artificial i ...
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Keywords - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning, Ontology Engineering, Virtual Reality, オントロジー工学, ビッグデータ, 人工現実, 人工知能, 機械学習
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HASEGAWA Keiji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数理社会学
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