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11-20 of about 65
HASHIBA NORIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - ジェンダー法学, 司法アクセス, 法社会学
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HAYAKAWA Yuki [ Associate Professor ]
I have worked on researching the political institutional factors governing the introduction and review of risk regulation and risk management in the environmental and food safety fields. In recent years, I have ...
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Keywords - Public Policy, Public Administration, 政治学, 行政学
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HAYASHI Takatoshi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 監査論, 財務会計論
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HORI Akiko [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - gender and sexuality, フェミニズム, madia, 視覚文化
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IKEDA Shinsuke [ Professor ]
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Keywords - macroeconomic dynamics, behavioral finance, Behavioral economics, asset pricing, Behavioral economics, asset pricing, behavioral finance, macroeconomic dynamics, マクロ経済動学, 行動ファイナンス, 行動経済学, 証券投資
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Inoue Satoshi [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ヘブライ語聖書神学/子ども
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ISHIDA YU [ Professor ]
I am researching how public services can be provided to enrich people's lives in society through quantita ...
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Keywords - NPOマネジメント, 寄付・ボランティア行動, 社会起業家, 政策起業家, 公共経営, 公共政策, Community, Giving and Volunteering, Local Disaster Management, Nonprofit Organizations, Philanthropy, Policy Studies, Public Economics, Social Capital, NPO, ソーシャル・キャピタル, 公共政策, 公共選択, 地域社会, 地域防災, 応用経済学, 経済事情
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ITO MAYUMI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際バカロレア(IB), 教育改革, 教育方法
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IWASAKA Niki [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - グローバル教育, シチズンシップ教育, ユースワーク, 人権
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KAWABATA Kazuhiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - applied physiology biomechanics human performance, スポーツバイオメカニクス, 体力学, 運動生理学
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