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91-100 of about 796
YOKOUCHI Kazuo [ Professor ]
English fiction
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Keywords - English Literature, イギリス文学
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HORI Akiko [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - gender and sexuality, フェミニズム, madia, 視覚文化
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IWATANI SHUMA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 多元的無知, 文化, 集団規範
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MIZUNO Keiko [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - 利他性, 社会心理学, 社会的ジレンマ
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NAKATANI Ayami [ Professor ]
Cultural Anthropology, Gender Studies, Care, Work, Material Culture
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Keywords - Indonesia, The Netherlands, Gender Studies, Work Life Balance, Production and Consumption of Traditional Textiles, Anthropology, Care of Older People
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SUZUKI Kensuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Sociology, Sociology, 社会学
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TAKEUCHI KYOKO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - X-jendā, Oral history, categorization, gender, sexuality, transgender, nonbinary, fieldwork
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ABE Kiyoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - media and communication studies, メディア/コミュニケーション論
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ADACHI SATOSHI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ジェンダー, スポーツ, ポスト世俗化, 現代ムスリム, 社会学理論
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Akae Tatsuya [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 宗教社会学, 日本キリスト教史, 歴史社会学
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