Personnel Information


INAZAWA Katsuhiro

Institute of Business and Accounting Accounting School
Research Fields, Keywords
Teaching and Research Fields
・英国の政府会計、地方政府会計制度の現状分析 ・政府間財政関係の国際比較 ・自治体における政策評価 ・自治体における予算・会計改革

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Degree name:博士(経済学)
    Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics
    Conferring institution:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Acquisition way:Thesis
    Date of acquisition:2007.01

Career 【 display / non-display

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Date:2005.04 -

  • Affiliation:Yokkaichi University
    Title:Associate Professor (as old post name)
    Date:2001.04 - 2005.03

Association Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • Academic society name:日本公共政策学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:日本会計研究学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:国際公会計学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:日本地方自治学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:日本地方財政学会
    Academic country located:Japan

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Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: わが国自治体における業績マネジメントー行政評価を活用した成果志向の予算編成-
    Journal name: Quarterly Journal of Policy Evaluation  (59)  (p.37 - 54)
    Date of publication: 2021.10
    Author(s): Katsuhiro Inazawa

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
    Co-author classification: Single Author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Politics

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 業務改革の理論と実践ー民間委託の論点整理ー
    Journal name: 国際文化研修  vol.27  (1)  (p.12 - 17)
    Date of publication: 2019.07
    Author(s): 稲沢 克祐

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Single Author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: The problems and Measuires on the finance of Japanese local government revenues in macro bese for mid- and long-temu perspective : In the age of the Deterioration of facilities and infrastructures, and the decrease , aging of the population
    Journal name: Jounal of Public policy Studies  (18)  (p.40 - 52)
    Date of publication: 2019.05
    Author(s): INAZAWA Katsuhiro

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
    Co-author classification: Single Author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: Study on the Budget-Making Reform of the Japanise Local Government
    Journal name: 商学論究  vol.66  (4)  (p.233 - 249)
    Date of publication: 2019.03
    Author(s): 稲澤克祐

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Single Author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 地方財政の動向と自治体の行財政運営
    Journal name: 地方自治職員研修  (718)  (p.21 - 23)
    Date of publication: 2019.01
    Author(s): 稲沢 克祐

    Type of publication: Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: ゼロからできる 自治体の財政分析
    Publisher: 学陽書房
    Date of publication: 2021.01
    Author(s): Katsuhiro Inazawa

    Type of books: General book
    Authorship:Sole author

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 第3版 行政評価の導入と活用-予算・決算、総合計画=
    Publisher: イマジン出版
    Date of publication: 2019.12
    Author(s): Katsuhiro Inazawa

    Type of books: General book
    Authorship:Sole author

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 50のポイントでわかる 地方議員 予算審議・決算審査ハンドブック
    Publisher: 学陽書房
    Date of publication: 2018.02
    Author(s): 稲沢 克祐

    Type of books: General book
    Authorship:Sole author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 一番やさしい地方交付税の本
    Publisher: 学陽書房
    Date of publication: 2016.06
    Author(s): 稲沢克祐

    Type of books: General book
    Authorship:Sole author

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 自治体の財政診断と財政計画-決算重視による財政マネジメント-
    Publisher: 学陽書房
    Date of publication: 2013.11
    Author(s): 稲澤 克祐

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Authorship:Sole author

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MISC 【 display / non-display

  • Language:Japanese
    Journal name:月刊 ガバナンス  (250)  (p.32 - 34)
    Date of publication:2022.02
    Author(s):Katsuhiro Inazawa

    Type of publication:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics

  • Language:Japanese
    Journal name:月刊 ガバナンス 2020年10月号  (234)  (p.35 - 37)
    Date of publication:2020.10
    Author(s):稲沢 克祐

    Type of publication:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)

  • Language:Japanese
    Journal name:月刊 ガバナンス 2020年4月号  (228)  (p.29 - 31)
    Date of publication:2020.04
    Author(s):稲沢 克祐

    Type of publication:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)

  • Language:Japanese
    Publisher:株式会社 ぎょうせい
    Journal name:月刊 ガバナンス  (p.20 - 22)
    Date of publication:2019.07
    Author(s):稲沢 克祐

    Type of publication:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics

  • Language:Japanese
    Title:今川晃著 『個人の人格の尊重と行政苦情救済』 
    Journal name:地方自治叢書25『「新しい公共」とローカル・ガバナンス』/日本地方自治学会編
    Date of publication:2013.08
    Author(s):稲澤 克祐

    Type of publication:Book review, literature introduction, etc.

Research Projects 【 display / non-display

  • Title:地方自治体における業績重視の予算編成に関する研究

  • Title:地方自治体に対する行政評価制度の導入に関する研究

  • Title:地方財政制度の国際比較

Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:日本地方自治学会 
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2013.11
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)

Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 【 display / non-display

  • Subject:政策研究大学院大学 特別講義 講師、2010年12月
    Institution name:National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

  • Subject:外書購読
    Institution name:

  • Subject:予算編成論
    Institution name:

  • Subject:規制緩和と産業
    Institution name:

  • Subject:政策評価論
    Institution name:

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Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • Organization name:日本公共政策学会
    Committee name:理事

  • Organization name:日本公共政策学会
    Committee name:理事

  • Organization name:国際公会計学会
    Committee name:常務理事

  • Organization name:国際公会計学会
    Committee name:常務理事

Social Contribution 【 display / non-display

  • Title:おおさか市町村職員研修研究センター運営審議会 委員
    Date:2015.10 - 2017.09

  • Title:全国市町村国際文化研修所 教科問題懇談会委員
    Date:2013.04 - 2014.03

  • Title:全国知事会 地方自治先進政策センター 専門委員
    Date:2013.04 - 2014.03

  • Title:財団法人 自治体国際化協会 比較地方自治研究会コモンウェルス部会委員
    Date:2013.04 - 2014.03

  • Title:公益財団法人 日本都市センター 「基礎自治体の総合的国際比較」イギリスにおける地方行財政制度研究会 主査
    Date:2013.04 - 2014.03

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