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301-350 of about 796
KURITA Kyousuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 環境経済学, 開発経済学
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KURIYAMA Makoto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - art education,children's artistic activities,children's drawing activities, 児童画, 幼児造形, 美術教育, 造形表現, 造形遊び
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KUROKAWA HIROFUMI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics
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KUROSAWA SHUNSUKE [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 財務会計, 理論分析, 会計エンフォースメント
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KUROSE Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Differential Geometry, 微分幾何
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KUSHIMA KAORI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - International Relations, Comparative Politics, Democratization
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KUSUMOTO Kiyomi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 言語学
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KUSUNOSE Masaaki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 宇宙物理学
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KUWABARA Yoshihiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 演劇・映像・アニメーション・現代の諸芸術, 演劇・映像・アニメーション・現代の諸芸術
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KYAKUNO Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 機械学習を用いた空間統計学、GIS, 都市気候
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KYO Akira [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 刑事法学
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LAFLEUR LOUIS [ Associate Lecturer of English ]
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Keywords - CALL, EFL, Memory (Cognitive Psychology), Vocabulary Acquisition, Indirect Spaced Repetition Software (ISRS), コンピューター支援言語学習, 外国語としての英語, 記憶(認知心理学), 間接的反復学習ソフト
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LEE, SUNHYE [ Professor ]
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Keywords - キリスト教社会福祉, ソーシャルワーク, 社会福祉の歴史と思想
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LEE JUNG WON [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Data Analysis, Quality of Working Life,Family Social Work, Social Statistics, データ解析, 家族福祉, 社会統計, 職業生活の質
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LEE Kenji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 朝鮮文学朝鮮文化, 比較文学比較文化
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LEE SOONYOUN [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 多文化社会, 異文化間コミュニケーション, 韓国語教育
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Leslie Naomi Ono [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Program management, materials development, motivation, needs analysis, program evaluation, sociolinguistics
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Linda Sun [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 社会福祉学
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MAEDA Masako [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 生活保護, 地方自治法, 社会保障法, 行政法
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MAEDA Yuji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Corporate Finance, Risk Financing, Risk Management, リスクマネジメント、リスクファイナンス、リスクの計量化、保険, 企業ファイナンス
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MAEGAWA KAZUMI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Cultural differences, Deaf culture, Japanese Sign Language, Second language acquisition, Sign language linguistics, Sign language teaching, ろう文化, 手話指導, 日本手話, 異文化, 第二言語習得, 聴覚障害児, 言語学
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MAEKAWA Yutaka [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Gospels, New Testament Studies, Textual Criticism, 新約聖書学, 本文批評, 福音書研究
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MAESAKO HIROSHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 憲法, 議会
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MAIN GEORGIA ALICE [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
I research English Applied Linguistics and find interest in researching the native and non-native speakers of English with reference to education, bilingualism and multilingualism the classroom, second language ...
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Keywords - Multi/Bilingualism, Social inequality , English as a Lingua Franca
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MARUKUSU Kyouichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 公共政策, 政治学, 社会学
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MARUTANI KYOHEI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ミクロ経済学、制度設計論、マッチング理論
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Keywords - 公法学
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Mary Chang [ Associate Lecturer of English ]
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Keywords - CALL, CLIL, EFL
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Masatoshi Kato [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Economics of Entrepreneurship, Economics of Innovation, アントレプレナーシップの経済学,イノベーションの経済学,
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MASUDA Kayo [ Professor ]
I am studying the structure of affine algebraic varieties using algebraic group actions.
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Keywords - Affine algebraic geometry, 代数幾何学,変換群論,可換環論
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MASUNAGA Toshikazu [ Professor ]
Toshikazu Masunaga focuses on 19th century American literature and culture in his research, particularl ...
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Keywords - 19th Century American Novels and Culture, American Literature and Culture, 19世紀アメリカ小説, 19世紀アメリカ文化, アメリカ文学・文化, Tourism in 19th Century America, American Literature and Culture, アメリカ文学・文化
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MASUO Sadahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 光化学, 光機能材料, 単一分子検出, 太陽電池, 量子ドット, 光化学, 光機能材料, 単一分子検出, 太陽電池, 量子ドット
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MATSUBARA YU [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Brand, Brand Community, マーケティング, 消費者行動
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MATSUBAYASHI SHIHO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 景観生態学, 生物多様性, リモートセンシング
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MATSUDA MASAHARU [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 保険法, 商取引法
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MATSUDA Yuusuke [ Professor ]
Marine diatom is an extremely important primary producing organism which is responsible for up to 20% the annual global carbon fixation. Our research aim is to elucidate molecular mechanisms of fundamental func ...
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Keywords - Plant Molecular Physiology, Marine Bio-technology, Marine Bio-technology, Plant Molecular Physiology, 植物分子生理学, 海洋生物工学
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MATSUEDA Norimichi [ Professor ]
I am currently working on several projects related to the interactions between voluntary environmental actions taken by private corporations and public environmental policies, from both positive and normative p ...
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Keywords - Applied Microeconomics, Political Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Political Economics, 環境・資源経済学,応用ミクロ経済学,政治経済学
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Matsui Gakuyo [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 健康教育, 小児保健, 病気や障害のある子どもとその家族への支援
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Keywords - アダプテーション研究, イギリス文学・文化研究, モダニズム研究
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MATSUMOTO Hidenobu [ Professor ]
My research interests are relevant to (1) air transportation, (2) agglomeration of industries and (3) bicycle traffic, from an economic perspective. My current topics include the optimal configuration of air ne ...
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Keywords - Agglomeration of Industries, Bicycle Traffic, Air Transportation, Agglomeration of Industries, Air Transportation, Bicycle Traffic, 産業集積, 自転車交通, 航空輸送
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MATSUMOTO KAZUHIRO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - イングランド法学, 西洋法史
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MATSUMOTO KEIICHI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 管理会計,中期経営計画と予算管理,経営計画と経営意思決定
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MATSUMOTO Yuichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 人的資源管理論, 経営組織論
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Keywords - アジア都市計画・デザイン, 海外都市開発協力, 都市・交通政策
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MATSUOKA Katsuhisa [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Social Work,Disability Studies,Social Work with person wirh disability, ソーシャルワーク, 精神保健福祉, 障害学, 障害者福祉
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MATSUOKA MAYUKO [ Assistant Professor ]
My specialty is English education and educational psychology, and my final degree is a Master of Arts (Human and Environmental Studies). I am conducting research on two themes to help learners of English as a f ...
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Keywords - リーディング,物語理解,スピーキング(グループディスカッション),自己調整学習,物語説得,動機づけ,学習方略
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MATSUO MOTOAKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 水素
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MATSUO RYOJI [ Associate Professor ]
I am conducting research on public policy from various perspectives such as governance, management, and v ...
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Keywords - 価値創造, 公共ガバナンス, 公共経営
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MATSUSAKA TAKAHISA [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 乳幼児教育・保育, 笑いの発達と進化, 遊びの発達と進化
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MATSUSHITA HIROAKI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 組織行動, 援助要請, 心理的安全性, リーダーシップ, 資源
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