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1-50 of about 796
ABE Kiyoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - media and communication studies, メディア/コミュニケーション論
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ABE Shota [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Criminal Procedure Law, Criminal Policy, Juvenile Law, Korean Criminal Procedure Law, Criminal Policy, Criminal Justice System
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ABE Takuya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ研究
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ADACHI SATOSHI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ジェンダー, スポーツ, ポスト世俗化, 現代ムスリム, 社会学理論
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AIKAWA SATOSHI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Sport mental training, Sport psychology, Artistic gymnastics, Artistic gymnastics, Sport mental training, Sport psychology
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Akae Tatsuya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 宗教社会学, 日本キリスト教史, 歴史社会学
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AKHTER TASLIMA [ Assistant Professor ]
Taslima AKHTER joined the School of International Studies (SIS) of Kwansei Gakuin University in April 2021. She received her Ph.D. in Advance Management from the Institute of Business & Accounting, Kwansei Gaku ...
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Keywords - Integrated Reporting, Management, Sustainability Management, Integrated Reporting, Management, Sustainability Management
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AKIYOSHI Fumio [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 金融論
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AKIYOSHI RYOHEI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ソフトマテリアル, 固体物性, 金属錯体
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AMAN Hiroyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 金融論
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AMANO YUSUKE [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - モニタリング コーポレートガバナンス 人材育成
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ANDO SACHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Social work education, Inclusive society, Community-based social work, 多文化共生, Diversity education, social capital
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Andreas Rusterholz [ Professor ]
New Testament, Parables, Hermeneutics
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Keywords - Hermeneutics, New Testament, 新約聖書学, 解釈学
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Andrew David Blaker [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
Research is primarily focused on developing methods of giving students skills for self-education that can be used even after university study has finished. Vocabulary study methods based on high frequency words ...
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Keywords - ESP, extensive reading, vocabulary, ESP, extensive reading, vocabulary
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Andrew Nowlan [ Special Associate Professor of Language ]
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Keywords - collaborative online international learning (COIL), computer-assisted language learning (CALL), intercultural communication, intercultural competence, study abroad, internationlization
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Andrew Philpott [ Special Instructor of Language ]
My research interests include L2 motivation, CALL (Computer-assisted Language Learning), educational technologies, and autonomous learning strategies.
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Keywords - CALL(Computer-assisted Language Learning), Educational technologies, L2 motivation, autonomous learning strategies, CALL(Computer-assisted Language Learning), Educational technologies, L2 motivation, autonomous learning strategies
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ANDREWS ROBERT [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
My background is in Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language. In particular, my teaching and researc ...
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Keywords - Academic Writing, Pragmatics, Computer Assisted Language Learning
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AN Hisuku [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 経営学, 韓国企業, 国際企業
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AONO YUICHI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ケミカルバイオロジー, 分子細胞生物学
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ARAI JUN [ Instructor of Japanese as a Foreign Language ]
The pursuit of speaking like a Japanese” is my educational research theme. Many of the students of Japan ...
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Keywords - 日本語音声コミュニケーション, 日本語教育, 発話態度, パラ言語情報, 日本語教育, 発話行為, 音声コミュニケーション
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ARAKI MIKA [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 建築材料, 構法開発, 構造設計
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ARAYAMA Masahiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 地理学, 旅行の文化史, 風景論の系譜
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ARIMITSU Kohki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - compassion, self-compassion, mindfulness, shame, emotion, loving-kindness meditation, guilt, cognitive behavior therapy, Clinical Affective Science, パーソナリティ心理学,臨床感情科学
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ASANO Atsuhiro [ Professor ]
New Testament (Pauline Studies), Social-Scientific Criticism (Community-Identity Construction, Liminality), Apostolic Fathers, Peace Studies
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Keywords - Social-Scientific Criticism, 新約聖書学, New Testament, 神学, Christian Theology, Christian Theology, New Testament, Social-Scientific Criticism
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ASAZU Yoshiyuki [ Special Instructor of Language ]
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Keywords - 日本語教育, 実践研究, 協働学習, PBL, 教師の役割
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ASHINA Sadamichi [ Professor ]
My specialities: Modern Christian Thoughts and Philosophy of Religion. I am researching on several themes; the relationship of Science and Religion, the theory of language (symbol,metaphor, parable), Christiani ...
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Keywords - 宗教と科学, 宗教哲学, 日本・アジアのキリスト教, 現代思想
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ATAKA Yuji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 人類生態学
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Keywords - General Trading Company (sogo-shosha), Globalization and Japan, Innovation, イノベーション, グローバル化と日本, 総合商社
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AZUMA Yoshimi [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 新約聖書学
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BAMBA SACHIKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - スクールソーシャルワーク 子ども家庭福祉 社会的養護
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Bibin Bintang Andriana [ Associate Professor ]
In the 21 century, It will be the period of light for diagnosing and observation of biological sample. Where, it will be faster, friendly to environment, non-invasive method, non labelling, non destructive and ...
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Keywords - Cancer, FTIR, Immunohistochemistry, Raman spectroscopy, TEM, FTIR, TEM, ラマン分光法, 免疫組織化学, 癌
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BIYANI MANISH [ Professor ]
Teaching Biomaterials, Materials Science, Global Entrepreneurship, Advance Sensor Technology, Science Com ...
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Keywords - Evolutionary Molecular Engineering, Nanobiomaterials/Devices, Electrochemical Materials/Devices, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Molecular Diagnostics, DNA based Nanoarchitecture
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BREMNER SUSAN [ Associate Lecturer of English ]
Creativity and Motivation in Language Learning, Content Language Instruction and Learning, and, Computer Assisted Language Learning.
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Keywords - Motivation, Curriculum Development, CALL
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BRENES IVAN MARTIN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
With a background in international relations, I came to my research focus on language endangerment over t ...
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Keywords - language endangerment, orthography of sociolinguistics, linguistic landscape
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Brian Wojtowicz [ Special Instructor of Language ]
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Keywords - Communicative competence, discourse analysis, pragmatics
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BUSSINGUER-KHAVARI Vivian [ Associate Professor ]
My research filed is Second Language Acquisition (SLA), within the broader field of Applied Linguistics. Specifically, my research topics include Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Heritag ...
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Keywords - マイノリティー児童, 第二言語習得, 継承語学習
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CAKEBREAD-ANDREWS OLIVER [ Associate Lecturer of English ]
I am currently a doctoral student studying for a PhD in computational linguistics at the University of Wolverhampton. I am trying to implement the results of my research into the classroom by using big data and ...
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Keywords - Corpus Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Sentiment and Error Analysis
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CAO ZHI [ Instructor of Chinese as a Foreign Language ]
My research mainly focuses on two fields. Firstly, I’m researching Chinese as a second language for forei ...
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Keywords - 中国語教授法, 日中両国漢字の比較研究, 日中両言語の語彙の比較研究, International Chinese Language Education; Comparative Study of Kanji between China and Japan; Usage of Chinese Idiom; Comparative Study of Synonyms between Chinese Language and Japanese Language
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CHEN XUEXIONG [ Instructor of Chinese as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - 閩東方言 福清方言
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CHIBA TAKEO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 保育のカリキュラム, 保育の質, 災害時の保育, 自己点検・評価など
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CHIN HYANGSUN [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - イルカ, ヒトと動物の関係学, 動物トレーニング, 比較認知科学, 水族館, 環境エンリッチメント, 自己認知, 行動分析学, 鯨類, ヒトと動物の関係学, 比較認知科学, 行動分析学
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CHIYONOBU Taizou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数学, 確率論
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CHO EIICHIRO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - キャパシティディベロップメント, 国際協力, 持続可能な社会
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Christian Morimoto Hermansen [ Professor ]
The History of Danish Christian Mission to Japan, The Beggars' Guild in Edo-Period Osaka, Religions and Community in Japan, The retelling of Genesis' Story about Joseph in music and movies.
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Keywords - Beggars' Guild in Osaka, Genesis' Tale of Joseph, Kannon Faith, Lutheran Mission History in Japan, 創世記のヨセフ物語, 大坂の四ヶ所の歴史, 宣教の歴史, 観音信仰
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CHUUGO Daisuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - サービス工学, メカトロニクス, ロボティクス
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CLAYTON DAVID JOHN MCKENZIE [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
COUPLAND THOMAS [ Associate Lecturer of English ]
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Keywords - International Relations, Teacher Development, World Englishes
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Craig Mertens [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
In the EFL field, my research interests include a variety of interests. First, I am interested in self-directed learning, being consulting students on a learning plan for English proficiency exams or plans on ...
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Keywords - Content and Language Integrated Learning, Fluency, Self-Directed Learning, Thinking Routines, Content and Language Integrated Learning, Fluency, Self-Directed Learning, Thinking Routines
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DAIDO Kohei [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 契約理論, 組織の経済学, 行動経済学
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Daniel Gallimore [ Professor ]
I obtained my doctorate at the University of Oxford in 2001 with a thesis on the poetics of Japanese tran ...
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Keywords - Shakespeare translation and reception in Japan; English literature, イギリス文学, 日本におけるシェイクスピア翻訳 (坪内逍遥等)
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