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1-10 of about 44
AN Hisuku [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 経営学, 韓国企業, 国際企業
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CHO EIICHIRO [ Professor ]
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Keywords - キャパシティディベロップメント, 国際協力, 持続可能な社会
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Daniel Gallimore [ Professor ]
I obtained my doctorate at the University of Oxford in 2001 with a thesis on the poetics of Japanese tran ...
- Research Field・
Keywords - Shakespeare translation and reception in Japan; English literature, イギリス文学, 日本におけるシェイクスピア翻訳 (坪内逍遥等)
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EHARA AKIHIRO [ Associate Professor ]
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Keywords - 場としての学校, スポーツマネジメント, リアルな場とバーチャルな場, 人材育成, 個別最適?な学習, 教育の質保証, 課外活動, 部活動の内部化
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FUJIWARA Akihiko [ Professor ]
High-performance energy-related materials are vital for reduction of energy consumption. We aim to develop new materials for this purpose. Current research topics are development of materials for high-capacity ...
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Keywords - Energy-Related Materials, Synchrotron Radiation Analysis, Materials Science, Energy-Related Materials, Materials Science, Synchrotron Radiation Analysis, エネルギー関連材料科学, 放射光分析, 物質科学
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FUJIWARA Tsukasa [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 確率論
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FURUKAWA Yasuhiro [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Management, オフィス環境, テレワーク, ホワイトカラー, 人的資源論, 企業評価論, 生産性, 経営学, 経営戦略論, 計量経営学, 人的資源論,ホワイトカラー,テレワーク,生産性,オフィス環境, 企業評価論, 経営戦略論, 計量経営学
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HARA TETSUYA [ Professor ]
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Keywords - Urbanscape Design, 建築の多様性, 建築デザイン, 建築設計
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HAYAKAWA Yuki [ Associate Professor ]
I have worked on researching the political institutional factors governing the introduction and review of risk regulation and risk management in the environmental and food safety fields. In recent years, I have ...
- Research Field・
Keywords - Public Policy, Public Administration, 政治学, 行政学
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HIRAGA Junko [ Professor ]
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Keywords - 素粒子・原子核・宇宙線・宇宙物理
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