Personnel Information



School of Humanities Department of Literature and Linguistics
Research Fields, Keywords
初期近代イギリス詩, 女性作家, Early Modern English poetry, Female writing, Interpretation of the Bible, 聖書解釈
Teaching and Research Fields

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • Graduate school:Hiroshima University
    Department:Graduate School, Division of Letters

    Course completed:Doctor's Course
    Date of completion:2007.03
    Completion status:Completed

  • Graduate school:University of Sussex
    Department:Graduate Research Centre for the Humanities, Masters Programme
    Course:English Literature

    Course completed:Master's Course
    Date of completion:2004.09
    Completion status:Completed
    Country:United Kingdom

  • Graduate school:Hiroshima University
    Department:Graduate School, Division of Letters

    Course completed:Master's Course
    Date of completion:2003.03
    Completion status:Completed

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Degree name:Ph.D. (Literature)
    Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language
    Conferring institution:Hiroshima University
    Acquisition way:Coursework
    Date of acquisition:2007.03

  • Degree name:Master of Arts (English Literature)
    Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language
    Conferring institution:University of Sussex
    Acquisition way:Coursework
    Date of acquisition:2005.02

  • Degree name:Master (Literature)
    Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language
    Conferring institution:Hiroshima University
    Acquisition way:Coursework
    Date of acquisition:2003.03

Career 【 display / non-display

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:School of Humanities Department of Literature and Linguistics
    Date:2018.04 -

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:School of Humanities Department of Literature and Linguistics
    Title:Associate Professor
    Date:2015.04 - 2018.03

  • Affiliation:Osaka Electro-Communication University
    Department:Center for English Education
    Title:Associate Professor
    Date:2012.04 - 2015.03

  • Affiliation:Kure National College of Technology
    Title:Associate Professor
    Date:2009.04 - 2012.03

  • Affiliation:Kure National College of Technology
    Date:2007.04 - 2009.03

Association Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • Academic society name:十七世紀英文学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:関西シェイクスピア研究会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:日本英文学会関西支部
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:日本英文学会中国四国支部
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:日本シェイクスピア協会
    Academic country located:Japan

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Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Gender studies

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / European literature

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / European literature

Qualification acquired 【 display / non-display

  • Qualification title:Junior High School Teacher Specialization License

  • Qualification title:High School Teacher Specialization License

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: `[A] Lady' above the Sun: Katherine Philips's Dexterous Change of John Donne's Conceits
    Journal name: 人文論究  vol.70  (3)  (p.89 - 109)
    Date of publication: 2020.12
    Author(s): TAKEYAMA Tomoko

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: Expressions of Desires through Trees and Metamorphoses: Robert Herrick and Aphra Behn
    Journal name: 英語英文學研究  vol.61  (p.55 - 68)
    Date of publication: 2017.03
    Author(s): TAKEYAMA Tomoko

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

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  • Language: English
    Title: Echoes of the Countess of Pembroke’s Psalmes in Aemilia Lanyer’s Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum
    Journal name: Proceedings of the 14th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities  (p.533 - 534)
    Date of publication: 2016.12
    Author(s): TAKEYAMA Tomoko

    Type of publication: Research paper (international conference proceedings)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

  • Language: English
    Title: Eliminating ‘Womb’ in the Countess of Pembroke’s Psalmes
    Journal name: #INotes and Queries#IR  vol.63  (3)  (p.396 - 399)
    Date of publication: 2016.09
    Author(s): TAKEYAMA Tomoko

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 樹木を介した欲望の表出と変身願望
    Journal name: 第88回大会 Proceedings (2015年度支部大会 Proceedings)  (p.279 - 280)
    Date of publication: 2016.09
    Author(s): 竹山 友子

    Type of publication: Research paper (other academic)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: ジェンダーロールの呪縛と越境
    Publisher: Eihosha
    Date of publication: 2023.12
    Author(s): TAKEYAMA Tomoko, MAEHARA Sumiko, SAITO Miwa, NISHIGAKI Sari, NAKAGAWA Chiho

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Area of responsibility: 序章「ジェンダーロールの呪縛と越境」,第三章「同性への愛と罪の意識―友愛とホモエロティシズムの狭間」
    Authorship:Joint author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language, Humanities & Social Sciences / Gender studies

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: Women Refashioning Canons: Feminist Appropriation of Biblical and Classical Works by Women in Early Modern England
    Publisher: Shumpusha Publishing
    Date of publication: 2022.03
    Author(s): TAKEYAMA Tomoko

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Authorship:Sole author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language, Humanities & Social Sciences / Gender studies

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: Life and Death in Seventeenth-Century English Literature
    Publisher: Kinseido
    Date of publication: 2019.09
    Author(s): AOKI Emi, IWANAGA Hiroto, YOSHINAKA Takashi, TAKEYAMA Tomoko, etc.

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Area of responsibility: Gendered Trees and Their Backgrounds: A Case Study of Lanyer, Cowley, and Cavendish
    Authorship:Joint author

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 17世紀の革命/革命の17世紀
    Publisher: 金星堂
    Date of publication: 2017.09
    Author(s): 冨樫 剛,岩永 弘人,竹山 友子,笹川 渉 他

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Area of responsibility: Gender Revolution with Pen and Ink: Echoes of the Countess of Pembroke's Psalmes in Aemilia Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum
    Authorship:Joint author

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  • Language: English
    Title:  ‘Our beeing your equals, free from tyranny’: Female Appropriation of Stoicism, Christian Humanism and Neostoicism in Writings by Aemilia Lanyer and Elizabeth Cary
    Publisher: Kwansei Gakuin University Press
    Date of publication: 2011.07
    Author(s): TAKEYAMA Tomoko

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Authorship:Sole author

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MISC 【 display / non-display

  • Title:ジェンダーロールの呪縛と越境
    Journal name:日本英文学会関西支部 第17回 (2022年度) Proceedings
    Date of publication:2023.03
    Author(s):TAKEYAMA Tomoko

    Type of publication:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)

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  • Title:"My guide, life, object, friend": キャサリン・フィリップスの詩における友情と結婚
    Journal name:関西シェイクスピア研究会会報  (43)  (p.11)
    Date of publication:2022.04
    Author(s):TAKEYAMA Tomoko

    Type of publication:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)

  • Language:Japanese
    Title:Catherine Bates, On Not Defending Poetry: Defence and Indefensibility in Sidney’s Defence of Poesy (Oxford UP, 2017)
    Journal name:関西シェイクスピア研究会会報  (40)
    Date of publication:2020.04
    Author(s):TAKEYAMA Tomoko

    Type of publication:Book review, literature introduction, etc.

  • Language:Japanese
    Title:A. D. Cousins, Andrew Marvell: Loss and Aspiration, Home and Homeland in Miscellaneous Poems (Routledge, 2016)
    Journal name:関西シェイクスピア研究会会報  (39)  (p.8)
    Date of publication:2018.04
    Author(s):TAKEYAMA Tomoko

    Type of publication:Book review, literature introduction, etc.

  • Language:Japanese
    Journal name:十七世紀英文学会(Web)
    Date of publication:2018.03
    Author(s):TAKEYAMA Tomoko

    Type of publication:Book review, literature introduction, etc.

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Research Projects 【 display / non-display

  • Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
    Project year:2017.04 - 2020.03

  • Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
    Project year:2013.04 - 2016.03
    Title:Between Translation and Adaptation: Translation Technique of Mary Sidney Herbert and its Value
    Project summary:This research has targeted de facto adaptations in translation works by Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke. Examining the texts and comparing them with the original works as well as translation works by her contemporary writers reveals her distinctive adaptations or free translations from the viewpoint of gender. In particular, my research has focused on Mary Sidney Herbert's translation of the psalms, in which her use of various poetic patterns was highly extolled by her contemporary male writers. It has become clear that Mary Sidney Herbert's intentions, in addition to English versification, were hidden in her adaptations. Moreover, her translation works had an influence on other female writers that came after her.

  • Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
    Project year:2009.04 - 2012.03
    Title:Salvation of Eve:St. Augustine and Reinterpretation of the Bible in Early Modern Europe
    Project summary:This research has targeted at "re-" interpretation of the Bible in the various types of writings by some early modern female writers. Through examining the texts and contexts, it has become highly possible that their interpretations are dependent on or influenced by the expositions of the Bible by St. Augustine to some degree. The objects of this study include not only biblical writings but also closet dramas and translating works. The research shows that the egalitarian ideas based on reinterpretation of the Bible, which originated from St. Augustine's expositions, became gradually widespread in early modern Europe. It has become clear that these female writers have made use of such egalitarian ideas in their interpretations and tried to exempt women from the original sin.

Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:日本英文学会第96回大会
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2024.05
    Presentation date:2024.05.05
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language, Humanities & Social Sciences / Gender studies

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:十七世紀英文学会第12回全国大会
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2023.09
    Presentation date:2023.09.16
    Title:リバティニズムからの逃亡― 'Against Fruition' とアフラ・ベーン
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language, Humanities & Social Sciences / Gender studies

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:関西シェイクスピア研究会2023年6月例会
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2023.06
    Presentation date:2023.06.25
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language, Humanities & Social Sciences / Gender studies

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:日本英文学会関西支部第17回大会
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2022.12
    Presentation date:2022.12.18
    Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language, Humanities & Social Sciences / Gender studies

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:第60回シェイクスピア学会
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2022.10
    Presentation date:2022.10.02
    Title:Shakespeare and New Economic Criticism
    Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language

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Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • Organization name:日本英文学会中国四国支部
    Committee name:編集委員

  • Organization name:日本英文学会関西支部
    Committee name:副事務局長
    Date:2020.04 - 2021.03

  • Organization name:日本英文学会関西支部
    Committee name:編集委員
    Date:2019.04 - 2020.03

  • Organization name:十七世紀英文学会
    Committee name:本部事務局
    Date:2017.10 - 2019.09

  • Organization name:日本英文学会関西支部
    Committee name:会計監査
    Date:2017.04 - 2019.03

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Social Contribution 【 display / non-display

  • Title:関西学院大学春季オープンセミナー


  • Title:西宮市大学交流センター共通単位講座
    Date:2016.04 - 2016.07

    Description:Lecture: "Images of Women in Early Modern English Literature"

  • Title:呉高専市民セミナー「絵本で英語の多読をはじめよう」