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51-60 of about 796
MASUO Sadahiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 光化学, 光機能材料, 単一分子検出, 太陽電池, 量子ドット, 光化学, 光機能材料, 単一分子検出, 太陽電池, 量子ドット
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ISHIGURE Masakazu [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 建築史, 都市史
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CHEN XUEXIONG [ Instructor of Chinese as a Foreign Language ]
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Keywords - 閩東方言 福清方言
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JOHNSTON JR WILLIAM JERRY [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
TESOL, English Language Teaching
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Keywords - Technology-assisted Language Learning, Extensive Reading, Lexical Approaches to Language Learning, Error Correction, Practitioner Research
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IMAOKA Susumu [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - 環境応答制御学, 環境生命化学, 生化学, 蛋白質化学
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IWASAKI KEITA [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ラマン分光法, 計量化学, リアルタイムモニタリング
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GALINDO JR JOHN JOSEPH [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
ICHINOSE Akiko [ Associate Professor ]
Spiritual care for older persons, persons with dementia End of life care Social work for suicide preventi ...
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Keywords - social work, 社会福祉学
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YAMAMOTO MARI [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 会話分析, 日本語教育
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KUROSE Takashi [ Professor ]
- Research Field・
Keywords - Differential Geometry, 微分幾何
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