Personnel Information



Research Center for Teacher Development
Research Fields, Keywords
学校精神保健, 学校臨床心理学, 教育心理学
Teaching and Research Fields
SDGs Related Goals

Graduating School 【 display / non-display

  • Graduating School:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Faculty:Faculty of Literature
    Course / Major:教育学科教育心理学専修

    Kind of school:University
    Date of graduation:1993.03
    Completion status:Graduated
    Country location code:Japan

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • Graduate school:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:Graduate School, Division of Letters

    Course completed:Doctor's Course
    Date of completion:1998.03
    Completion status:Accomplished credits for doctoral program

  • Graduate school:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:Graduate School, Division of Letters

    Course completed:Master's Course
    Date of completion:1995.03
    Completion status:Completed

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Degree name:修士(文学)
    Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational psychology
    Conferring institution:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Acquisition way:Coursework
    Date of acquisition:1995.03

Career 【 display / non-display

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:Graduate School of Humanities
    Title:Associate Professor
    Date:2021.04 -

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:Research Center for Teacher Development
    Title:Associate Professor
    Date:2020.04 -

  • Affiliation:Shiga Junior College
    Department:Department of Childcare Preschool Education
    Date:2012.04 - 2020.03

  • Affiliation:Shiga Junior College
    Title:Associate Professor
    Date:2008.04 - 2012.03

  • Department:幼児教育保育学科
    Title:Associate Professor
    Date:2007.04 - 2008.03

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Association Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • Academic society name:日本精神衛生学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:日本乳幼児教育学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:日本小児心身医学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:日本心理臨床学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:人工知能学会
    Academic country located:Japan

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Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Childhood and nursery/pre-school education

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational psychology

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Education

Qualification acquired 【 display / non-display

  • Qualification title:Certified Public Psychologist

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: Effects of Parental Stress and Child care support during National state of emergency over COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan
    Journal name: Journal of the Institute of Joint Participation, Osaka University of Commerce  vol.2  (p.17 - 42)
    Date of publication: 2021.03
    Author(s): Yoshihisa Ogita,Minae Nishimoto,Noriko Matsui,Yuki Hamasaki,Hisako Tsuchiya

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: Parental rearing styles and children's behavioral tendencies
    Journal name: Journal of the Institute of Joint Participation, Osaka University of Commerce  vol.2  (p.1 - 15)
    Date of publication: 2021.03
    Author(s): Yoshihisa Ogita

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: COVID-19 (新型コロナウイルス感染症) パンデミックにおける青年期のメンタルヘルスに関する考察
    Journal name: 教職教育研究  vol.26  (p.1 - 12)
    Date of publication: 2021.03
    Author(s): 荻田 純久

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 過剰適応の発生機序に関する基礎研究(2)
    Journal name: 滋賀短期大学研究紀要  vol.44  (p.187 - 196)
    Date of publication: 2019.03
    Author(s): 荻田純久

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 過剰適応の発生機序に関する基礎研究
    Journal name: 教職教育研究  vol.23  (p.11 - 16)
    Date of publication: 2018.03
    Author(s): 荻田 純久, 善明 宣夫

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 教育のイデア : 教職・保育士を志す人のために[改訂版]
    Publisher: 昭和堂
    Date of publication: 2020.01
    Author(s): 荻田 純久

    Type of books: Other
    Area of responsibility: 第III部 第4章 青年期の発達教育
    Authorship:Joint author

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 乳児保育1・2 : 科学的観察力と優しい心
    Publisher: 建帛社
    Date of publication: 2019.07
    Author(s): 古橋 紗人子, 中谷 奈津子

    Type of books: Other
    Authorship:Joint author

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  • Title: 教育のイデア: 教職・保育士を志す人のために
    Publisher: 昭和堂
    Date of publication: 2018.04
    Author(s): 荻田 純久

    Type of books: Other
    Area of responsibility: 第III部 第4章 青年期の発達教育
    Authorship:Joint author

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 乳児保育 : 科学的観察力と優しい心
    Publisher: 建帛社
    Date of publication: 2016
    Author(s): 川原 佐公, 古橋 紗人子, 今井 和子, 岡 孝江, 荻田 純久, 尾崎 壽子, 越智 純子, 坂本 容子, 初塚 眞喜子, 早川 滋人, 林 陽子, 原 直美, 藤本 員子, 森 宇多子, 八木 義雄

    Type of books: Other

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 赤ちゃんから学ぶ「乳児保育」の実践力 : 保育所・家庭で役立つ
    Publisher: 保育出版社, 教育情報出版 (販売)
    Date of publication: 2010
    Author(s): 古橋 紗人子, 川原 佐公

    Type of books: Other

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Research Projects 【 display / non-display

  • Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
    Project year:2021.07 - 2024.03

  • Project year:2020.04 - 2021.03
    Awarding organization:滋賀県社会福祉協議会
    System name:民間福祉団体等が行う地域福祉活動振興基金(内藤基金)

  • Project year:2018.04 - 2020.03
    Awarding organization:滋賀県社会福祉協議会
    System name:民間福祉団体等が行う地域福祉活動振興基金(内藤基金)

  • Research category:Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research
    Project year:2010.04 - 2013.03

  • Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B)
    Project year:2004.04 - 2007.03

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:第39回滋賀県社会福祉学会
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2021.02
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:第18回日本小児心身医学会関西地方会
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2021.01
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)

Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 【 display / non-display

  • Subject:心理検査法基礎実習
    Institution name:The University of the Air

  • Subject:児童・青年期の心理学
    Institution name:The University of the Air

  • Subject:心理科学特殊講義
    Institution name:

  • Subject:心理科学統計
    Institution name:Kwansei Gakuin University

  • Subject:人間形成論
    Institution name:Osaka University of Commerce

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Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • Organization name:日本精神衛生学会
    Committee name:理事
    Date:2021.01 - 2023.12

  • Organization name:日本乳幼児教育学会
    Committee name:日本乳幼児教育学会学会誌『日本乳幼児教育学研究』編集協力委員
    Date:2018.04 - 2023.03

  • Organization name:日本精神衛生学会
    Committee name:第38回大会実行委員
    Date:2021.10 - 2022.12

  • Organization name:日本乳幼児教育学会
    Committee name:日本乳幼児教育学会学会誌『日本乳幼児教育学研究』編集協力委員
    Date:2013.04 - 2014.03