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221-230 of about 796
KALOVICS DALMA [ Assistant Professor ]
KÁLOVICS Dalma received her Ph.D. degree in manga studies from Kyoto Seika University in 2019. Her thesis ...
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Keywords - Manga Studies, Media Studies, Japanese Pop Culture
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KAMADA YUKA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - タンパク質品質管理, 膜タンパク質, 分子細胞生物学
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KAMEDA Keigo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - マクロ経済学, マクロ経済学, 公共経済学、財政学、統計分析
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KAMEI Hisaya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - law policy-making function of litigation,lawyer's role in conflict resolution, 紛争解決における法曹の役割, 裁判の法政策形成機能
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KAMIMURA Tsuyoshi [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 西洋政治思想史、アメリカ革命、権力分立
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KANBE Hidehiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 民法, 環境法
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Keywords - Environmental Justice, Publicness, Squatter, メメントモリ, 不法占拠, 公共性, 環境正義, 生きる死者論, 痛み温存法, 霊性, 災害社会学 環境社会学 死生観
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KANEGAWA MAKOTO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 事実認定, 裁判実務
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KANEKO Tadaaki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - エッチング, ナノ表面制御, プロセスサイエンス, 次世代化合物半導体, 結晶成長, 超高温熱平衡エンジニアリング
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KANNO NANAKO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 光合成細菌 , 応用微生物学, 顕微ラマン分光
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