Search Results by SDGs: 4. QUALITY EDUCATION
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71-80 of about 93
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Keywords - フィールドワーク, ホームレス, 地域再生, 多文化共生, 社会的包摂, 社会的排除, 貧困, 質的調査, 都市再生, フィールドワーク, 地域再生, 社会的包摂, 社会的排除, 貧困, 質的調査, 都市再生
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STRINGER THOMAS JAMES [ Instructor of English as a Foreign Language ]
Thomas Stringer has been involved with English language teaching in Japan for 16 years. He is a doctoral candidate in TESOL at the University of St Andrews, UK, a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, and ...
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Keywords - Language learner autonomy, Language learner development, Professional development for language teachers, Self-Access Language Learning, TESOL
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TAKEDA Joe [ Professor ]
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Keywords - CBPR, Social Work, Participatory Action Research, Social Inclusion, Human Diversity and Human Rights, CBPR, Human Diversity and Human Rights, Participatory Action Research, Social Inclusion, Social Work, CBPR, ソーシャルワーク, 参加型アクションリサーチ, 多文化共生, 多様性の尊重
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TAKEDA SHINGO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 美術教育(Art Education), 造形活動における発達と学習, 教育実践研究, 教材開発, ゲームと学習, 地域と教育
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TAKEDA TOSHIYUKI [ Laboratory Technician ]
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Keywords - プライバシー保護技術, ラーニング・アナリティクス, ワークショップ, 情報デザイン, 自然言語処理
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TAKEMORI MIHO [ Assistant Professor ]
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Keywords - ソーシャルワーカーの継続学習, ソーシャルワーク, Modified Grounded Theory Approuch(M-GTA)
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Keywords - 教育心理学, 発達心理学
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TANIMURA MARI [ Professor ]
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Keywords - ベンチャー, 中小企業経営, 創業, 新規事業開発, 経営革新
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TATEISHI Kosuke [ Assistant Professor ]
I am interested in the neural mechanisms that enable animals to act the behaviors in response to specific ...
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Keywords - electrophysiology, pheromone, olfaction, insect, neuroethology
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TATSUMI Takashi [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 子ども家庭福祉学, 社会的養護
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