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AN Hisuku [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 経営学, 韓国企業, 国際企業
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CHIYONOBU Taizou [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 数学, 確率論
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CHO EIICHIRO [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - キャパシティディベロップメント, 国際協力, 持続可能な社会
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CHUUGO Daisuke [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - サービス工学, メカトロニクス, ロボティクス
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EHARA AKIHIRO [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 場としての学校, スポーツマネジメント, リアルな場とバーチャルな場, 人材育成, 個別最適?な学習, 教育の質保証, 課外活動, 部活動の内部化
- Research Field・
FUJIWARA Akihiko [ Professor ]
High-performance energy-related materials are vital for reduction of energy consumption. We aim to develop new materials for this purpose. Current research topics are development of materials for high-capacity ...
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Keywords - Energy-Related Materials, Synchrotron Radiation Analysis, Materials Science, Energy-Related Materials, Materials Science, Synchrotron Radiation Analysis, エネルギー関連材料科学, 放射光分析, 物質科学
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FUJIWARA Shinsuke [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Polyamine microbiology archaea hyperthermophiles, 特殊環境微生物学, 生物工学, Polyamine microbiology archaea hyperthermophiles , 微生物生化学, 特殊環境微生物学, 生物工学
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FUJIWARA Tsukasa [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 確率論
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FURUKAWA Yasuhiro [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Management, オフィス環境, テレワーク, ホワイトカラー, 人的資源論, 企業評価論, 生産性, 経営学, 経営戦略論, 計量経営学, 人的資源論,ホワイトカラー,テレワーク,生産性,オフィス環境, 企業評価論, 経営戦略論, 計量経営学
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HAMURA Toshiyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 有機化学
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HAYASHI Takatoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 監査論, 財務会計論
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HIBINO Hiroki [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Two-dimensional materials, crystal growth, surface microscopy, surface physics, 二次元物質, 結晶成長, 表面物性, 表面顕微鏡
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HIRAGA Junko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 素粒子・原子核・宇宙線・宇宙物理
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HIRAI Yohei [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Regenerative Medicine, 再生医療, 発生生物学, 細胞生物学
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HOSOI Takuji [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Electron Device, Interface, Semiconductor Engineering, 半導体工学, 界面物性, 電子デバイス
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ICHIDA YU [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 力学系理論と微分方程式, 現象の数理解析, (広い意味での)防災数学, 偏微分方程式, 常微分方程式
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IKEDA Shinsuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - macroeconomic dynamics, behavioral finance, Behavioral economics, asset pricing, Behavioral economics, asset pricing, behavioral finance, macroeconomic dynamics, マクロ経済動学, 行動ファイナンス, 行動経済学, 証券投資
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IMURA Masataka [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - バーチャルリアリティ,ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション,生体医工学
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INOKUCHI Akihiro [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 情報科学
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ISAKA Motohiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 情報理論, 符号化
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ISHIURA Nagisa [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Compilers, Computer Science, Computer-Aided Design of VLSIs, VLSIの計算機援用設計, コンパイラ, 計算機科学
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ITOH HIROTAKE [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Terahertz, optical physics, solid state spectroscopy, ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy, strongly correlated systems, photoinduced phase transition, strongly correlated electron systems, ultrafast phenomena
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KAMADA YUKA [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - タンパク質品質管理, 膜タンパク質, 分子細胞生物学
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KANEKO Tadaaki [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - エッチング, ナノ表面制御, プロセスサイエンス, 次世代化合物半導体, 結晶成長, 超高温熱平衡エンジニアリング
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KATAYOSE Haruhiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Entertainment Computing, ゲーム情報学, 感情情報処理, Entertainment Computing, HCI, Music Informatics, 音楽情報処理
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KATO Masako [ Professor ]
The term crystal generally evokes thoughts of hard and stable materials like diamond and quartz that are ...
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Keywords - ソフトクリスタル, Photochemistry, Photofunctions, Structural Chemistry, Coordination Compounds, Coordination Chemistry, Coordination Compounds, Photofunctions, Soft Crystals, ソフトクリスタル, 光機能, 構造化学, 金属錯体
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KIM YONGSUN [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 建築構法・建築生産
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KITAHARA Kazuaki [ Professor ]
It is well known that approximating spaces consisting of polynomial functions, trigonometric functions, spline functions are extremely useful when considering approximations to functions. This is because these ...
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Keywords - mathematics, approximation theory, interpolation and best approximation
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KOBAYASHI, Toshio [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Coporate Organization and Strategy, Innovation, Technology Management, 経営組織・戦略 技術経営 イノベーション
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KONNO TOMOHIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - artificial intelligence, Machine Learning Physics, Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law, deep learning, statistical physics, ゲーム理論, データサイエンス, 機械学習, 経済学, 複雑ネットワーク
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KONO Yasuyuki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Augmented Memory, Intelligent Human Interface, Multimodal Understanding, Sensor Fusion, Spoken Dialogue Systems, Vision-based Wearable Interfaces, ウェアラブルとユビキタス, ヒューマンコミュニケーション, マルチモーダルインタラクション, 体験記録とその利用, 実世界インタラクション, 体験メディア,ウェアラブルとユビキタス,ヒューマンコミュニケーション,マルチモーダルインタラクション,知的インタフェース,知的CAI,帰納推論,仮説推論
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We are working on developing organic synthetic reactions based on new ideas and challenging the discovery of new phenomena. We also work on understanding and interpreting the new phenomena we discover.
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Keywords - Organic chemistry, 有機反応化学, 有機合成化学, 有機材料化学
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KURITA Atusi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 物理
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KURITA Kyousuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 環境経済学, 開発経済学
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KUROSE Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Differential Geometry, 微分幾何
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MASUDA Kayo [ Professor ]
I am studying the structure of affine algebraic varieties using algebraic group actions.
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Keywords - Affine algebraic geometry, 代数幾何学,変換群論,可換環論
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MASUO Sadahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 光化学, 光機能材料, 単一分子検出, 太陽電池, 量子ドット, 光化学, 光機能材料, 単一分子検出, 太陽電池, 量子ドット
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MATSUDA Yuusuke [ Professor ]
Marine diatom is an extremely important primary producing organism which is responsible for up to 20% the annual global carbon fixation. Our research aim is to elucidate molecular mechanisms of fundamental func ...
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Keywords - Plant Molecular Physiology, Marine Bio-technology, Marine Bio-technology, Plant Molecular Physiology, 植物分子生理学, 海洋生物工学
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MATSUMOTO Hidenobu [ Professor ]
My research interests are relevant to (1) air transportation, (2) agglomeration of industries and (3) bicycle traffic, from an economic perspective. My current topics include the optimal configuration of air ne ...
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Keywords - Agglomeration of Industries, Bicycle Traffic, Air Transportation, Agglomeration of Industries, Air Transportation, Bicycle Traffic, 産業集積, 自転車交通, 航空輸送
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MATSUO RYOJI [ Associate Professor ]
I am conducting research on public policy from various perspectives such as governance, management, and v ...
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Keywords - 価値創造, 公共ガバナンス, 公共経営
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MATSUURA Shuji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - terahertz technology, astronomical satellite, cosmic background radiation, planetary exploration, interplanetary space telescope, sounding rocket experiment, infrared astronomy, infrared galaxy, galaxy evolution, zodiacal light, ロケット実験, 観測的宇宙論, 赤外線天文学
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MIURA Keiji [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - データサイエンス, ブレイン・マシン・インターフェース, 計算論的神経科学
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MIWA ATSUKO [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ジェンダー, 人権, 開発
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MIWA Hiroyoshi [ Professor ]
The research field of our laboratory is Applied Mathematics and Physics. We face numerous problems that need to be solved in practical applications from many areas such as operations research, communication net ...
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Keywords - AI(Artificial Intelligence), Algorithm, Algorithm Engineering; Discrete Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, BigData, CG(Computer Graphics), Computer Science, Internet, Mathematics, Optimization, 情報科学,数学,数理工学,アルゴリズム工学; 離散数学,最適化,アルゴリズム,AI(人工知能),CG(コンピュータグラフィクス),ビッグデータ,インターネット
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MIYAHARA KEIZO [ Professor ]
Our laboratory research "Mechatronic systems." Mechatronics is a branch of engineering, locating at the i ...
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Keywords - Locomotion, Mechatronics, Systems design, メカトロニクス,移動機能,システム設計
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MORIMOTO Takayuki [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ボラティリティー, 機械学習, 統計科学, 金融市場のミクロ構造
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MORISAKI Yasuhiro [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Functional Organic Materials Chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 有機合成化学, 機能性有機材料化学
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MORISHIGE YUKO [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Empowerment, Fairtrade, Global health, Social Entrepreneur, エンパワーメント, フェアトレード, 国際保健, 社会起業
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MORI Yasutoshi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - マス・コミュニケーション論, 危機管理論, 情報社会論
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MUKAI Kotaro [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - サービス・マネジメント, ハンズオン・ラーニング, マーケティング, 営業, 流通チャネル
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MUNEKAGE Yuri [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 光合成, 植物生理, 進化
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- Research Field・
Keywords - Strategic Management, 国際開発行政 マクロ開発政策形成・実施 多国間政策ネゴシエーション 紛争問題と援助政策
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MURAYAMA RYOTARO [ Contract Assistant ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 材料力学、機械材料, 複合材料
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NAGATA Noriko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - fMRIを用いた共感覚・色聴の脳活動計測, イメージスケール, ピアノ演奏CGアニメーション, ピアノ演奏スキルの解析, マルチスペクトルイメージング, 布の異方性透過散乱特性のモデリングとレンダリング, 感性価値創出技術, 映像・音楽などディジタルメディアが持つ感性情報の理解・表現および評価に関する研究, 音楽情報処理, 顔画像を用いた主観年齢の研究
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NAKAJIMA Toshiaki [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Financial Accounting, 財務会計
- Research Field・
NAKA KIICHI [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Multisensory Cognition, Applied Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Acoustics
- Research Field・
NAKAZAWA HIROMITSU [ Laboratory Technician ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 化粧品, 皮膚角層, 経皮吸収
- Research Field・
NISHIWAKI Kiyoji [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 分子生物学, 発生生物学, 遺伝学
- Research Field・
NOSE Masaharu [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 経営雇用関係政策論
- Research Field・
OGASAWARA Kazuyoshi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 無機・分析化学
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OGURA Teppei [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Catalysis, Computational Chemisrty, Fuel Cell, Physical Chemisrty, 燃料電池, 物理化学, 触媒反応, 計算化学
- Research Field・
OHSAKI Hiroyuki [ Professor ]
Hiroyuki Ohsaki received the M. E. degree in the Information and Computer Sciences from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, in 1995. He also received the Ph. D. degree from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, in 1997. ...
- Research Field・
Keywords - Information Networking, Large-Scale Networks, Network Architecture, ネットワークアーキテクチャ, 大規模ネットワーク, 情報ネットワーク
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OHSUGI Hidefumi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - グレブナー基底, トーリックイデアル, 凸多面体,組合せ論
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OHTANI Noboru [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 半導体材料, 欠陥物理, 結晶成長
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OHYA MASAYOSHI [ Associate Professor ]
With the future hydrogen society in mind, we are working on the development of superconducting devices that utilize the cold heat of liquid hydrogen to save energy. By linking superconducting system networks, s ...
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Keywords - High Magnetic Field, High Temperature Superconductor, Liquid Hydrogen, Power Transmission, 強磁場応用, 液体水素, 電力輸送, 高温超電導
- Research Field・
OKAMURA Hideo [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Corporate Finance, コーポレートガバナンス論, 企業金融論, 証券論, 金融論
- Research Field・
OKIYONEDA Tsukasa [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 分子細胞生物学, 生化学, 薬理学
- Research Field・
Omachi Junko [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 光物性
- Research Field・
OSAKI Koichi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 数学, 解析学, 非線形現象
- Research Field・
OYO Kuratomo [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - バンディット問題, 強化学習, 機械学習
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PARK Seung-Joon [ Professor ]
To achieve the balance of environmental protection and avoiding several risks of energy consumption (such as accident of nuclear power), I empirically and theoretically study the possiblity of introducing envir ...
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Keywords - Environmental Economics, Environmental Economics, 環境経済学
- Research Field・
SAGA Norihiko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ロボット工学, 人間支援工学, 運動と機構, アクチュエータ工学, スポーツ工学
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SHIBATA Yukimasa [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Developmental Biology, 発生生物学 エピジェネティクス 遺伝子発現調節
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SHIGETO Shinsuke [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Biophysical chemistry, Molecular spectroscopy, Structural chemistry, 分子分光学, 構造化学, 生物物理化学
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SHIHO Kei [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 労働経済, 国際的な人の移動研究, 国際移民論, 外国人政策, 移民政策
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SHIMENO Nobukazu [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 数学
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- Research Field・
Keywords - フィールドワーク, ホームレス, 地域再生, 多文化共生, 社会的包摂, 社会的排除, 貧困, 質的調査, 都市再生, フィールドワーク, 地域再生, 社会的包摂, 社会的排除, 貧困, 質的調査, 都市再生
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SHIRAKAWA Eiji [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 有機合成化学,有機金属化学,触媒反応
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Suguru N. Kudoh [ Professor ]
Suguru N. Kudoh's main research interests include elucidation of the relationships between dynamics of neuronal network and inputted outer phenomenon. He has developed Bio-robot hybrid system, in which a livin ...
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Keywords - neurorobot, bioimaging, patch clamp technique, fuzzy reasoning, brain-machine interface, cultured neuronal network, acute slice preparation, machine intelligence, Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), deep learning, Neuronal Intelligence Engineering (NIE), Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Self-organization map, Neuronal Intelligence Engineering, cognitive science, intelligence engineering, neuroengineering, neurophysiology, soft computing, ソフトコンピューティング,認知科学, 神経工学、神経生理学、知能工学, 神経知能工学
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- Research Field・
Keywords - スピントロニクス, 放射光分析, 磁性材料
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TAKAHASHI Kazuko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - computer science, knowledge representation, modal logic, reasoning, 推論, 様相論理, 知識表現, 計算機科学
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TAKEDA NAOYA [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - カルシウムイメージング, 根粒共生, 植物微生物間相互作用, 菌根共生, 共生, 植物生理学
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TAKEDA TOSHIYUKI [ Laboratory Technician ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - プライバシー保護技術, ラーニング・アナリティクス, ワークショップ, 情報デザイン, 自然言語処理
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- Research Field・
Keywords - 教育心理学, 発達心理学
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TANAKA Daisuke [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Coordination Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, 錯体化学
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- Research Field・
Keywords - nano materials, fuel cell, catalyst, catalyst, fuel cell, nano materials, ナノマテリアル, 燃料電池, 触媒
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TANAKA Katsunori [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - タンパク質翻訳後修飾, プロテオミクス, Molecular Biology, 分子細胞生物学, 分子遺伝学, 染色体機能, 生化学, プロテオミクス, 分子細胞生物学, 分子遺伝学, 植物分子生物学, 生化学
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TANIMIZU Masaharu [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 地球化学 同位体 無機質量分析
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TANIMURA MARI [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ベンチャー, 中小企業経営, 創業, 新規事業開発, 経営革新
- Research Field・
TAWA Keiko [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ナノバイオ, プラズモン共鳴, 物理化学, 高分子物理化学
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TOBE Satoshi [ Assistant Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Asset price bubble, International Capital Flows, 国際資本移動
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- Research Field・
Keywords - Theoretical Computer Science, アルゴリズム, データサイエンス, 計算幾何学
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UEMURA Toshiyuki [ Professor ]
Taxation, Public Management, Local Public Finance
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Keywords - Public Economics, Local Public Finance, 財政学, Public Finance
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WAKABAYASHI Katsunori [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Computational Physics, Condensed Matter Theory, Quantum Materials, Theoretical Nanoscience, ナノサイエンス, ナノテクノロジー, 物性理論, 理論ナノ科学, 計算物理, 量子マテリアル
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WAKAMATSU Katsuhiro [ Assistant Professor ]
His research interests include the development of novel electrode materials for rechargeable (secondary) ...
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Keywords - X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS), Ionized Species, Biomass, Rechargeable Battery (Secondary Battery), Reaction Kinetics (Chemical Kinetics), Hydrogen Production, Solute/Solvent System, Pyrolysis, Thermo-Electrochemical Cell, Fuel Cell, Physical Chemistry, Automatic Reaction Prediction System, Surface Reaction, Catalytic Reaction, Computational Chemistry, Electrochemistry
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YAGASAKI Atsushi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Synthetic inorganic chemistry, solution chemistry, 合成無機化学, 溶液化学
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YAMADA Takako [ Professor ]
Operations Research, Stochastic Model Analysis and Simulation
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Keywords - Information Science, Operations Research, オペレーションズ・リサーチ, 情報科学
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YAMAGUCHI Hiroshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 構造生物学, 蛋白質結晶学
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YAMANE HIROO [ Contract Assistant ]
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Keywords - ネットワーク工学, 通信工学, 電子デバイス, 電子機器
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YAO IKUKO [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - SCRAPPER, imaging, シナプス, プロテオーム, 包括脳ネットワーク, 神経可塑性, 神経科学, 統合脳・分子脳科学, 老化, 蛋白質, 蛋白質分解, mass spectrometry, イメージング, 生化学, 老化, 脳神経科学
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YOSHIKAWA Hirofumi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 無機化学, 物理化学, 電気化学
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YOSHINO Kohzoh [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 生体医工学,データサイエンス,睡眠解析,自律神経,生体信号解析,心理,神経疾患
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