Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Graduating School:Kwansei Gakuin University
Faculty:Faculty of Literature
Course / Major:心理学科
Kind of school:University
Date of graduation:1995
Completion status:Graduated
Country location code:Japan
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Graduate school:Kwansei Gakuin University
Department:文学研究科 博士課程後期課程
Course completed:Doctor's Course
Date of completion:2000
Completion status:Completed
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Degree name:Ph.D.
Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Clinical psychology
Conferring institution:Kwansei Gakuin University
Acquisition way:Coursework
Date of acquisition:2002.09
Career 【 display / non-display 】
Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
Department:Department of Psychological Sciences
Date:2017.04 - -
Affiliation:Boston University
Department:Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders
Title:Visiting scholar
Date:2014.04 - 2015.03 -
Affiliation:Komazawa University
Department:Faculty of Letters, Department of Psychology
Date:2012.04 - 2017.03 -
Affiliation:Komazawa University
Department:Faculty of Letters, Department of Psychology
Title:Associate Professor
Date:2006.04 - 2012.03
Association Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Academic society name:日本感情心理学会
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:The Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Academic country located:United States -
Academic society name:The International Society for Research on Emotion
Academic country located:United States -
Academic society name:Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Academic country located:United States
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Clinical psychology
Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Social psychology
Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Clinical psychology
Qualification acquired 【 display / non-display 】
Qualification title:Certified Public Psychologist
Research Career 【 display / non-display 】
Research subject: 慈悲をベースとした認知行動療法の心理学的・生理学的効果の検討
Periods of research: 2017.04 - 2020.03
Classification of research form:No Setting
Research program:The Other Research Programs
Research subject: Cross-cultural differences in the cognitive and behavioral changes of compassion focused therapy.
Periods of research: 2013 - 2015
Classification of research form:No Setting
Research program:The Other Research Programs
Research subject: Development of a self-compassion focused cognitive behavioral program
Periods of research: 2010 - 2012
Classification of research form:No Setting
Research program:The Other Research Programs
Research subject: Development of cognitive behavioral intervention program for reducing the distress of guilt and shame.
Periods of research: 2008 - 2009
Classification of research form:No Setting
Research program:The Other Research Programs
Research subject: Functions of guilt and shame to decrease maladaptive behaviors in Japanese adolescents.
Periods of research: 2004 - 2005
Classification of research form:No Setting
Research program:The Other Research Programs
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Title: Suggestion of an in-house mentoring scheme as a solution to mental health problems of employees in Japan
Journal name: CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY vol.43 (8) (p.7111 - 7115)
Date of publication: 2024.02
Author(s): Yagisawa Mariko, TSUDA-McCaie Freya, Arimitsu Kohki, Kotera YasuhiroDOI: 10.1007/s12144-023-04881-x
Language: Japanese
Title: Psychological interventions focused on self-compassion interventions
Journal name: japanese journal of occupational mental health vol.31 (3) (p.138 - 142)
Date of publication: 2023.09
Author(s): Arimitsu KohkiDOI: 10.57339/jjomh.31.3_138
Language: Japanese
Title: マインドフル・セルフ・コンパッション—Mindful Self-compassion : A review—特集 マインドフルネスとコンパッション ; コンパッションに焦点を当てた療法
Journal name: 精神療法 vol.48 (5) (p.623 - 627)
Date of publication: 2022.10
Author(s): 有光 興記 -
Language: Japanese
Title: 自分と他者への思いやりは,家族介護者の負担感を解放するか(1)
Journal name: JAPANESE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON EMOTIONS vol.30 (Supplement) (p.PS1-38)
Date of publication: 2022
Author(s): Sekiya Hirofumi, Arimitsu KohkiDOI: 10.4092/jsre.30.supplement_ps1-38
Language: Japanese
Title: 公認心理師のコアカリキュラムを考える:公認心理師養成大学教員連絡協議会(公大協)による試案
Journal name: The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association vol.86 (0) (p.IS-014)
Date of publication: 2022
Author(s): 公認心理師養成大学教員連絡協議会, 丹野 義彦, 鈴木 伸一, 吉橋 実里, 岩原 昭彦, 有光 興記, 大月 友, 熊野 宏昭, 古川 洋和, 小関 俊祐, 長田 久雄, 北村 聖, 富樫 公一DOI: 10.4992/pacjpa.86.0_is-014
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Title: 精神療法 第49巻第2号 感情の力 セルフ・コンパッション 精神療法,49(2), 174-178.
Publisher: 金剛出版
Date of publication: 2023
Author(s): 有光 興記
Language: Japanese
Title: 特集マインドフルネスとコンパッション
Publisher: 金剛出版
Date of publication: 2022.10
Author(s): 有光 興記
Language: Japanese
Title: 感情制御ハンドブック : 基礎から応用そして実践へ
Publisher: 北大路書房
Date of publication: 2022.02
Author(s): 飯田, 沙依亜, 榊原, 良太, 手塚, 洋介, 有光, 興記
Title: 発達障害の子と親の心が軽くなる ちゃんと伝わる言葉かけ
Publisher: KADOKAWA
Date of publication: 2021.08
Author(s): Shizu
Authorship:Supervisor (editorial)
Language: Japanese
Title: 非認知能力: 概念・測定と教育の可能性
Publisher: 北大路書房
Date of publication: 2021.08
Author(s): 小塩 真司, 川本 哲也, 竹橋 洋毅, 原田 知佳, 西川 一二, 平山 るみ, 外山 美樹, 千島 雄太, 野崎 優樹, 中川 威, 登張 真稲, 箕浦 有希久, 有光 興記, 石川 遥至, 平野 真理, 小野寺 敦子
Area of responsibility: セルフ・コンパッション
MISC 【 display / non-display 】
Title:The Effects of Compassionate Thinking and Emotion Regulation Strategies on Sadness
Journal name:人文論究 = Jimbun ronkyu : humanities review vol.72 (2) (p.47 - 63)
Date of publication:2022.09
Author(s):Hirofumi, Sekiya, Kohki, Arimitsu
Research Projects 【 display / non-display 】
Research category:基盤研究(B)
Project year:2024.04 - 2027.03
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project year:2021.04 - 2024.03
Research category:
Project year:2017.04 - 2020.03
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project year:2017.04 - 2020.03
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project year:2010 - 2012
Title:Development of a self-compassion focused cognitive behavioral program
Project summary:The effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral intervention focused on self-compassion was examined in the present study. The self-compassion scale(Neff, 2003) translated into Japanese demonstrated the same six-factor structure, adequate internal consistency , and correlation with mental health measure(Study 1). A 7-session Compassion focused therapy(CFT) treatment program was developed and carried out during 7weeks(Study 2). Participants with low self-compassion were recruited in the Psychology classes of university and randomly assigned to either treatment or control group. The CFT treatment group showed significantly higher self-compassion and self-esteem and lower self-critical thoughts, trait anxiety, shame, and depression. The same CFT program was carried out for a community sample of low-self-compassion, and the effects of the program was evaluated(Study 3).
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Conference name:The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association
Holding date:2017
Presentation date:2017
Title:Compassion focused therapy: Theoretical considerations and results of a randomized controlled pilot study.
Conference name:駒澤大学心理臨床研究
Holding date:2017
Presentation date:2017
Title:2016年度 第30回駒澤大学コミュニティ・ケアセンター公開講座 慈悲の瞑想から只管打坐3.0へ
Conference name:The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association
Holding date:2015
Presentation date:2015
Title:Affective science of gratitude, respect, and compassion.
Conference name:日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集
Holding date:2015
Presentation date:2015
Title:P1-9 自閉症スペクトラム障害傾向の高い大学生に対するACTを用いた心理的支援 : 社交不安症状の改善に焦点を当てた介入(一般演題)
Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 【 display / non-display 】
Institution name: -
Subject:Personality Psychology
Institution name:Kwansei Gakuin University -
Institution name:Komazawa University -
Institution name:The University of Tokyo -
Institution name:Komazawa University
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Organization name:Japan Society for Research on Emotions
Committee name:President
Organization name:公認心理師養成大学教員連絡協議会
Committee name:運営会議 学部カリキュラム検討委員会 副委員長
Organization name:公認心理師の会
Committee name:倫理・職責・関連法規部会 委員
Organization name:日本心理学会
Committee name:近畿地区代議員
Organization name:日本感情心理学会
Committee name:理事
Date:2019.06 - 2022.03