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21-30 of about 102
ISHIURA Nagisa [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Compilers, Computer Science, Computer-Aided Design of VLSIs, VLSIの計算機援用設計, コンパイラ, 計算機科学
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ITOH HIROTAKE [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Terahertz, optical physics, solid state spectroscopy, ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy, strongly correlated systems, photoinduced phase transition, strongly correlated electron systems, ultrafast phenomena
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KAMADA YUKA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - タンパク質品質管理, 膜タンパク質, 分子細胞生物学
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KANEKO Tadaaki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - エッチング, ナノ表面制御, プロセスサイエンス, 次世代化合物半導体, 結晶成長, 超高温熱平衡エンジニアリング
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KATAYOSE Haruhiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Entertainment Computing, ゲーム情報学, 感情情報処理, Entertainment Computing, HCI, Music Informatics, 音楽情報処理
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KATO Masako [ Professor ]
The term crystal generally evokes thoughts of hard and stable materials like diamond and quartz that are ...
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Keywords - ソフトクリスタル, Photochemistry, Photofunctions, Structural Chemistry, Coordination Compounds, Coordination Chemistry, Coordination Compounds, Photofunctions, Soft Crystals, ソフトクリスタル, 光機能, 構造化学, 金属錯体
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KIM YONGSUN [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 建築構法・建築生産
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KITAHARA Kazuaki [ Professor ]
It is well known that approximating spaces consisting of polynomial functions, trigonometric functions, spline functions are extremely useful when considering approximations to functions. This is because these ...
- Research Field・
Keywords - mathematics, approximation theory, interpolation and best approximation
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KOBAYASHI, Toshio [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Coporate Organization and Strategy, Innovation, Technology Management, 経営組織・戦略 技術経営 イノベーション
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KONNO TOMOHIKO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - artificial intelligence, Machine Learning Physics, Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law, deep learning, statistical physics, ゲーム理論, データサイエンス, 機械学習, 経済学, 複雑ネットワーク
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