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401-450 of about 802
MORI TOMOKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 保育者養成教育, 幼児教育・保育, 教育学
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MORIYA Hiromitsu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本法史
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MORI Yasutoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - マス・コミュニケーション論, 危機管理論, 情報社会論
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MOSKOWITZ NICOLE [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
Computer Assisted Language Learning, Speaking and Listening Fluency, Complexity Accuracy and Fluency, Foreign Language Anxiety
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Keywords - ESL, Anxiety, Fluency
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MUKAI Kotaro [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - サービス・マネジメント, ハンズオン・ラーニング, マーケティング, 営業, 流通チャネル
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MULLER STEPHEN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
Communicating with Confidence and Impact, Theatre in Education, Kyosei Studies (未来共生), Theology, Phil ...
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Keywords - Drama, Role Play, Multiculturalism, Diversity, Co-existence
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MUNEKAGE Yuri [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 光合成, 植物生理, 進化
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MURAKAMI KAYO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Social labeling, Energy, Public Policy, Consumer behavior, Environmental Economics
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MURAKAMI KEI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 反応開発, 有機合成, 生物活性分子
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MURAKAMI Ken [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 日本語学
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MURAKAMI Yoko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - スペイン語学, 外国語教育学, 社会言語学
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MURAO Nobutaka [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 地方自治, 市民活動, 行財政改革
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MURASE Yoshifumi [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - エキュメニズム, 宣教論, 神学・宗教学
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- Research Field・
Keywords - Strategic Management, 国際開発行政 マクロ開発政策形成・実施 多国間政策ネゴシエーション 紛争問題と援助政策
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MURATA Yasuko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - gender, feinism, practices, family, mothers
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MURAYAMA Isamitsu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - German literature, ドイツ文学
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MURAYAMA RYOTARO [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - 材料力学、機械材料, 複合材料
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MURRAY CLAIRE ELIZABETH [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
Claire Murray has been teaching English as a second language for more than 15 years. Her research interests are learning strategies and vocabulary acquisition. She is also interested in the impact of teacher ed ...
- Research Field・
Keywords - Learning strategies , Teacher development , Vocabulary
- Research Field・
MUTO SHO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - スペイン・ポルトガル政治史, ヨーロッパ政治史, 権威主義体制
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Myungsoo Kim [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Quantitative sociology, 計量社会学
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NAGAMATSU Namie [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 所得格差, 階級・階層, 非正規雇用
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NAGAMINE Junichi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - public choice, public economics, public finance, 公共経済学, 公共選択論, 財政学
- Research Field・
NAGATA Noriko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - fMRIを用いた共感覚・色聴の脳活動計測, イメージスケール, ピアノ演奏CGアニメーション, ピアノ演奏スキルの解析, マルチスペクトルイメージング, 布の異方性透過散乱特性のモデリングとレンダリング, 感性価値創出技術, 映像・音楽などディジタルメディアが持つ感性情報の理解・表現および評価に関する研究, 音楽情報処理, 顔画像を用いた主観年齢の研究
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NAGATA Shuichi [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Econometrics, Statistics, 統計学, 計量経済学
- Research Field・
NAGATOMO Jun [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - オーストラリア社会, グローバリゼーション論, 文化人類学, 日本社会, 社会学, 移住・移民研究
- Research Field・
NA JONGIL [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 災害救助・被災者支援, 災害復興・地域復興, 韓国災難管理制度, PI・参加型手法, 地域防災・まちづくり
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NAKAGAWA Shinji [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ドイツ語教育, 授業分析, 海外の日本人コミュニティ, 異文化間コミュニケーション, 談話分析
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- Research Field・
Keywords - 実効性確保, 情報公開・個人情報保護, 行政不服審査, 行政不服審査法, 行政法, 誘導手法, 情報公開・個人情報保護, 行政不服審査法, 行政法
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NAKAJIMA Sadahiko [ Professor ]
My major interest lies in psychological processes of learning and memory. I am doing experimental researc ...
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Keywords - animal cognition, experimental behavior analysis, human-animal relationships, psychology of learning, 動物心理学, 学習心理学, 行動分析学
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NAKAJIMA Toshiaki [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Financial Accounting, 財務会計
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NAKA KIICHI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Multisensory Cognition, Applied Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Acoustics
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NAKAMICHI Motoo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - praktical Theology, 実践神学
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NAKAMURA Yuto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 刑事法学
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NAKANISHI Yasuhiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本史(古代)
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NAKANO Yasuto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数理社会学, 環境社会学, 行動科学, 計量社会学
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NAKANO Youko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - psycholinguistics, second language acquisition, sentence processing, 心理言語学, 文処理,第二言語習得
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NAKAO Masahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 情報教育, 数学, 数学教育
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NAKATANI Ayami [ Professor ]
Cultural Anthropology, Gender Studies, Care, Work, Material Culture
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Keywords - Indonesia, The Netherlands, Gender Studies, Work Life Balance, Production and Consumption of Traditional Textiles, Anthropology, Care of Older People
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NAKATANI Koji [ Professor ]
History of Byzantine Empire
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Keywords - European and American History, 西洋史学
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NAKAZAWA HIROMITSU [ Laboratory Technician ]
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Keywords - 化粧品, 皮膚角層, 経皮吸収
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NAMBA AYAKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 異文化語用論, 社会言語学, 談話分析
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NAMIE Akihiko [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 地理学・地誌学, 廃棄物問題, 持続可能な地域
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NANBA Kouji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - メディア文化論, 広告の社会史, 文化社会学
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NARITA Kenichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - パーソナリティ心理学, 感情心理学, 生涯発達心理学
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NARITA Shizuka [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国学
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NAWA YASUNORI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - バイオイメージング, 光計測, 顕微鏡
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NIIZEKI Yoshitaka [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ医学史, アメリカ文学
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NIMURA JUNKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス語圏, 比較文化、美学芸術史、美術史、東アジアの近代化、表象、文化研究, 藝術学
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NISHIGUCHI KEITA [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 初年次教育, 基礎リテラシー, 高等教育
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NISHIJIMA TATSUHITO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 概念フレームワーク, 簿記教育, 財務会計
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