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AIKAWA SATOSHI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Sport mental training, Sport psychology, Artistic gymnastics, Artistic gymnastics, Sport mental training, Sport psychology
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ANDO SACHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Social work education, Inclusive society, Community-based social work, 多文化共生, Diversity education, social capital
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ARIMITSU Kohki [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - compassion, self-compassion, mindfulness, shame, emotion, loving-kindness meditation, guilt, cognitive behavior therapy, Clinical Affective Science, パーソナリティ心理学,臨床感情科学
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CHIYONOBU Taizou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数学, 確率論
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CHO EIICHIRO [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - キャパシティディベロップメント, 国際協力, 持続可能な社会
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Daniel Gallimore [ Professor ]
I obtained my doctorate at the University of Oxford in 2001 with a thesis on the poetics of Japanese tran ...
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Keywords - Shakespeare translation and reception in Japan; English literature, イギリス文学, 日本におけるシェイクスピア翻訳 (坪内逍遥等)
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DOI Kenji [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Christian Bioethics, Historical Theology, History of Religions, キリスト教思想史 宗教学 生命倫理学
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EHARA AKIHIRO [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 場としての学校, スポーツマネジメント, リアルな場とバーチャルな場, 人材育成, 個別最適?な学習, 教育の質保証, 課外活動, 部活動の内部化
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FUJIWARA Tsukasa [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 確率論
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HARADA Daisuke [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - インクルーシブ教育, 国語科教育, 授業研究
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HASHIBA NORIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ジェンダー法学, 司法アクセス, 法社会学
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HAYAKAWA Yuki [ Associate Professor ]
I have worked on researching the political institutional factors governing the introduction and review of risk regulation and risk management in the environmental and food safety fields. In recent years, I have ...
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Keywords - Public Policy, Public Administration, 政治学, 行政学
- Research Field・
HAYASHI Takatoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 監査論, 財務会計論
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HORI Akiko [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - gender and sexuality, フェミニズム, madia, 視覚文化
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IKEDA Shinsuke [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - macroeconomic dynamics, behavioral finance, Behavioral economics, asset pricing, Behavioral economics, asset pricing, behavioral finance, macroeconomic dynamics, マクロ経済動学, 行動ファイナンス, 行動経済学, 証券投資
- Research Field・
Inoue Satoshi [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ヘブライ語聖書神学/子ども
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ISHIDA YU [ Professor ]
I am researching how public services can be provided to enrich people's lives in society through quantita ...
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Keywords - NPOマネジメント, 寄付・ボランティア行動, 社会起業家, 政策起業家, 公共経営, 公共政策, Community, Giving and Volunteering, Local Disaster Management, Nonprofit Organizations, Philanthropy, Policy Studies, Public Economics, Social Capital, NPO, ソーシャル・キャピタル, 公共政策, 公共選択, 地域社会, 地域防災, 応用経済学, 経済事情
- Research Field・
ITO MAYUMI [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 国際バカロレア(IB), 教育改革, 教育方法
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IWASAKA Niki [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - グローバル教育, シチズンシップ教育, ユースワーク, 人権
- Research Field・
KAWABATA Kazuhiko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - applied physiology biomechanics human performance, スポーツバイオメカニクス, 体力学, 運動生理学
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KAWASHIMA Emi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 体験学習, 実践教育, 対人援助, 自己理解
- Research Field・
KONNO TOMOHIKO [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - artificial intelligence, Machine Learning Physics, Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law, deep learning, statistical physics, ゲーム理論, データサイエンス, 機械学習, 経済学, 複雑ネットワーク
- Research Field・
KURITA Kyousuke [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 環境経済学, 開発経済学
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KURIYAMA Makoto [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - art education,children's artistic activities,children's drawing activities, 児童画, 幼児造形, 美術教育, 造形表現, 造形遊び
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KUSHIMA KAORI [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - International Relations, Comparative Politics, Democratization
- Research Field・
LEE, SUNHYE [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - キリスト教社会福祉, ソーシャルワーク, 社会福祉の歴史と思想
- Research Field・
LEE Kenji [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 朝鮮文学朝鮮文化, 比較文学比較文化
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MAESAKO HIROSHI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 憲法, 議会
- Research Field・
MATSUO RYOJI [ Associate Professor ]
I am conducting research on public policy from various perspectives such as governance, management, and v ...
- Research Field・
Keywords - 価値創造, 公共ガバナンス, 公共経営
- Research Field・
MIWA ATSUKO [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ジェンダー, 人権, 開発
- Research Field・
MIYAHARA Kazunari [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - narratology, narrative tenses, 現代英国・英連邦小説
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MORIMOTO NORIKO [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ディアコニア 現代デンマークのキリスト教 実践神学
- Research Field・
MORIMOTO Takayuki [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ボラティリティー, 機械学習, 統計科学, 金融市場のミクロ構造
- Research Field・
MORITO CHIHIRO [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - マーケティング,消費者行動,ソーシャル・マネジメント , サービス・マーケティング, Social Marketing, 相互作用, 自己効力感, 行動変容, 顧客参加, 顧客満足
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MORI Yasutoshi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - マス・コミュニケーション論, 危機管理論, 情報社会論
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- Research Field・
Keywords - Strategic Management, 国際開発行政 マクロ開発政策形成・実施 多国間政策ネゴシエーション 紛争問題と援助政策
- Research Field・
NIIZEKI Yoshitaka [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - アメリカ医学史, アメリカ文学
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OGAWA SHIHO [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - DNA replication, DNA複製タイミング, Telomere, 分子生物学, 遺伝学
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OGITA YOSHIHISA [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 学校精神保健, 学校臨床心理学, 教育心理学
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OKAMOTO Chieko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 会社法, 商法, 会社法, 商法
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On-Kwok LAI [ Professor ]
Comparative Policy Studies, Housing & Planning Studies, Urban & Regional Studies, Health & Welfare Reform, Public Policies & Public Sector Reform, Social Impact of Technologies, New Media Studies, Political Eco ...
- Research Field・
Keywords - Comparative Policy Studies, Media Studies, NGOs, Public Policies, Sociology, Urban & Regional Studies, Comparative Policy Studies, Media Studies, NGOs, Public Policies, Sociology, Urban & Regional Studies
- Research Field・
- Research Field・
Keywords - Liberation Theology, New Testament studies, Theology, キリスト教学, 新約聖書学, 解放の神学
- Research Field・
OYAMA KEN [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - グラウンデッド・セオリー, 子育て支援, 対人援助学, 援助者の援助, 援助者の質の向上, 相談援助, 臨床心理学, 質的研究
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Satoshi Ikeno [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - traumatoloty, mindfulness, therapeutic relationship, clinical social work
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SETA Masumichi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 電波天文
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SHIBATA MANABU [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Community Work, Social Welfare, Social and Solidarity Economy, コミュニティワーク, 社会的連帯経済, 社会福祉学
- Research Field・
- Research Field・
Keywords - 数学的教具・学習具,数学教育における観察・実験,マス・フェア, 幼児教育の数量や図形にかかわる活動,エデュテインメントのためのアナログ学習具開発,すごろく, シニア世代のケアストレス ,数学教室
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SHIMIZU YASUKO [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 国際公共政策, 国際協力, 難民
- Research Field・
SHIMOTANI NATSUKO [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Japanese Sign Language, Prosody, Second language acquisition, Sign linguistics, プロソディ, 日本手話, 第二言語習得, 言語学
- Research Field・
- Research Field・
Keywords - フィールドワーク, ホームレス, 地域再生, 多文化共生, 社会的包摂, 社会的排除, 貧困, 質的調査, 都市再生, フィールドワーク, 地域再生, 社会的包摂, 社会的排除, 貧困, 質的調査, 都市再生
- Research Field・
TAKEDA Joe [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - CBPR, Social Work, Participatory Action Research, Social Inclusion, Human Diversity and Human Rights, CBPR, Human Diversity and Human Rights, Participatory Action Research, Social Inclusion, Social Work, CBPR, ソーシャルワーク, 参加型アクションリサーチ, 多文化共生, 多様性の尊重
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TAKEDA SHINGO [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 美術教育(Art Education), 造形活動における発達と学習, 教育実践研究, 教材開発, ゲームと学習, 地域と教育
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TAKEMORI MIHO [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ソーシャルワーカーの継続学習, ソーシャルワーク, Modified Grounded Theory Approuch(M-GTA)
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- Research Field・
Keywords - 教育心理学, 発達心理学
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- Research Field・
Keywords - nano materials, fuel cell, catalyst, catalyst, fuel cell, nano materials, ナノマテリアル, 燃料電池, 触媒
- Research Field・
- Research Field・
Keywords - community based disaster risk reduction activities, damage mitigation planning, disaster risk reduction system, recovery and reconstruction, urban and regional planning, 減災システム, 災害復興, 都市・地域計画, 防災まちづくり, 防災計画
- Research Field・
TOKITO JUMPEI [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ・教員養成,教師教育 ・アクティブラーニング型授業(主体的・対話的で深い学び) ・Information & Communication Technology ・教育改革 ・教育開発 ・社会構成主義
- Research Field・
TOMIDA Kouji [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 日本政治思想史
- Research Field・
UEMURA Toshiyuki [ Professor ]
Taxation, Public Management, Local Public Finance
- Research Field・
Keywords - Public Economics, Local Public Finance, 財政学, Public Finance
- Research Field・
WAKI TADAYUKI [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - コミュニケーション能力, ナラティブ, メリトクラシー, 医療コミュニケーション, 相互行為分析, 社会的現実, 談話研究, 間主観性
- Research Field・
YAMADA Naoko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Criminal procedure law, 刑事訴訟法
- Research Field・
YAMADA Takako [ Professor ]
Operations Research, Stochastic Model Analysis and Simulation
- Research Field・
Keywords - Information Science, Operations Research, オペレーションズ・リサーチ, 情報科学
- Research Field・
- Research Field・
Keywords - Private International Law, 国際民事手続法
- Research Field・
YAMAZAKI RYO [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Community Design, コミュニティデザイン
- Research Field・
YOKOUCHI Kazuo [ Professor ]
English fiction
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Keywords - English Literature, イギリス文学
- Research Field・