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41-50 of about 102
MATSUURA Shuji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - terahertz technology, astronomical satellite, cosmic background radiation, planetary exploration, interplanetary space telescope, sounding rocket experiment, infrared astronomy, infrared galaxy, galaxy evolution, zodiacal light, ロケット実験, 観測的宇宙論, 赤外線天文学
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MIURA Keiji [ Professor ]
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Keywords - データサイエンス, ブレイン・マシン・インターフェース, 計算論的神経科学
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MIWA ATSUKO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ジェンダー, 人権, 開発
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MIWA Hiroyoshi [ Professor ]
The research field of our laboratory is Applied Mathematics and Physics. We face numerous problems that need to be solved in practical applications from many areas such as operations research, communication net ...
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Keywords - AI(Artificial Intelligence), Algorithm, Algorithm Engineering; Discrete Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, BigData, CG(Computer Graphics), Computer Science, Internet, Mathematics, Optimization, 情報科学,数学,数理工学,アルゴリズム工学; 離散数学,最適化,アルゴリズム,AI(人工知能),CG(コンピュータグラフィクス),ビッグデータ,インターネット
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MIYAHARA KEIZO [ Professor ]
Our laboratory research "Mechatronic systems." Mechatronics is a branch of engineering, locating at the i ...
- Research Field・
Keywords - Locomotion, Mechatronics, Systems design, メカトロニクス,移動機能,システム設計
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MORIMOTO Takayuki [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - ボラティリティー, 機械学習, 統計科学, 金融市場のミクロ構造
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MORISAKI Yasuhiro [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Functional Organic Materials Chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 有機合成化学, 機能性有機材料化学
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MORISHIGE YUKO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - Empowerment, Fairtrade, Global health, Social Entrepreneur, エンパワーメント, フェアトレード, 国際保健, 社会起業
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MORI Yasutoshi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - マス・コミュニケーション論, 危機管理論, 情報社会論
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MUKAI Kotaro [ Associate Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - サービス・マネジメント, ハンズオン・ラーニング, マーケティング, 営業, 流通チャネル
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