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291-300 of about 802
KUBOTA Makoto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 情報学, 教育工学
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KUBOTA MAKOTO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - いじめ, 万引き, 教育社会学
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KUBO YOSHIAKI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ガバナンス, 公共政策, 地方自治, 市民社会, 政治学, 自然資源管理, 都市政治
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KUDO Tae [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語教育
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KUME Akira [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 哲学
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KUNIEDA Takuma [ Professor ]
Dr. Takuma Kunieda received a Bachelor's degree (in agriculture) and a Master's degree (in economics) from Kyoto University. He received a Ph.D. in economics from Brown University. Before joining Kwansei Gakuin ...
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Keywords - マクロ経済学・経済成長, 内生的景気循環, 政治経済, 金融市場
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KUNIHAMA TSUYOSHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ベイズ統計学,社会調査分析,ノンパラメトリック法
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Keywords - Development Economics, International Finance, Macroeconomics, マクロ経済学, 国際金融論, 開発経済学
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We are working on developing organic synthetic reactions based on new ideas and challenging the discovery of new phenomena. We also work on understanding and interpreting the new phenomena we discover.
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Keywords - Organic chemistry, 有機反応化学, 有機合成化学, 有機材料化学
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KURASHIMA Akira [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Sociology of Sport, 身体論, Martial Arts, Eastern Medicine, Sociology of Sport, Eastern Medicine, Martial Arts, Body Theory
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