Search Results by SDGs: 4. QUALITY EDUCATION
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31-40 of about 93
KUSUNOSE Masaaki [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 宇宙物理学
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MAEDA Yuji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Corporate Finance, Risk Financing, Risk Management, リスクマネジメント、リスクファイナンス、リスクの計量化、保険, 企業ファイナンス
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MAEGAWA KAZUMI [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Cultural differences, Deaf culture, Japanese Sign Language, Second language acquisition, Sign language linguistics, Sign language teaching, ろう文化, 手話指導, 日本手話, 異文化, 第二言語習得, 聴覚障害児, 言語学
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MASUDA Kayo [ Professor ]
I am studying the structure of affine algebraic varieties using algebraic group actions.
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Keywords - Affine algebraic geometry, 代数幾何学,変換群論,可換環論
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Matsui Gakuyo [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 健康教育, 小児保健, 病気や障害のある子どもとその家族への支援
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MATSUMOTO Yuichi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 人的資源管理論, 経営組織論
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MATSUOKA MAYUKO [ Assistant Professor ]
My specialty is English education and educational psychology, and my final degree is a Master of Arts (Human and Environmental Studies). I am conducting research on two themes to help learners of English as a f ...
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Keywords - リーディング,物語理解,スピーキング(グループディスカッション),自己調整学習,物語説得,動機づけ,学習方略
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MATSUO RYOJI [ Associate Professor ]
I am conducting research on public policy from various perspectives such as governance, management, and v ...
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Keywords - 価値創造, 公共ガバナンス, 公共経営
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MATSUSHITA Keiko [ Instructor of Japanese as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - Japanese Language Education, 教育社会学, Adult education, Lifelong Learning, キャリア教育
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MIURA Keiji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - データサイエンス, ブレイン・マシン・インターフェース, 計算論的神経科学
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