Personnel Information


YU Kang

School of International Studies Department of International Studies
Graduate School of Language, Communication, and Culture-Faculty
Research Fields, Keywords
日本語と中国語の対照研究, 日本語学, 誤用研究と第二言語習得, 日本語と中国語の対照研究, 日本語学, 誤用研究と第二言語習得
Teaching and Research Fields
(1)日本語の語彙研究と文法研究 (2)語彙や文法を中心とする中国語母語話者の日本語学習者の誤用研究 (3)語彙や文法を中心とする日本語と中国語の対照研究 (4)第二言語習得研究(習得難易度やバックスライティング) (5)言語と文化の相関関係に関する日中対照研究 (6)日中翻訳通訳における語彙と文法研究、語彙や文法を中心とする日中誤訳研究、文化的発想の相異による誤訳研究

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • Graduate school:Hiroshima University
    Department:Graduate School, Division of Education

    Course completed:Doctor's Course
    Date of completion:1998.03
    Completion status:Completed

  • Graduate school:Yamaguchi University
    Department:Graduate School, Division of Humanities

    Course completed:Master's Course
    Date of completion:1995.03
    Completion status:Completed

Studying abroad experiences 【 display / non-display

  • Name of institution: 北京大学
    Name of job or career: 留学
    Date: 2016.04 - 2017.03

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Degree name:博士(学術)
    Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese linguistics
    Conferring institution:Hiroshima University
    Acquisition way:Coursework
    Date of acquisition:1998.03

Career 【 display / non-display

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:Graduate School of Language, Communication, and Culture-Faculty
    Date:2001.04 -

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:Graduate School of Language, Communication, and Culture-Faculty
    Date:2001.04 -

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Date:1998.04 -

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:School of International Studies Department of International Studies
    Date:1998.04 -

Association Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • Academic society name:日本語文法学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:漢日対比語言学研究(協作)会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:中日理論言語学研究会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:The Association of Japanese Chinese Contrastive Linguistics
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:日中言語対照研究と日本語教育研究会
    Academic country located:Japan

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Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese language education

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese language education

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Language: Chinese
    Title: 定指、分離以及量化規則与語義指向的相関性
    Journal name: 『日本人文社会研究』  vol.第1輯  (p.137 - 154)
    Date of publication: 2023.09
    Author(s): 于康

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese linguistics

  • Language: Chinese
    Title: 応該使用「あげる」還是「与える」
    Journal name: 『日語偏誤与日語教学研究』  vol.第8輯  (p.225 - 231)
    Date of publication: 2023.07
    Author(s): 于康

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese language education

  • Language: Chinese
    Title: 応該使用「君」,還是「あなた」?
    Journal name: 日語偏誤与日語教学研究  vol.第6輯  (p.207 - 214)
    Date of publication: 2021.08
    Author(s): 于 康

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
    Co-author classification: Single Author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese language education

  • Language: Chinese
    Title: 「ただ」的多余使用
    Journal name: 日語副詞的偏誤研究 中  (p.290 - 293)
    Date of publication: 2021.08
    Author(s): 于 康

    Type of publication: Part of collection (book)
    Co-author classification: Single Author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese language education

  • Language: Chinese
    Title: 応該使用「ただ」,還是「たった」?
    Journal name: 日語副詞的偏誤研究 中  (p.278 - 281)
    Date of publication: 2021.08
    Author(s): 于 康

    Type of publication: Part of collection (book)
    Co-author classification: Single Author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese language education

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Language: Chinese
    Title: 『日語名詞的偏誤研究』中
    Publisher: 浙江工商大学出版社
    Date of publication: 2023.06
    Author(s): 于康

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Authorship:Joint author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese language education

  • Language: Chinese
    Title: 日語副詞的偏誤研究 中
    Publisher: 浙江工商大学出版社
    Date of publication: 2021.08
    Author(s): 于 康,徐 愛紅,朴 秀娟,張 超など

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Authorship:Sole author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese language education

  • Language: Chinese
    Title: 日語副詞的偏誤研究 中
    Publisher: 浙江工商大学出版社
    Date of publication: 2021.08
    Author(s): 于 康, 徐 愛紅, 朴 秀娟, 張 超など

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Authorship:Sole author

  • Language: Chinese
    Title: 英語写作偏誤誤料庫的制作与応用
    Publisher: 浙江工商大学出版社
    Date of publication: 2021.03
    Author(s): 于 康,李 翔,田中 良

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Authorship:Joint author
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Foreign language education

  • Language: Chinese
    Title: 英語写作偏誤誤料庫的制作与応用
    Publisher: 浙江工商大学出版社
    Date of publication: 2021.03
    Author(s): 于 康, 李 翔, 田中 良

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Authorship:Joint author

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MISC 【 display / non-display

  • Language:Japanese
    Journal name: 『理』No.20
    Date of publication:2009.09
    Author(s):于 康

    Type of publication:Meeting report

Works 【 display / non-display

  • Work title: 『YUKタグ付き中国語母語話者日本語学習者作文コーパス』Ver.12

    Work type:Other

  • Work title: 『YUKタグ付き中国語母語話者日本語学習者作文コーパス』Ver.10

    Work type:Other

  • Work title: 『YUKタグ付き中国語母語話者日本語学習者作文コーパス』Ver.8

    Work type:Other

Other research activities 【 display / non-display

  • Title:『YUKタグ付き中国語母語話者日本語学習者作文コーパス』Ver.12

    Classification of research achievement:Other

  • Title:『YUKタグ付き中国語母語話者日本語学習者作文コーパス』Ver.10

    Classification of research achievement:Other

  • Title:『YUKタグ付き中国語母語話者日本語学習者作文コーパス』Ver.8

    Classification of research achievement:Other

  • Title:コーパスの構築:『中国語母語話者の日本語習得プロセスコーパス』/3500万字 『中国語母語話者の日本語誤用コーパス』/400万字
    Date:2010.03 - 2011.03

    Classification of research achievement:Other

  • Title:Kwansei Gakuin University School of Economics professor

    Classification of research achievement:Book Review

Awards 【 display / non-display

  • Prize: 学会建設貢献賞
    Date awarded:2018.08
    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.
    Awarding organization:漢日対比語言学研究会(学会)
    Award-winner (group):于 康
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese linguistics

  • Prize: 第5回漢日対比語言学優秀成果賞
    Date awarded:2013.08
    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.
    Awarding organization:漢日対比語言学研究会(学会)
    Award-winner (group):于 康
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese linguistics

Research Projects 【 display / non-display

  • Research category:Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
    Project year:2019.07 - 2021.03

  • Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
    Project year:2016.04 - 2018.03

  • Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
    Project year:2016.04 - 2018.03

  • Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
    Project year:2013.04 - 2015.03

  • Research category:2011年度中国国家社科基金項目
    Project year:2011.07 - 2014.06

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:中日言語教育フォーラム
    International/Domestic presentation:International presentation
    Presentation date:2021.12.11
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:2021年(第13回)日本語教育と日本語学研究国際シンポジウム
    International/Domestic presentation:International presentation
    Presentation date:2021.11.13
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:2021年日本語の誤与及び第二言語習得研究国際シンポジウム
    International/Domestic presentation:International presentation
    Presentation date:2021.08.01
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:日本語習得の研究
    International/Domestic presentation:International presentation
    Presentation date:2021.06.24
    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:日本語の研究
    International/Domestic presentation:International presentation
    Presentation date:2021.06.17
    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech

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Preferred joint research theme 【 display / non-display

  • Preferred joint research theme: 日本語の誤用研究、中国語の誤用研究、日中対照研究
    Joint research form:No Setting
    Possible form for cooperating Industry-Academia Collaboration:Cooperative Research

Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 【 display / non-display

  • Subject:集中講義、2012年01月 ~ 2012年12月
    Institution name:

  • Subject:集中講義、2011年12月
    Institution name:

  • Subject:第5講・標签的制作与語料検索, ≪日語知識≫第12期、2011年12月
    Institution name:

  • Subject:第4講・制作簡易語料庫, ≪日語知識≫第11期、2011年11月
    Institution name:

  • Subject:第3講・語料庫専用文件格式的転換, ≪日語知識≫第10期、2011年10月
    Institution name:

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Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • Organization name:The Association of Japanese Chinese Contrastive Linguistics
    Committee name:編集長、大会委員長

  • Organization name:日中対照言語学会
    Committee name:編集長、大会委員長

  • Organization name:漢日対比語言学研究(協作)会
    Committee name:副会長,大会委員長,常務理事,理事
    Date:2018.08 - 2021.08

  • Organization name:漢日対比語言学研究(協作)会
    Committee name:副会長,大会委員長,常務理事,理事
    Date:2018.08 - 2021.08

  • Organization name:日中言語対照研究と日本語教育研究会
    Committee name:代表

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Social Contribution 【 display / non-display

  • Title:『日中言語研究と日本語教育』審議委員会副委員長、編集員会副編集長、編集委員

  • Title:『日中言語研究と日本語教育』審議委員会副委員長、編集員会副編集長、編集委員

  • Title:『日語研究』(商務印書館)編集委員・レフェリー

  • Title:『日語研究』(商務印書館)編集委員・レフェリー

  • Title:『現代中国語研究』(現代中国語研究会)編集委員・レフェリー
    Date:2000.04 - 2008.04