Search Results by SDGs: 10. REDUCED INEQUALITIES
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41-50 of about 66
OUCHI Akiko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 人的資源管理, 経営学
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PARK Seung-Joon [ Professor ]
To achieve the balance of environmental protection and avoiding several risks of energy consumption (such as accident of nuclear power), I empirically and theoretically study the possiblity of introducing envir ...
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Keywords - Environmental Economics, Environmental Economics, 環境経済学
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RYU SANG-OH [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Barrier-free, Universal design, Architectural planning, The disabled, The aged, Architectural planning, Barrier-Free, Inclusive society, Universal Design, ユニバーサルデザイン, 建築計画, 福祉のまちづくり
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SAKA Chika [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 会計学
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SANAGI Tomomi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Education Theory, Inclusive Education, Special Educational Needs, 外国障害児教育制度, 特別な教育的ニーズ論, 障害児教育学
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Satoshi Ikeno [ Professor ]
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Keywords - traumatoloty, mindfulness, therapeutic relationship, clinical social work
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SHIBATA MANABU [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - Community Work, Social Welfare, Social and Solidarity Economy, コミュニティワーク, 社会的連帯経済, 社会福祉学
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Keywords - 数学的教具・学習具,数学教育における観察・実験,マス・フェア, 幼児教育の数量や図形にかかわる活動,エデュテインメントのためのアナログ学習具開発,すごろく, シニア世代のケアストレス ,数学教室
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SHIHO Kei [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 労働経済, 国際的な人の移動研究, 国際移民論, 外国人政策, 移民政策
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SHIMIZU YASUKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 国際公共政策, 国際協力, 難民
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