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391-400 of about 796
MATSUOKA Katsuhisa [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Social Work,Disability Studies,Social Work with person wirh disability, ソーシャルワーク, 精神保健福祉, 障害学, 障害者福祉
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OHWA Mie [ Professor ]
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Keywords - NPO, gerontological social work, group work, human resources for care, グループワーク, 介護人材, 福祉NPO, 高齢者福祉
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Satoshi Ikeno [ Professor ]
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Keywords - traumatoloty, mindfulness, therapeutic relationship, clinical social work
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YASUDA Miyoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 社会福祉施設経の組織開発, 組織レベルのソーシャルワーク, 質的調査法
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HAYASHI Naoya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - スポーツマネジメント, スポーツ経営学
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Linda Sun [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 社会福祉学
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KAI Tomohiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - スポーツ数理科学, スポーツ方法学, メディア表現, 野外教育学
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KAWABATA Kazuhiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - applied physiology biomechanics human performance, スポーツバイオメカニクス, 体力学, 運動生理学
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MINESHIGE Kiyoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 新約聖書学
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MIZOHATA Jun [ Professor ]
My principal research interests lie in the field of human growth and development (in particular growth velocity of height and body weight) and the relationship between physique, athletic ability and body sway.
- Research Field・
Keywords - Human growth and development, Methodology for Physical Education, Performance Analysis, physiology for physical education, 体育生理学,体育方法学, 発育発達学
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