Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Degree name:博士(工学)
Classified degree field:Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Communication and network engineering
Conferring institution:Osaka University
Acquisition way:Coursework
Date of acquisition:2004.03
Career 【 display / non-display 】
Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
Department:School of Science and Technology Department of Informatics
Date:2019.04 - -
Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
Department:School of Science and Technology Department of Informatics
Title:Associate Professor
Date:2013.04 - 2019.03
Association Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Academic society name:人工知能学会
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:情報処理学会
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:電子情報通信学会
Academic country located:Japan
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Research field:Informatics / Intelligent informatics
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Title: Bayesian optimization of the composition of the lanthanide metal-organic framework MIL-103 for white-light emission
Journal name: MOLECULAR SYSTEMS DESIGN & ENGINEERING vol.8 (4) (p.431 - 435)
Date of publication: 2023.02
Author(s): Kitamura Yu, Toshima Hiroki, Inokuchi Akihiro, Tanaka DaisukeDOI: 10.1039/d2me00277a
Title: Why Deeper Graph Neural Network Performs Worse? Discussion and Improvement About Deep GNNs
Journal name: ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS AND MACHINE LEARNING - ICANN 2022, PT II vol.13530 (p.731 - 743)
Date of publication: 2022
Author(s): Yajima Yuta, Inokuchi AkihiroDOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-15931-2_60
Language: Japanese
Title: Learning Suitable Aggregation Distances in Graph Neural Networks
Journal name: JSAI Technical Report, SIG-KBS vol.126 (0) (p.64 - 71)
Date of publication: 2022
Author(s): YAJIMA Yuta, INOKUCHI AkihiroDOI: 10.11517/jsaikbs.126.0_64
Title: Failure-Experiment-Supported Optimization of Poorly Reproducible Synthetic Conditions for Novel Lanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks with Two-Dimensional Secondary Building Units
Journal name: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL vol.27 (66) (p.16347 - 16353)
Date of publication: 2021.11
Author(s): Kitamura Yu, Terado Emi, Zhang Zechen, Yoshikawa Hirofumi, Inose Tomoko, Uji-i Hiroshi, Tanimizu Masaharu, Inokuchi Akihiro, Kamakura Yoshinobu, Tanaka DaisukeDOI: 10.1002/chem.202102404
Title: Machine-Learning-Assisted Selective Synthesis of a Semiconductive Silver Thiolate Coordination Polymer with Segregated Paths for Holes and Electrons
Journal name: ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION vol.60 (43) (p.23217 - 23224)
Date of publication: 2021.10
Author(s): Wakiya Takuma, Kamakura Yoshinobu, Shibahara Hiroki, Ogasawara Kazuyoshi, Saeki Akinori, Nishikubo Ryosuke, Inokuchi Akihiro, Yoshikawa Hirofumi, Tanaka DaisukeDOI: 10.1002/anie.202110629
Industrial Property Rights 【 display / non-display 】
Property type:Patent
Application number:特願2018-130287, 2018.07.09
Research Projects 【 display / non-display 】
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Project year:2023.04 - 2026.03
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project year:2020.04 - 2023.03
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project year:2017.04 - 2020.03
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project year:2014.04 - 2017.03
Title:有機化合物の新規骨格創製アルゴリズムの開発 (研究課題番号:26330265)
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Conference name:第76回情報処理学会全国大会(IPSJ), 数理モデル化と問題解決(2)2L-2
International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
Holding date:2014.03
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Conference name:第76回情報処理学会全国大会(IPSJ), 数理モデル化と問題解決(2)2L-5
International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
Holding date:2014.03
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Conference name:Proc. of 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, pp.1275-1290(査読付)
International/Domestic presentation:International presentation
Holding date:2012.12
Title:Mining Rules for Rewriting States in a Transition-based Dependency Parser for English
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Conference name:Proc. of Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 133-145, (査読付)
International/Domestic presentation:International presentation
Holding date:2012.09
Title:Mining Rules for Rewriting States in a Transition-Based Dependency Parser
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Conference name:Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2008, pp.1-4.(査読付)
International/Domestic presentation:International presentation
Holding date:2008.12
Title:Regression with Interval Output Values
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)