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601-700 of about 800
KYO Akira [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 刑事法学
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WILKINS MICHAEL [ Special Instructor of Language ]
Improving students' speaking fluency especially following a progression based on the CEFR guidelines. Imp ...
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Keywords - Speaking Fluency EFL Writing Vocabulary Study, Speaking Fluency EFL Writing Vocabulary Study
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SATO HIROSHI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, 臨床児童青年心理学, 臨床心理学, 認知行動療法
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YAMADA Hitoshi [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Literature in English, イギリス文学
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SHIMIZU YUKITO [ Professor ]
OGASAWARA AI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Modernism and Body, writing and the visual, Ernest Hemingway, Paris in the 1920s
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YAMAUCHI NOBUKO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 幼児教育・保育, 音楽表現
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YAMAMOTO Shoji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - marketing,consumer behavior,distribution system,service marketing, service marketing, marketing, distribution system, consumer behavior, marketing,consumer behavior,distribution system,service marketing, サービス・マーケティング, マーケティング, 流通システム, 消費者行動
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CHIYONOBU Taizou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数学, 確率論
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TANAKA Hiroyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - theoretical linguistics, generative grammar, syntax
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Andrew Philpott [ Special Instructor of Language ]
My research interests include L2 motivation, CALL (Computer-assisted Language Learning), educational technologies, and autonomous learning strategies.
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Keywords - CALL(Computer-assisted Language Learning), Educational technologies, L2 motivation, autonomous learning strategies, CALL(Computer-assisted Language Learning), Educational technologies, L2 motivation, autonomous learning strategies
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GOTO Yukako [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 前近代イラン史, 西アジア・イスラーム史
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KONO Yoshio [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Glass, Liquid, High pressure physics
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NAGATOMO Jun [ Professor ]
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Keywords - オーストラリア社会, グローバリゼーション論, 文化人類学, 日本社会, 社会学, 移住・移民研究
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SATO Shin [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 教育学
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HE YUNYAN [ Instructor of Chinese as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - 中国茶文化, 朱熹思想, 日中文化比較
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DICKERSON LUCAS ALAN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - English as a Foreign Language
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YAMAMOTO Keiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 英語学
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URATA TATSUYA [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - スポーツバイオメカニクス, トレーニング, フィードバックシステム, 体育科教育(身体教育), 動作分析, 子ども, 投動作(投運動), 神経筋機能, スポーツバイオメカニクス, トレーニング, フィードバックシステム, 体育科教育(身体教育), 動作分析, 子ども, 投動作(投運動), 神経筋機能
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Language variation and change in vernacular Japanese
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Keywords - corpus, dialect, linguistics, morphology, コーパス, 形態論, 方言, 言語学
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HAMAMOTO NOBUHIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 教育社会学 学校臨床学 学校の教育改善 インクルーシブ教育 人権教育
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WAKABAYASHI Katsunori [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Computational Physics, Condensed Matter Theory, Quantum Materials, Theoretical Nanoscience, ナノサイエンス, ナノテクノロジー, 物性理論, 理論ナノ科学, 計算物理, 量子マテリアル
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HIRABAYASHI Takahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - キリスト教学, 北欧(デンマーク)の宗教と文化, 宗教学
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DAIDO Kohei [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 契約理論, 組織の経済学, 行動経済学
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ZENNO Miho [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ラテンアメリカ地域研究、とくにメキシコ, 文化人類学
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MATSUMOTO KEIICHI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 管理会計,中期経営計画と予算管理,経営計画と経営意思決定
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NAKAJIMA Sadahiko [ Professor ]
My major interest lies in psychological processes of learning and memory. I am doing experimental researc ...
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Keywords - animal cognition, experimental behavior analysis, human-animal relationships, psychology of learning, 動物心理学, 学習心理学, 行動分析学
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IZUMI EMIKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Applied Linguistics, English Language Education, 英語教育学,応用言語学,異文化コミュニケーション
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TAKAHASHI Isao [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Diffraction Physics, Surface Physics, 回析物理学, 表面物理学
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Keywords - Theoretical Computer Science, アルゴリズム, データサイエンス, 計算幾何学
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TAKEYAMA Tomoko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 初期近代イギリス詩, 女性作家, Early Modern English poetry, Female writing, Interpretation of the Bible, 聖書解釈
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Keywords - システム制御, 熱解析, 電力ネットワーク
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LEE SOONYOUN [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 多文化社会, 異文化間コミュニケーション, 韓国語教育
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KUROSAWA SHUNSUKE [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 財務会計, 理論分析, 会計エンフォースメント
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SATO Akihiko [ Professor ]
Sociology, Sociology of Health and Illness, Sociology of Crime, Discourse Analysis
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Keywords - ディスコース分析, 医療, 社会問題
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OGINO Masahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 社会学, 社会学
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SHIMENO Nobukazu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数学
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MAEKAWA Yutaka [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Gospels, New Testament Studies, Textual Criticism, 新約聖書学, 本文批評, 福音書研究
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WAKAMATSU Katsuhiro [ Assistant Professor ]
His research interests include the development of novel electrode materials for rechargeable (secondary) ...
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Keywords - X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS), Ionized Species, Biomass, Rechargeable Battery (Secondary Battery), Reaction Kinetics (Chemical Kinetics), Hydrogen Production, Solute/Solvent System, Pyrolysis, Thermo-Electrochemical Cell, Fuel Cell, Physical Chemistry, Automatic Reaction Prediction System, Surface Reaction, Catalytic Reaction, Computational Chemistry, Electrochemistry
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Keywords - アダプテーション研究, イギリス文学・文化研究, モダニズム研究
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KUWABARA Yoshihiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 演劇・映像・アニメーション・現代の諸芸術, 演劇・映像・アニメーション・現代の諸芸術
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SEKI Yoshihiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - まちづくり, ボランティア, 災害復興, 社会学
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TAKEDA TOSHIYUKI [ Laboratory Technician ]
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Keywords - プライバシー保護技術, ラーニング・アナリティクス, ワークショップ, 情報デザイン, 自然言語処理
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HAGIHARA NANAMI [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - 建築計画, 建築設計
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OOOKA Emi [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - まちづくり, ソーシャル・キャピタル, 多文化共生
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TOMIDA Kouji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本政治思想史
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Keywords - 中国経済論, 農業経済学, 開発経済学
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KAWABATA Motoo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アジア市場, 国際マーケティング, 国際流通, 流通システム
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Gabriele Hadl [ Professor ]
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Keywords - alternative media, community media, environmental communication, media policy, media studies
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Keywords - community based disaster risk reduction activities, damage mitigation planning, disaster risk reduction system, recovery and reconstruction, urban and regional planning, 減災システム, 災害復興, 都市・地域計画, 防災まちづくり, 防災計画
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YANAI Kenichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 憲法学
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OHDOI RYOJI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - マクロ経済学,経済成長理論
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TSUTSUMI YASUMASA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - スピントロニクス, 物性理論, 超伝導
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Keywords - 事実認定, 民事訴訟
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KAMIMURA Tsuyoshi [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 西洋政治思想史、アメリカ革命、権力分立
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NISHITANI R. Shigeto [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 計算材料学
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SAKURAI CHIEKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 子ども論, 思想史, 教育社会学
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Keywords - コスト・マネジメント, 企業再生と管理会計, 経営計画と経営意思, 臨床会計学, 管理会計
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KAWAMURA Katsutoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 哲学, 思想史, 哲学, 思想史
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Keywords - 統合型マーケティングコミュニケーション ブランドマネジメント
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NISHIWAKI Kiyoji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 分子生物学, 発生生物学, 遺伝学
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Leslie Naomi Ono [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Program management, materials development, motivation, needs analysis, program evaluation, sociolinguistics
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NAWA YASUNORI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - バイオイメージング, 光計測, 顕微鏡
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HAYASHI Takatoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 監査論, 財務会計論
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Hans Peter Liederbach [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ドイツ語教育, 哲学
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ZHANG FAN [ Assistant Professor ]
SAITA YUMI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - マクロ経済学 不動産経済学
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NODA Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 行政法, 行政法
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TORIYAMA MICHINORI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 栄養シグナル, 神経科学, 細胞生物学
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SAKANE Takahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ文学
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KOMI Nozomi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - キリスト教保育, キリスト教教育, 子どもの人権
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MATSUURA Shuji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - terahertz technology, astronomical satellite, cosmic background radiation, planetary exploration, interplanetary space telescope, sounding rocket experiment, infrared astronomy, infrared galaxy, galaxy evolution, zodiacal light, ロケット実験, 観測的宇宙論, 赤外線天文学
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NARITA Kenichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - パーソナリティ心理学, 感情心理学, 生涯発達心理学
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HAYAKAWA Yuki [ Associate Professor ]
I have worked on researching the political institutional factors governing the introduction and review of risk regulation and risk management in the environmental and food safety fields. In recent years, I have ...
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Keywords - Public Policy, Public Administration, 政治学, 行政学
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NISHIMURA Tomo [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 労働経済学, 家計行動の経済学
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MIYAKE Yasuyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 中国政治研究, 国際政治学, 比較政治学
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SAKAMOTO Yuichiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - イギリス史, 西洋史, イギリス史, 経済史, 西洋史
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TAKEDA SHINGO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 美術教育(Art Education), 造形活動における発達と学習, 教育実践研究, 教材開発, ゲームと学習, 地域と教育
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SAKURADA Daizo [ Professor ]
I specialize in international relations, esp. postwar Canadian foreign policy and Canada-US relations. The recent publications include, Canada and Its American Alliance: NORAD in Focus (Japanese from Keiso Shob ...
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Keywords - Canadian diplomacy, Canadian-American relaions, comparative foreign policy, international history, international relations, カナダ地域研究), スタディスキルとライティングスキルの研究, 国際関係史(特に戦後の加米関係史), 国際関係論(比較政治・外交, 大学と社会
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UEDA Kazuhiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - フランス文学・思想
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JIMICHI Masayuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Data Visualization, Regression Analysis, Exploratory Data Analysis, Statistical Modeling, Statistical Learning, Statistical Science, 統計科学
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NOSE Masaharu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 経営雇用関係政策論
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MURAKAMI KAYO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Social labeling, Energy, Public Policy, Consumer behavior, Environmental Economics
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HAMILTON MELISSA ANN [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
I run a student-centered classroom that focuses on student independence and creativity. Language is about ...
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Keywords - experiences, intercultural, student-centered
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JITSU TETSUYA [ Professor ]
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Keywords - アメリカ政策研究, メディア論, アメリカ政策研究, メディア論, 政策形成過程論
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ZUSAI DAI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Equilibrium stability, Evolutionary game theory, adaptive dynamics
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- Research Field・
Keywords - 航空宇宙工学, 先進軽量構造システム, Bio-inspired構造システム
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IMAI Konomi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Historical Development of Social Work, Science of Social Welfare, Social Welfare for the Woman Social Welfare for the family, Social Welfare for the children, ケア(労働), ジェンダー, ジェンダーと福祉, 児童福祉, 国際比較, 女性福祉, 家族福祉, 社会事業史, 社会福祉史, 社会福祉学, 福祉国家, ケア(労働), ジェンダーと福祉, 女性福祉, 社会福祉史, 福祉国家
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KIM YONGSUN [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 建築構法・建築生産
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MATSUMOTO Hidenobu [ Professor ]
My research interests are relevant to (1) air transportation, (2) agglomeration of industries and (3) bicycle traffic, from an economic perspective. My current topics include the optimal configuration of air ne ...
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Keywords - Agglomeration of Industries, Bicycle Traffic, Air Transportation, Agglomeration of Industries, Air Transportation, Bicycle Traffic, 産業集積, 自転車交通, 航空輸送
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OTAKE Keiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 健康心理学
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SUGIMOTO Tokuei [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 会計学, 国際会計, 簿記原理, 財務会計, 財務戦略
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WATANABE TAKAHIRO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 公共経済学, 財政学
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USUI YUKARI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 病弱児の保育
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Himawari Fumiaki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 公会計改革, 公共経営, 行政経営システム
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Akae Tatsuya [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 宗教社会学, 日本キリスト教史, 歴史社会学
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AKIYOSHI Fumio [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 金融論
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ICHITAKA Ryoji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際租税法, 租税会計, 租税法
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YANAGISAWA Tami [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 倫理学, 哲学, 表象文化論
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TOKITO JUMPEI [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ・教員養成,教師教育 ・アクティブラーニング型授業(主体的・対話的で深い学び) ・Information & Communication Technology ・教育改革 ・教育開発 ・社会構成主義
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