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281-290 of about 796
NISHIJIMA TATSUHITO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 概念フレームワーク, 簿記教育, 財務会計
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NISHIMOTO Akihiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Marketing Strategy, Marketing Science, Consumer Behavior, Market Creation, Brand Management, Interaction Experience with AI-enabled Smart Objects, Megamarketing, Digital Consumption, Consumer Well-being
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OKADA Taishi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 保険論
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OKAMURA Hideo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Corporate Finance, コーポレートガバナンス論, 企業金融論, 証券論, 金融論
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OKAMURA Koichiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - R&D strategy, Science, social network analysis, technology and innovation policy, 研究開発戦略, 社会ネットワーク分析, 科学技術・イノベーション政策
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OMASA GO [ Assistant Professor ]
SAITA YUMI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - マクロ経済学 不動産経済学
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SAKA Chika [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 会計学
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SHIMANUKI Kayoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ文学・文化、リージョナリズム、人種とエスニシティ
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- Research Field・
Keywords - 中小企業会計, 会計, 会計教育, 簿記
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