Personnel Information


ABE Shota

School of Law and Politics
Research Fields, Keywords
Criminal Policy, Criminal Procedure Law, Korean Criminal law, 刑事政策, 刑事訴訟法, 韓国刑事法
Teaching and Research Fields

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Degree name:Ph.D. in Law
    Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Criminal law
    Conferring institution:Aoyama Gakuin University
    Acquisition way:Coursework
    Date of acquisition:2016.03

Career 【 display / non-display

  • Affiliation:Aoyama Gakuin University
    Department:Faculty of Law
    Title:Assistant Professor
    Date:2016.04 - 2021.03

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:School of Law and Politics Department of Law
    Title:Assistant Professor
    Date:2021.04 - 2022.03

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:School of Law and Politics Department of Law
    Title:Associate Professor
    Date:2022.04 -

  • Affiliation:Seijo University
    Department:Research Center for Therapeutic Jurisprudence
    Date:2018.03 -

  • Affiliation:Kokugakuin University
    Title:Part-time lecturer (Criminal Procedure Law, Special Lecture of Criminal Procedure Law)
    Date:2017.04 - 2018.03

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Association Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • Academic society name:THE CRIMINAL LAW SOCIETY OF JAPAN
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:Korean Society of Criminal Procedure Law
    Academic country located:Korea, Republic of

    Academic country located:Japan

    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:JAPAN SOCIETY OF COMPARATIVE LAW
    Academic country located:Japan

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Criminal law
    Research keywords:Criminal Procedure Law, Criminal Policy, Juvenile Law

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: <Translation> Act on Electronic Monitoring in South Korea
    Journal name: The Journal of Law & Politics  vol.74  (4)  (p.249 - 300)
    Date of publication: 2024.03
    Author(s): Shota ABE

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: Criminal Proceedings in Traffic Cases
    Journal name: Magazine for Law Students  (507)  (p.36 - 41)
    Date of publication: 2022.12
    Author(s): Shota ABE

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: TJ studies and criminal justice practice in Korea
    Journal name: Therapeutice Jurisprudence Journal  (5)  (p.16 - 33)
    Date of publication: 2022.03
    Author(s): Shota ABE

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: Criminal Policy and Visually Impaired: Issues to be Solved
    Journal name: 法と政治  vol.72  (3)  (p.85 - 124)
    Date of publication: 2021.11
    Author(s): Shota ABE

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: Constitutional control of interrogation of suspects
    Journal name: Journal of Criminal Law  vol.61  (1)  (p.70 - 86)
    Date of publication: 2021.11
    Author(s): 安部祥太

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 刑事司法の理論と実践——渡辺修先生古稀祝賀論文集
    Publisher: 現代人文社
    Date of publication: 2024.05
    Author(s): Shota ABE

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Area of responsibility: Bail and Electronic Supervision

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 見直そう!再審のルール——この国が冤罪と向き合うために
    Publisher: 現代人文社
    Date of publication: 2023.07
    Author(s): 安部祥太=鴨志田祐美=李怡修編

    Type of books: General book
    Area of responsibility: Part1、Part2「再審制度」「再審制度の問題点」 、Part3「韓国の再審制度」
    Authorship:Joint editor

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 刑事法の理論と実務④
    Publisher: 成文堂
    Date of publication: 2022.09
    Author(s): 佐伯仁志, 高橋則夫, 只木誠, 松宮孝明編

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Area of responsibility: 韓国刑法の展開と刑事立法の特徴

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 裁判員時代の刑事証拠法
    Publisher: 日本評論社
    Date of publication: 2021.08
    Author(s): 後藤昭編集代表, 安部祥太, 角田雄彦, 笹倉香奈, 緑大輔編

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Area of responsibility: 裁判員裁判と予断防止—自白の任意性判断時期と裁判体区分論を中心に
    Authorship:Joint editor

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 21世紀の再審—えん罪被害者の速やかな救済のために
    Publisher: 日本評論社
    Date of publication: 2021.05
    Author(s): 日本弁護士連合会人権擁護委員会編

    Type of books: Other
    Area of responsibility: 諸外国の再審法制「第6 韓国」

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Awards 【 display / non-display

  • Prize: 第4回 守屋研究奨励賞
    Date awarded:2017.12
    Award type:Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.
    Awarding organization:刑事司法及び少年司法に関する教育・学術研究推進センター
    Award-winner (group):安部祥太

  • Prize: 平成22年度刑事政策に関する懸賞論文
    Date awarded:2011.01
    Award type:Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.
    Awarding organization:読売新聞社
    Award-winner (group):安部祥太

  • Prize: 平成22年度刑事政策に関する懸賞論文
    Date awarded:2011.01
    Award type:Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.
    Awarding organization:日本刑事政策研究会
    Award-winner (group):安部祥太

Research Projects 【 display / non-display

  • Project year:2022.04 - 2024.03
    Awarding organization:成城大学
    System name:成城大学特別研究助成

  • Title:刑事手続における視覚障がい者の権利保障に関する実態調査:ノーマライゼーションの実現に向けて
    Awarding organization:公益財団法人 日弁連法務研究財団
    System name:日弁連法務研究財団研究助成

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  • Project year:2020.04 - 2022.03
    Awarding organization:成城大学
    System name:成城大学特別研究助成

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  • Project year:2018.04 - 2020.03
    Awarding organization:成城大学
    System name:成城大学特別研究助成

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  • Research category: 
    Project year:2013.04 - 2015.03

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Language:Korean
    Conference name:한일 과학수사 교육 선진화 포럼
    International/Domestic presentation:International presentation
    Holding date:2024.09
    Presentation date:2024.09.04
    Title:일본 수사절차의 특징
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)

  • Conference name:イノセンス・プロジェクト・ジャパン連続セミナー第3回
    Holding date:2024.08
    Presentation date:2024.08.03

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  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:大阪刑事訴訟法研究会
    Holding date:2024.05
    Presentation date:2024.05.18
    Title:Bail and Electronic Supervision
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:法と言語学会第15回年次大会
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2023.12
    Presentation date:2023.12.10
    Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:日本弁護士連合会再審法改正実現本部
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2023.08
    Presentation date:2023.08.28
    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech

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Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 【 display / non-display

  • Subject:刑法各論
    Institution name:

  • Subject:法学入門
    Institution name:

  • Subject:法学概論(公法系)
    Institution name:

  • Subject:入門演習(2年次ゼミ)
    Institution name:

  • Subject:法学演習(3・4年次ゼミ)
    Institution name:

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Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • Organization name:現代人文社
    Committee name:「季刊刑事弁護」編集委員

  • Organization name:日本弁護士連合会
    Committee name:刑事法制委員会助言者

  • Organization name:日本弁護士連合会
    Committee name:再審法改正実現本部外部研究者委員

  • Organization name:日韓刑事法研究会
    Committee name:日本側事務局

Media Coverage 【 display / non-display

  • Title:静岡新聞2024年6月16日「最後の砦 刑事司法と再審——冤罪救済 改革進む海外」インタビュー

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  • Title:朝日新聞2024年2月8日「時時刻刻>調書に違和感、署名とめた弁護士 取り調べ、立ち会い求める動き 米韓定着、欧州拡大 制度ない日本へ引き渡し拒否も」コメント

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  • Title:朝日新聞2024年2月8日「耕論 弁護士立ち会い、是非は」インタビュー

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  • Title:朝日新聞デジタル2023年1118日「第4回『何人殺した?』捜査員が問うと……韓国ドラマが描く弁護士立ち会い」インタビュー

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  • Title:中日新聞2023年4月20日付「再審制度遅れる日本 検察の抗告禁止など海外進む」コメント

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