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91-100 of about 102
TOBE Satoshi [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Asset price bubble, International Capital Flows, 国際資本移動
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Keywords - Theoretical Computer Science, アルゴリズム, データサイエンス, 計算幾何学
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UEMURA Toshiyuki [ Professor ]
Taxation, Public Management, Local Public Finance
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Keywords - Public Economics, Local Public Finance, 財政学, Public Finance
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WAKABAYASHI Katsunori [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Computational Physics, Condensed Matter Theory, Quantum Materials, Theoretical Nanoscience, ナノサイエンス, ナノテクノロジー, 物性理論, 理論ナノ科学, 計算物理, 量子マテリアル
- Research Field・
WAKAMATSU Katsuhiro [ Assistant Professor ]
His research interests include the development of novel electrode materials for rechargeable (secondary) ...
- Research Field・
Keywords - X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS), Ionized Species, Biomass, Rechargeable Battery (Secondary Battery), Reaction Kinetics (Chemical Kinetics), Hydrogen Production, Solute/Solvent System, Pyrolysis, Thermo-Electrochemical Cell, Fuel Cell, Physical Chemistry, Automatic Reaction Prediction System, Surface Reaction, Catalytic Reaction, Computational Chemistry, Electrochemistry
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YAGASAKI Atsushi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Synthetic inorganic chemistry, solution chemistry, 合成無機化学, 溶液化学
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YAMADA Takako [ Professor ]
Operations Research, Stochastic Model Analysis and Simulation
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Keywords - Information Science, Operations Research, オペレーションズ・リサーチ, 情報科学
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YAMAGUCHI Hiroshi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 構造生物学, 蛋白質結晶学
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YAMANE HIROO [ Contract Assistant ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ネットワーク工学, 通信工学, 電子デバイス, 電子機器
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YAO IKUKO [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - SCRAPPER, imaging, シナプス, プロテオーム, 包括脳ネットワーク, 神経可塑性, 神経科学, 統合脳・分子脳科学, 老化, 蛋白質, 蛋白質分解, mass spectrometry, イメージング, 生化学, 老化, 脳神経科学
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