Search Results by SDGs: 1. NO POVERTY
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31-38 of about 38
TAKEDA Joe [ Professor ]
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Keywords - CBPR, Social Work, Participatory Action Research, Social Inclusion, Human Diversity and Human Rights, CBPR, Human Diversity and Human Rights, Participatory Action Research, Social Inclusion, Social Work, CBPR, ソーシャルワーク, 参加型アクションリサーチ, 多文化共生, 多様性の尊重
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TAKEMORI MIHO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ソーシャルワーカーの継続学習, ソーシャルワーク, Modified Grounded Theory Approuch(M-GTA)
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TANIMIZU Masaharu [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 地球化学 同位体 無機質量分析
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TATSUMI Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 子ども家庭福祉学, 社会的養護
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TOBE Satoshi [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Asset price bubble, International Capital Flows, 国際資本移動
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TOMIDA Kouji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 日本政治思想史
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WAKI TADAYUKI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - コミュニケーション能力, ナラティブ, メリトクラシー, 医療コミュニケーション, 相互行為分析, 社会的現実, 談話研究, 間主観性
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YAMAZAKI RYO [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Community Design, コミュニティデザイン
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