Search Results by SDGs: 1. NO POVERTY
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ANDO SACHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Social work education, Inclusive society, Community-based social work, 多文化共生, Diversity education, social capital
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AN Hisuku [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 経営学, 韓国企業, 国際企業
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CHO EIICHIRO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - キャパシティディベロップメント, 国際協力, 持続可能な社会
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Christian Morimoto Hermansen [ Professor ]
The History of Danish Christian Mission to Japan, The Beggars' Guild in Edo-Period Osaka, Religions and Community in Japan, The retelling of Genesis' Story about Joseph in music and movies.
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Keywords - Beggars' Guild in Osaka, Genesis' Tale of Joseph, Kannon Faith, Lutheran Mission History in Japan, 創世記のヨセフ物語, 大坂の四ヶ所の歴史, 宣教の歴史, 観音信仰
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DOI Kenji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Christian Bioethics, Historical Theology, History of Religions, キリスト教思想史 宗教学 生命倫理学
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EHARA AKIHIRO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 場としての学校, スポーツマネジメント, リアルな場とバーチャルな場, 人材育成, 個別最適?な学習, 教育の質保証, 課外活動, 部活動の内部化
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Keywords - 国際人的資源管理, 国際経営, グローバル人材
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HASHIBA NORIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ジェンダー法学, 司法アクセス, 法社会学
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HATANO EIJI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 子どもの権利擁護, 児童家庭福祉, 社会的養護
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IKEDA Shinsuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - macroeconomic dynamics, behavioral finance, Behavioral economics, asset pricing, Behavioral economics, asset pricing, behavioral finance, macroeconomic dynamics, マクロ経済動学, 行動ファイナンス, 行動経済学, 証券投資
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ISHIDA YU [ Professor ]
I am researching how public services can be provided to enrich people's lives in society through quantita ...
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Keywords - NPOマネジメント, 寄付・ボランティア行動, 社会起業家, 政策起業家, 公共経営, 公共政策, Community, Giving and Volunteering, Local Disaster Management, Nonprofit Organizations, Philanthropy, Policy Studies, Public Economics, Social Capital, NPO, ソーシャル・キャピタル, 公共政策, 公共選択, 地域社会, 地域防災, 応用経済学, 経済事情
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KAWASHIMA Emi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 体験学習, 実践教育, 対人援助, 自己理解
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KOBAYASHI, Toshio [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Coporate Organization and Strategy, Innovation, Technology Management, 経営組織・戦略 技術経営 イノベーション
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KONISHI Naomi [ Professor ]
Professional Summary Results oriented and dedicated Associate Professor bringing extensive international ...
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Keywords - Vocaional Education and Training, Higher Education, Diversity Management, Youth Employment, Diversity Management, Higher Education, Human Resources Management, Vocaional Education and Training, Youth Employment, キャリア開発, 人材育成, 組織の多様性, 途上国の人材開発政策, 高等教育と若者の雇用問題
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KONNO TOMOHIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - artificial intelligence, Machine Learning Physics, Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law, deep learning, statistical physics, ゲーム理論, データサイエンス, 機械学習, 経済学, 複雑ネットワーク
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KOTANI Masato [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 臨床教育学, 臨床発達心理学
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We are working on developing organic synthetic reactions based on new ideas and challenging the discovery of new phenomena. We also work on understanding and interpreting the new phenomena we discover.
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Keywords - Organic chemistry, 有機反応化学, 有機合成化学, 有機材料化学
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KURITA Kyousuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 環境経済学, 開発経済学
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LEE, SUNHYE [ Professor ]
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Keywords - キリスト教社会福祉, ソーシャルワーク, 社会福祉の歴史と思想
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LEE Kenji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 朝鮮文学朝鮮文化, 比較文学比較文化
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MAEDA Yuji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Corporate Finance, Risk Financing, Risk Management, リスクマネジメント、リスクファイナンス、リスクの計量化、保険, 企業ファイナンス
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MATSUO RYOJI [ Associate Professor ]
I am conducting research on public policy from various perspectives such as governance, management, and v ...
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Keywords - 価値創造, 公共ガバナンス, 公共経営
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MIWA ATSUKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ジェンダー, 人権, 開発
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MORISHIGE YUKO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Empowerment, Fairtrade, Global health, Social Entrepreneur, エンパワーメント, フェアトレード, 国際保健, 社会起業
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MORITO CHIHIRO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - マーケティング,消費者行動,ソーシャル・マネジメント , サービス・マーケティング, Social Marketing, 相互作用, 自己効力感, 行動変容, 顧客参加, 顧客満足
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Keywords - Strategic Management, 国際開発行政 マクロ開発政策形成・実施 多国間政策ネゴシエーション 紛争問題と援助政策
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OKAMOTO CHIKA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - セツルメント, 地域福祉, 子ども家庭福祉, 社会福祉史
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On-Kwok LAI [ Professor ]
Comparative Policy Studies, Housing & Planning Studies, Urban & Regional Studies, Health & Welfare Reform, Public Policies & Public Sector Reform, Social Impact of Technologies, New Media Studies, Political Eco ...
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Keywords - Comparative Policy Studies, Media Studies, NGOs, Public Policies, Sociology, Urban & Regional Studies, Comparative Policy Studies, Media Studies, NGOs, Public Policies, Sociology, Urban & Regional Studies
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PARK Seung-Joon [ Professor ]
To achieve the balance of environmental protection and avoiding several risks of energy consumption (such as accident of nuclear power), I empirically and theoretically study the possiblity of introducing envir ...
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Keywords - Environmental Economics, Environmental Economics, 環境経済学
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Keywords - フィールドワーク, ホームレス, 地域再生, 多文化共生, 社会的包摂, 社会的排除, 貧困, 質的調査, 都市再生, フィールドワーク, 地域再生, 社会的包摂, 社会的排除, 貧困, 質的調査, 都市再生
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TAKEDA Joe [ Professor ]
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Keywords - CBPR, Social Work, Participatory Action Research, Social Inclusion, Human Diversity and Human Rights, CBPR, Human Diversity and Human Rights, Participatory Action Research, Social Inclusion, Social Work, CBPR, ソーシャルワーク, 参加型アクションリサーチ, 多文化共生, 多様性の尊重
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TAKEMORI MIHO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ソーシャルワーカーの継続学習, ソーシャルワーク, Modified Grounded Theory Approuch(M-GTA)
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TANIMIZU Masaharu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 地球化学 同位体 無機質量分析
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TATSUMI Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 子ども家庭福祉学, 社会的養護
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TOBE Satoshi [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Asset price bubble, International Capital Flows, 国際資本移動
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TOMIDA Kouji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本政治思想史
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WAKI TADAYUKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - コミュニケーション能力, ナラティブ, メリトクラシー, 医療コミュニケーション, 相互行為分析, 社会的現実, 談話研究, 間主観性
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YAMAZAKI RYO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Community Design, コミュニティデザイン
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