Search Results by SDGs: 14. LIFE BELOW WATAR
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CHO EIICHIRO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - キャパシティディベロップメント, 国際協力, 持続可能な社会
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Daniel Gallimore [ Professor ]
I obtained my doctorate at the University of Oxford in 2001 with a thesis on the poetics of Japanese tran ...
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Keywords - Shakespeare translation and reception in Japan; English literature, イギリス文学, 日本におけるシェイクスピア翻訳 (坪内逍遥等)
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HASHIMOTO Hideki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Carotenoid, Artificial Photosynthesis, Photosynthesis, Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy, Nonlinear Spectroscopy, Artificial Photosynthesis, Photosynthesis, Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy, 光合成,人工光合成,超高速レーザー分光
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IKEDA Naoki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - シミュレーション教育, 環境リスク論
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ISHIGURE Masakazu [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 建築史, 都市史
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KONNO TOMOHIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - artificial intelligence, Machine Learning Physics, Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law, deep learning, statistical physics, ゲーム理論, データサイエンス, 機械学習, 経済学, 複雑ネットワーク
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KURITA Kyousuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 環境経済学, 開発経済学
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MATSUDA Yuusuke [ Professor ]
Marine diatom is an extremely important primary producing organism which is responsible for up to 20% the annual global carbon fixation. Our research aim is to elucidate molecular mechanisms of fundamental func ...
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Keywords - Plant Molecular Physiology, Marine Bio-technology, Marine Bio-technology, Plant Molecular Physiology, 植物分子生理学, 海洋生物工学
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MIWA ATSUKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ジェンダー, 人権, 開発
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MORITA Masaya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 上方文学, 伝統芸能, 俳諧, 文芸学, 日本近世文学, 海洋文化, 西鶴, 上方文学, 伝統芸能, 俳諧, 文芸学, 日本近世文学, 海洋文化, 西鶴
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Keywords - Strategic Management, 国際開発行政 マクロ開発政策形成・実施 多国間政策ネゴシエーション 紛争問題と援助政策
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NAGAMINE Junichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - public choice, public economics, public finance, 公共経済学, 公共選択論, 財政学
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NIWA Noboru [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ICT活用, 医療的ケア, 特別支援教育, 病弱教育, 重度・重複障害
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OHYA MASAYOSHI [ Associate Professor ]
With the future hydrogen society in mind, we are working on the development of superconducting devices that utilize the cold heat of liquid hydrogen to save energy. By linking superconducting system networks, s ...
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Keywords - High Magnetic Field, High Temperature Superconductor, Liquid Hydrogen, Power Transmission, 強磁場応用, 液体水素, 電力輸送, 高温超電導
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OSAKI Koichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数学, 解析学, 非線形現象
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SATOU Hidetoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 分光医療工学
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SAYAMA Hiroshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - エコツーリズム・グリーンツーリズム・ブルーツーリズム, 国立公園等自然公園(特に日本を含むアジアとイタリア), 温泉, 自然資源と地域の関わり, 30 by 30, OECM, キャンパスツーリズム, パークマネジメント, マイクロツーリズム, ランドスケープ, 庭園, 持続可能な地域, 時間差の自然体験, 瀬戸内海, 環境思想, 環境政策, 花風景
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TANIMIZU Masaharu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 地球化学 同位体 無機質量分析
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Keywords - community based disaster risk reduction activities, damage mitigation planning, disaster risk reduction system, recovery and reconstruction, urban and regional planning, 減災システム, 災害復興, 都市・地域計画, 防災まちづくり, 防災計画
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TSUBOI Motohiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Petrology, 地質学・岩石学
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WAKI TADAYUKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - コミュニケーション能力, ナラティブ, メリトクラシー, 医療コミュニケーション, 相互行為分析, 社会的現実, 談話研究, 間主観性
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WARITA Tomoko [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 比較腫瘍学, ドラッグリポジショニング, 希少がん, 性分化, 環境ホルモン
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